Another Wave Of

Although everyone did not know much medical knowledge, they generally understood what Dr. Zhao meant.

 Now it is easy for them to withdraw the harpoon, but difficult to sew up a wound.

 "Now that the writer's life has been saved, the only thing we have to do is to leave here as soon as possible, and then find a qualified place to treat his wounds again."

 Dr. Zhao brought everyone's thoughts back to reality with one sentence.

 If they can't leave this weird room, they will end up like Han Yimo sooner or later.

 "But how to leave? Is the "game" over?" Ringo asked, covering his mouth and nose.

 Qi Xia thought carefully and shook his head.

 The mask just said clearly that the person called "Human Dog" hoped they would survive and said "see you after the rain."

 It stands to reason that after this burst of harpoon shots like a torrential rain, the so-called "human dog" will appear, and he may bring the next game.

 But why didn't he show up?

 "Hey, liar." Qiao Jiajin walked slowly to Qi Xia and asked with a serious face, "You can survive, right?"

 "What?" Qi Xia replied coldly, " What does it have to do with you whether I can survive? " "I'm not as smart as you, so I can only find someone to cooperate with," Qiao Jiajin seemed to be recommending, "You have the brains and I have the strength

 , let's work together.

Xia frowned slightly when he heard this.

 "I'm sorry, I'm a liar. I don't intend to trust anyone but myself."

 Before Qiao Jiajin could speak again, a question suddenly came from Officer Li.

 "What is this?"

 After hearing this, everyone turned to look, only to find that Officer Li was carefully examining the harpoon in his hand.

 "What's wrong?"

 Dr. Zhao approached Officer Li and asked cautiously.

 "There is a word." Officer Li handed the harpoon to Dr. Zhao.

 Dr. Zhao took it and looked at it, and his expression changed. Sure enough, there were small words on the tail of this finger-thick harpoon:

 "I am "Human Sheep". If you can see these words, it means you survived."

 "But you guys How many people are alive?"

 "Is anyone injured?"

 "I'm really worried about you."

 "I can't just watch you die."

 "A quarter of an hour later, death will come from the sky

 . , find a way to survive."

 Doctor Zhao gritted his teeth, and then slammed the harpoon to the ground.

 "Think of me as a loser! There will be no end!" He roared loudly, as if he wanted to release all the suppressed emotions so far.

 "Calm down!" Officer Li said in a deep voice, "If you can't control your emotions, how are you going to survive?"

 "Stay alive...? But we are already dead!!" Dr. Zhao finally couldn't bear it anymore. "We are already dead, but we are still tormented by the fear of death. What does the "organizer" want?! Can't he simply kill us or let us go?"

 Everyone's faces were a little ugly at this time. Ah, what do these wave after wave of death threats want to do?

 Is it really necessary to choose a "god" as the sheep-headed man said?

 Is it possible that except for one person who will become a "god", the rest will go to hell?

 "Everyone, we have survived two "games", do you think you are smart? No!" Dr. Zhao clenched his fists hard, "We are so lucky! But what about next time? What about next time?" How long can we survive in this ever-changing room?"

 Officer Li pursed his lips, stepped forward, and grabbed Dr. Zhao's collar: "Hey... my life is at stake in this situation! At this critical moment, the most indispensable thing is "morale"! If you don't want to live, you can die on your own! "

 I..." Dr. Zhao's lips trembled slightly, "How are we going to get out ?" "Is there any way you can take us out?"

 Officer Li pondered for a while and said, "I don't have any way. I just know that as long as I survive, there will be hope for everything.

 " Doctor Zhao walked aside, picked up the harpoon and looked at it, then walked to Han Yimo and looked at the harpoon on his shoulder, and found that the two harpoons had the same words on them.

 It seems that their luck is really good.

 In the previous level, you not only had to avoid fatal attacks, but you also had to leave at least one harpoon to know the clues to the next level.

 "Anyway, at least we gave a clear clue this time." Officer Li read the words on the harpoon carefully and said, "Unlike before, the attack this time will only come from above."

 He pointed at the fish. Cross out the small words "Death is coming from the sky again".

 As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room changed again.

 All the holes on the walls were slowly disappearing at this moment, and the countless holes on the ceiling also began to change places.

 In the end only nine remained.

 There are three holes in each row, for a total of three rows.

 "It seems that the game is getting easier." Officer Li looked at the nine holes on the ceiling and sighed. "This is a blessing in misfortune."

 "But why did he become a "human sheep" again this time? ?" Lawyer Zhang pointed to the body that was torn apart by the harpoon and asked, "Haven't the human sheep been killed by us?"

 Qi Xia thought for a moment and felt strange.

 The sheep-headed man who died just now did call himself a "man-goat", but his mask said "I am a human-dog".

 Now a sheep, now a dog.

 Is this also one of the clues?

 "There's not much time." Officer Li said to everyone, "It's already 1:23, and it won't be long before the nine holes in the sky will shoot harpoons down. Everyone, please pick up the table and stand against the wall. ."

 At this time, most of the tables on the floor were broken into pieces, and only some small ones were still barely usable.

 Fortunately, all nine holes on the ceiling are gathered in the center, so it seems that the wall is safe.

 Everyone silently walked to the ground to pick up the broken table board, and came to stand apart by the wall, away from the hole in the center.

 At this moment, Qi Xia did not move and slowly closed her eyes.

 No matter how you look at it, the third game is too strange.

 Because the "organizer" gave the solution very directly.

 In Qi Xia's opinion, this reminder was very unnecessary.

 Do you want them to die or live?

 Why do we need to explain "human sheep" and "human dog" separately?

 If "human sheep" and "human dog" don't refer to names, what do they mean?

 "Hey, liar, come here quickly!" Qiao Jiajin shouted, "You will die if you stand under the hole!"

 "Death...?" Qi Xia looked at the hole in the sky coldly, "I can't die under this hole. Here, I have a reason to go out."

 "What's going on... Does it seem like the smartest person has become a kid?" Qiao Jiajin was a little confused.

 Qi Xia stretched out her index finger and tapped her temple lightly.

 "Wait a minute... wait a minute... give me some more time."

 Everyone even slowed down their breathing and looked at Qi Xia in the center of the room quietly. Everyone didn't understand why such an obvious game was needed. Think over and over again.