A Way Of Unsolved

Qi Xia looked a little embarrassed. He had already tried it just now. The barbs of this harpoon were very delicate and difficult to pull away from his body.

 Looking at the gurgling blood, Qi Xia was in a trance.

 Are they really dead?

 Will dead people... also be hurt?

 Qi Xia calmed down, now is not the time to think about this problem, but to cut the rope immediately.

 Now that all the harpoons are slowly retreating, how to use other harpoons to cut his rope?

 The only thing that is certain is that when the ropes are all retracted into the wall, all the harpoons will disappear and Han Yimo will die.

 "We have to find a way to get a harpoon...but what on earth are we going to do..." Qi Xia frowned slightly and looked around quickly.

 I can only take another gamble.

 He grabbed two slowly retreating harpoons from the ground and quickly tied their ropes together in a tight knot.

 "Hey! Stop crowding around Han Yimo." Qi Xia said, "Just like me! We must leave at least one harpoon."

 Lin Yu understood what he meant instantly and found two The harpoon was neatly tied into a knot.

 But the knot she tied was in a strange shape, something Qi Xia had never seen before.

 At this moment, he had no time to think too much and could only stare at the two harpoons in front of him.

 As the rope continued to shrink, the two ropes were now tightly pulled together.

 If this momentum continues, it won't be long before one of the ropes breaks, leaving one of them behind.

 Qi Xia slowly stepped back, and the two ropes made a terrifying sound at this moment. If his guess was correct, the rope that broke under such a huge pull might hurt someone.

 Sure enough, the next second, one of the ropes broke with a loud sound.

 The other rope also carried the harpoon and danced irregularly in the air a few times, and then was thrown to the ground hard, leaving a deep mark.

 Qi Xia ran forward, trying to untie the broken rope before the harpoon was retracted to the wall.

 But at this moment, it was discovered that the two ropes that had been tied together had been completely deformed due to the huge pulling force. Needless to say about untying the ropes, even the shape of the ropes was difficult to identify.

 "I'm ready!" Ringo shouted not far away, "Whoever is stronger, go and help cut the writer's rope."


 Qi Xia looked back and found that Ringo's knot was very clever. It will automatically separate when the rope breaks.

 Officer Li hadn't even finished tying the knot at the beginning. After hearing this, he quickly put down the harpoon in his hand and said, "I'll cut it, give it to me!"

 After taking the harpoon, Officer Li took three steps and two steps. With one step, Han Yimo came behind him just as he was about to be pulled to the wall.

 Fortunately, although the harpoon in this hand looks pointed, it also has a small blade at the tip, which is enough to be used as a knife.

 Upon seeing this, Qiao Jiajin stepped forward to help. Although Qi Xia had already thought of a solution immediately, Han Yimo was already less than half a meter away from the wall.

 This tearing pain made Han Yimo unable to resist. He could only follow the rope and slowly retreat, otherwise the barb on his chest would make him miserable.

 Officer Li grabbed the rope behind him. After thinking for a moment, he aimed at the rope closest to Han Yimo's body and began to cut it with a sharp harpoon.

 His hands were very steady, and each cut was accurately cut on the rope.

 But the rope was stronger than expected, and only a small gap was left after several cuts.

 He did a quick visual inspection and realized that things were a bit tricky.

 Although this rope will be cut sooner or later, the most lacking thing now is time.

 In less than a minute, Han Yimo's body would be in contact with the wall, and it would be impossible to cut the rope from behind.

 "I threw it, are you still okay?" Qiao Jiajin asked anxiously, "You are going to kill this pink intestine if you are too slow!"

 "Stop beeping blindly!" Officer Li shouted coldly, and then continued to increase the pressure. strength.

 As Han Yimo's body got closer and closer to the wall, Officer Li's face was covered with sweat.

 It must be said that his psychological quality is very strong. Although the air is filled with tension and depression, he did not make a single mistake when using the tiny harpoon, and each knife hit the previous gap.

 But seeing that Han Yimo was less than thirty centimeters away from the wall, Officer Li could no longer move his arms.

 With quick eyes and quick hands, Qiao Jiajin stood directly behind Han Yimo and used his body to cushion him. In this way, although Han Yimo will be injured prematurely, the distance between him and the wall will not change in a short period of time.

 "Tip! Hurry!"

 Officer Li took a deep breath and continued cutting. At this time, more than half of the rope had been broken, but it was still connected.

 Han Yimo kept wailing in pain. After the harpoon penetrated his body, it stabbed back into his chest with its barb. At this time, his blood had stained his clothes, which looked very scary.

 "Am I going to die..." Han Yimo gritted his teeth and said, "Am I really going to die...Who wants our lives..."

 "Like a man!" Officer Li said seriously, "So many people are trying to save you, don't make me cry!"

 Han Yimo immediately stopped talking when he heard these words. He knew that what Officer Li said was right. Now everyone is running around here. , I can't hold others back.

 The barb penetrated deeply into Han Yimo's flesh and blood, and he groaned and gritted his teeth.

 Upon seeing this, Dr. Zhao immediately picked up a piece of cloth and stuffed it into his mouth.

 After all, people can break their own teeth in extreme pain.

 Everyone gathered around Han Yimo.

 The short twenty seconds seemed like hours, as Officer Li cut the rope meticulously.

 Finally, with the last movement of the knife, the tough rope was separated.

 At the same moment, Han Yimo and Qiao Jiajin both fell to the ground due to lack of strength.

 The people around them immediately stepped forward to support the two of them.

 It looked like Han Yimo had saved his life.

 Dr. Zhao immediately pulled Han Yimo aside and began to examine his wounds. At this time, his wound condition was no different than expected, and he still needed to remove the harpoon from the front.

 The most difficult thing now is the problem of hemostasis.

 Doctor Zhao thought for a long time and finally used a few pieces of cloth to block the wound near Han Yimo's harpoon.

 "Hey, doctor, won't you remove the harpoon from him?" Qiao Jiajin asked.

 "Don't take it, he will die if you take it." Dr. Zhao said with a stern expression.

 "Death?" Qiao Jiajin was a little confused and stepped forward to push Dr. Zhao, "What's going on? We spent so much effort, but you didn't save him?"

 "I was saving him!" Dr. Zhao impatiently shook off Qiao Jiajin's hand, "To put it bluntly, he can only survive if the harpoon remains on him."

 "Why?" Xiao Ran on the side couldn't help but ask.

 "If the harpoon is withdrawn, there will be only a bleeding wound on his body, and death is only a matter of time." Dr. Zhao replied calmly, "Now that the harpoon is left, although he will be in extreme pain, at least he will not He will die from excessive blood loss, and it will not take long for those small wounds to temporarily stop bleeding due to blood clotting.