Chapter 177 The Battle of Romantic Affairs (2)

Looking at her, Xing Liehuo was stunned for a moment but eventually released his grip on her hand.

"You're wrong, I detest war the most, I fight because I have no choice."

"Detest war but have to fight? How so?"

"Only when national mechanisms have perished will there be true peace. Until then, as a soldier, I have no choice but to fight," Xing Liehuo leaned down and kissed her forehead, speaking with great righteousness.

It did seem like sound reasoning.

Alright, her little tantrum lasted less than three minutes before she buried herself in his arms, pondering seriously for a moment before asking, "Liehuo, if there were no wars, what would we need soldiers for? If we can't be soldiers, what would we do then?"

His large hand gently caressed her cheek, Xing Liehuo smiled slightly: "I'll farm, you weave—"