Back to Earth

As Wallace Vamstroja's ancestral spaceship surged through the vast expanse of space, the familiarity of the Milky Way galaxy was like seeing the mother again in the afternoon after the first day of school with children strangers.

Waves of melancholy smashed his chest like a tidal wave, for it was from this very galaxy, from Earth itself, that he had recently reincarnated into the magical world. And now, here he was, returning once more.

It was so fast, so unreal.

Even if it's a game, he could feel that it was indeed Milky Way galaxy, where Earth was located.

An unexplainable excitement was felt by his blood, causing his face to feel a warm soft hand of the universe. 

This was the very reason he had fought tooth and nail in the Battle Royale—to claim the ancient armor, secure the spaceship, and set his sights on Earth once more.