It's metal

After Shreya took a bath, ate lunch, and went to have an afternoon nap, her mom started sweating a little.

Not thinking too much about it, she also went to have her afternoon nap.

But, she came down with a very high fever in her sleep.

The spider's venom was rapidly spreading in her body, merging with her DNA, much faster as she slept.

Her sweating became more and more profuse, her breath became erratic, and her heartbeat shot through the roof.

Yet, she couldn't wake up from her sleep.

"Mom! I am going to gym!"

As evening came, Shreya has woken up and was going to gym, but no response came from her parents' bedroom.

Which was weird. Her mom usually woke up by now.

She went to check up on her, but was shocked to see her mother covered in so much sweat.

"Mom! Wake up!"

Even as Shreya shook her, she didn't wake up.

Shreya was going to call the ambulance, before she saw a bite mark on her hand. Which looked pretty recent, and not one that her father could leave on her.

'No... That will be too fanfic-ey...'

Shreya was terrified of the thought, and immediately searched through her bag.

And there was a spiderweb in the water bottle space. And not just any web. It felt like metal. And it had the stainless steel color.

Realising what must have happened, she locked the door, closed all the windows, and made sure that no one could watch what was happening.

She took her cricket bat, and entered her mom's room again.

There are too possibilities of what could happen.

Either her mother will become some new sort of Spider-woman, or like what she read in the wikis, become a monster if she wasn't supposed to be bitten.

And even if she did become Spider-woman, what if some extra limbs grow? What if they are non-retractable?

...They have to move out of this country which is riddled with security cameras.

'What if mom became a monster?'

That thought terrified her. Not only for her mom, but herself as well. A cricket bat can't really do much.

She can't even call the hospital. They would start experimenting on her, and most likely brainwash her into Hydra.

But, she remained in the room. She checked her fever regularly, and felt relief that it wasn't too high to become a lethal threat.

'Why the hell does Dad have to go on a business trip when he is needed here!?'

She was too terrified to call him as well. What if the call is tapped? US government is not really trustable in these cases, especially with higher profile people like her Dad. And the government, CIA, and SHIELD are infested with Hydra.

16 hours passed, and her mother's fever was finally coming down.

Shreya missed her school today, not that it really mattered.

Shreya didn't sleep one bit during this time, and started observing her cheek, and forearm cells under her microscope, which she had bought for studying symbiote in the future.

She compared the cells with her own, and she found some obvious difference between them. Specifically, red, golden, and steel colored (?) pigments.

She even put their cells together in the petri dish, and her cells were taken over by her mom's cells, and then disintegrated.

As her mom's fever kept decreasing, it was now clear that her mom has become a new variety of Spider-woman.

While it was cool, she didn't trust her mother enough to not brag about it.

And there was this thing about cannon events.

Neither Dad nor Shreya herself were 'With great power comes great responsibility' type of people. Even the spidey in question, her mother, wasn't that type of person.

Her family is a basic Hindu family. Not really aware of the philosophy and scriptures, but following one core principle, 'Don't do things to others that you wouldn't like others to do to you'.

The only thing that will push her mother to become Spider-woman will be either her, or her Dad's death. They aren't really close to their hundreds of relatives. The same old property fights has ruined the relationships from both her Dad's and Mom's side.

Now, she has to make sure that she, and her Dad remains alive.

But how?

If there is a school shooting, there is no way to know when will it happen. Or a mugging on the street.

Wait... Her father is oversees. In India to oversee the functioning and setting up of Microsoft India in Hyderabad.

Wait a minute!

If her mother doesn't have a mentality to do something about the street level muggers, what if, they are, terrorists!?


Wait a minute...

It is 2008. Wouldn't 26/11 terrorist attack happen this year only...?

Shreya immediately called her Dad.

"Dad, when are you coming back?"

"Hmmm, two-three more months. But we can meet before that.

You know, Ambani is giving a party in Taj Hotel. He has invited me with the whole family."

Red alarms started going off in Shreya's head.


"Hmm, it's on 26th of November. Why? My princess missing Papa? Hmmm? Where is Shivani?"

"Sleeping. I bunked school today, so she got tired by yelling at me all day."

"Hahaha! I wouldn't yell at my princess. Who do you love more? Mummy, or Papa"

"Obviously you. Anyway, I will call you later. We have to start packing huh?"

"Yeah. Don't pack too much though. I will buy you both new clothes here. Diwali is coming anyway."

"Yeah. Bye!"


Shreya sighed. It's like the world is forcing her to make sure that her mother becomes Spider-woman.

In 26/11 terror attacks, USA had links with the main planner. He was an American citizen, and got only 35 years of jail, where he was probably not treated like a prisoner. He was even an informant for USA.

While it is possible that CIA could be not behind the attack itself, nothing can be said about Hydra. Extremists do get along in fighting a common enemy.

If she tells her Dad to not go, and attack happens, CIA will be watching them extensively, and possibly discover her mom's abilities.

If she fakes an illness to force her Dad to come back, or just not go to Mumbai, then also suspicion will be on them.


Her family wasn't like Peter's which can easily avoid being on radar.


First of all, she will have to explain everything to her mom as soon as she wakes up. Then head to India before-time, and plan things in their farmhouse.

She will have to carefully think things through.

"Ummm... What just happened..."

Shreya looked back at her mother waking up, and she was relieved that she did.

"Mom, catch!"

Shreya threw the phone in her hand, and her mother, who is super good at throwing things, but super bad at catching, caught it like she did it instinctively. With reflexes not possible for her.

"Why did you throw your phone! Money doesn't grow on trees!"

"Mom, I have to tell you something."

"What? And why am I drenched like this? Shreya, what happened?"

"I will tell you. First give me the phone."

She made a face, and tried to put it in my hand.


But my phone was stuck on her hand.

"Did you use superglue on the phone?"

"Use more force."

She did as Shreya said, and the phone got crushed instead as she tried to force it.

"W-what happened!?"

"Now, try to shoot something from your fingers and wrists at the vase there."

"Tell me what happened first! How did I break it!? What's wrong with me!?"

"Just try what I said. I myself am trying to figure it out."

She hesitated, and tried to shoot something out of her wrists and fingers.

And a web came out of her wrists, and fingers, and pulled the vase back to her, which she skilfully catched.

Shreya touched the web, and her finger started bleeding.

"It's metal."

Shreya was somehow, fascinated. And her mother? She was scared. And, she showed it by muttering calmly.