Battle Royale: Introduction 1/2

In the town plaza, all the local people were still there, watching and excited about what was going to happen.

"Defeat the Baron!" they chanted.

"Defeat the Baron!" "Defeat the Baron!"

They continued cheering while looking at a hologram on the bracelets on their wrists.

They had already had a friendly conversation with the new Baron earlier, and he seemed nice and they liked him, but in the game they were watching on their wrists, it was different.

He would be their enemy. And they were curious why he was the enemy.

The gate guards looked up to him, and Captain guard Dylan's family said the Captain also respected the new Baron Wallace.

His fries had managed to make everyone in town become a mana user.

This was a gift that they knew could only be determined by birth, but now because of the actions of the mysterious Baron, they had all become mana users, and now they were watching this.