Drawing the ballots

The matches to finalize the top five finished without major upsets. It was beyond doubt that the top ten were indeed better than those ranked from eleven to twenty.

The matches to decide the top five would happen on the same day. 

With the passage of time only the sun lowered in the sky, not the spectators' enthusiasm. On the contrary. It seemed to have even risen higher.

'I wonder how they will arrange the following matches,' Hex wondered as he heard the crowd screaming in the stands.

'They are probably wondering the same thing. At this point they can't use the rankings anymore.'

Hex was sure that Conrad would try something sleazy this round. It was the best round to eliminate the stronger foes without endangering Clannad's image.

'But he can't have Clannad face the easiest opponent. It will destroy the momentum my old friend has built up so far for himself.'

Right then the hostess started to calm the crowd in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down," she shouted till the voices started to become softer and softer.

"I know how excited you all are to see even more. But before we can have those fights, opponents need to be matched with each other. 

In the first matches we used the ranking of the first round. This time we will draw ballots."

The hostess knew how to rile the public. The spectators were rejoicing. Hex ignored all the commotion happening above.

'Ballots are the easiest way to cheat in front of the whole world. I am certain the opponents are already decided by the council.'

There was no doubt Hex disliked the council. Especially with someone as Conrad as their head, they were not above pulling dirty tricks.

The organizers had finished setting up the stage to start the drawing of ballots. Hex and the others paid attention to the voice of the hostess.

"The first ballot…Erick!"

Everyone in the waiting area turned toward the twins. They, however, were still lost in their own world, sitting cuddled together. The hostess continued.

"Let's see who he will face…the second ballot…Sterling Poundersire!"

A loud gasp could be heard in the stands. That was a battle of great Squires. Both were regarded as part of the strongest contenders for the number one spot.

"I guess the Merchant Union has not colluded with the council or else they wouldn't match these two against each other," Althea whispered, making sure only Hex could hear her.

"That is not certain though," Hex chuckled in reply. Seeing Althea raise a brow, he explained. "Think about it. The Merchant Union thrives on making deals. Who is to say they haven't sold the result of this match to the other party?"

Althea's eyes widened in shock. She realized that the merchants were perfectly capable of doing such a thing. 

She shook her head wryly. It was as if she was saying that the opponents were only increasing. Even someone like her who loved battle, started to feel pressure.

"Don't worry. I am saying we shouldn't jump to hasty conclusions yet," Hex consoled her. "Merchants are always interested in their own gain. They might not wish to lose a town that brings them valuables from the mountains."

Hex knew his speech just served to highlight the untrustworthiness of the merchants but it was genuinely how he viewed them. You never knew exactly which benefits they were aiming for. As such you never knew whether they were honest or not.

Meanwhile the ballots continued. Ericka, the other twin, was matched against Ella Moneiwell. Basically, it was the Viscount against the Merchant Union. 

"Now for the third match…Born and his opponent is…Hex…two sons of Grindeston!"

The people above cheered but down in the waiting area, glares were being exchanged. Born gave Hex a vicious look.

"Finally, I will make you smash your face in the floor today!"

Hearing Born's threat, Hex smiled thoughtfully. 

"You mean the place where your face was a few days ago?"

Born, who had been grinning, almost choked on his own saliva. He wanted to shout but he failed to come up with something. He ended up pointing at Hex in silence.

With a smile Hex averted his eyes. He didn't consider Born as a challenge. It was just the next person to be killed.

His attention was now on the last two matches. By now, four people remained. Two Squires belonging to the Viscount's team, Clannad, and Althea.

'Are they going to make Althea face Clannad?' Hex had a bad premonition about it. He knew how strong Althea was but he was certain Clannad's grandfather knew that too. 

When the names of the other two Squires were called, the arena exploded. Not because of those two. No one even knew them. But with them being drawn against each other, the last match was automatically decided.

Hex tightened his grip on Althea's while his eyes remained fixed on Clannad. His old rival seemed to have expected his gaze. He looked back and winked at Hex.

"He is confident but so am I," Althea said calmly. She looked in Hex's eyes as she said it. Her confidence gave Hex some comfort.

The next matches would occur in the evening. The participants were offered food and drinks. Most were not in the mood to eat though.

Hex ate to his heart fill though. Everything had its time. When he had to fight, he would go all out. And when it was time to eat, he ate. There was no point in fighting on an empty stomach.

Soon, it was time to start the fights. From this round on, the participants weren't required to remain in the waiting area.

A special area in the stands were reserved for them. Under loud cheers Hex and the others made their way to the stands. 

The night lights shone warmly in the arena. The people in the stands shouted and sang.

Hex watched all this as the hostess appeared on the stage. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment everyone has been waiting for. The first match for the top five begins…now!"