Unknown Tremor

After the heartfelt conversation with Butler Mendez, Wallace found himself feeling aimless. He took a deep breath, attempting to ground himself in the present moment.

The morning sun was already high in the sky, casting a gentle warmth over everything it touched. Wallace stepped outside onto the veranda, where the soft breeze caressed his face.

The air was fresh, filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers that lined the paths of his estate.

He watched as the maids moved gracefully around the garden, their laughter a soft melody that blended with the chirping of birds.

The vibrant colors of their dresses contrasted beautifully with the lush green of the manicured lawns. Wallace leaned against a marble pillar, closing his eyes to better savor the peaceful ambiance.

The sun's rays were a comforting warmth on his skin, and he felt a rare moment of tranquility.