Chapter 176 The Battle of Romantic Affairs (1)


It wasn't easy to say something nice with thick skin, but his chatty girl suddenly fell silent. What's going on?

The strong hand circling her skinny waist gave a firm squeeze, and if one ignored the warmth in the palm, his words were actually quite serious.

"Why aren't you speaking?"


Her heart was in a flutter, and her mind was in a haze.

What was she supposed to say?

All of a sudden, the girl who seemed a bit off caught on, thinking Liehuo had said something she liked to hear, so she should respond, right?

With a sneaky smile, she admired her own brilliant brain, tiptoed to plant a kiss on his lips, her face rippling with laughter, her coquettish demeanor could rival any dandy visiting courtesans in olden days.

"Sorry, I forgot to say—Liehuo, you're really handsome!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Xing suddenly felt a chill, unsure if it was caused by the mountain breeze or her awkward words.