Flashing boyfriend’s bully

His last class was unfortunately algebra, It wasn't only boring but Issac wasn't the best when it came to math. Time seemed to pass incredibly slow as he sat bored with a blank face but all things eventually come to a end as the last bell of the day sounded out signifying his freedom for the rest of the day.

"Finally!" Issac said with a smile in a slightly loud voice.

Some of the other kid's looked over at him but he didn't care enough to mind their gazes as he quickly packed his bag and left the classroom. He wanted to beat the hallway traffic and quickly made his way toward his locker getting his stuff.

'I'll wait for Penny outside' Issac thought waking toward the side of the school and opening one of the door's.

'It's the perfect day for ice cream' Issac thought feeling the blazing sun staring down on him from the sky.

It was very hot but the wind gave a nice breeze making the weather very nice to be in. Issac took a deep breath of the crispy air after being stuck inside of a building all day, After his enjoyment he walked toward a sidewalk that had a short brick wall lining one of the sides and took a seat with his feet dangling off the edge.

"Issac" It didn't take a long wait in the beautiful weather Before he heard his favorite sweet voice coming from the side.

A smile came onto his face after seeing Penny walking down the sidewalk with her hand's on the straps of her backpack. Her short hair swayed with the wind occasionally exposing both of her eye's while creamy thighs rubbed together in a lewd display of skin ship.

"Penny!" Issac had to urge himself to look away from his girlfriends thighs and looked up at her cute face.

"You weren't waiting long were you?" Penny asked as she stood in front of him with a worried look in her eye.

Issac smiled at her cuteness and shook his head with a smile. Penny was always like this, She was very kind and thoughtful always worrying about him before herself, even when they were younger she acted the same way.

"No I just got here" Issac said trying to get rid of Penny's worries before he gestured with his head.

"You ready to leave?" Issac asked and Penny smiled but her smile froze and a worried look came onto her face.

"What happened to your cheek? It's swollen" Penny pulled her hands from her straps and tried to touch Issac's cheek but he pulled back with a fake smile.

"Nothing I'm just clumsy and ran into a door frame" Issac said with a sigh rubbing his cheek before he turned around failing to see a dark look come on Penny's face.

'A door frame' She felt worry go through her body as she looked at Isaac's back and for once in her life she decided to stop being so shy.

"Actually I have to finish a assignment for my English class" Penny said making Issac stop before he looked back with a pout on his face.

"Seriously?" Issac asked and Penny felt bad but she pushed through it with a small smile on her face.

"Yea it's due and I can only work on it in class" Penny said putting her hands behind her back and fidgeting with her finger's.

"I'll meet you at your house later is that okay?" Penny said and although Issac felt sad he didn't want Penny to get a bad grade because of him.

"Yea it's fine" Issac moved forward and kissed Penny's cheek making her blush before he smiled at her and waved.

"Hurry up or I'll be missing you all day" Issac said feeling regretful that he might have to wait to spend time with Penny,

'And I really wanted the handjob' Issac pouted to himself not seeing the dark and glum look on Penny's cute face as he left.

'He won't tell me about it' Penny bit her bottom lip as she dug her finger nails into her palm with a lot of helplessness.

Although she was a shy and introverted girl she wasn't so clueless that she didn't notice things happen in front of her. Although it took her a while to find out she was well aware that some senior's were making it hard for Issac causing her to feel sad and angry.

"I can't just let him endure it" Penny bit her lip harder and turned around toward the school and walked inside.

"H~hey where's Damon and Colten?" Penny felt nervous as she found the first person she saw in the hallways and asked.

"Ugh Colten left already but I think Damon's in the music clubs room? Why?" The older girl who looked like a sophomore asked but Penny only thanked her with a blush and quickly left toward the stairs.

'G~good I didn't want to talk with Colton anyway' Not only was Penny scared of him but she didn't think he would listen to a word she had to say.

'The music room' Penny walked up the stairs looking at all the room's before finally coming toward the end of the hallway.

'You can do it Penny! Just be confident' Penny took a deep breath and pushed open the slightly cracked door.

The room wasn't that large with only one window that was opened letting wind circulate, A couple of desks with a few kinds of instruments sitting around. Penny looked around the empty room before she saw a lone figure leaning against one of the desk's with a phone in his hand.

'Damon' Penny could easily recognize the famous senior that a lot of females classmates went crazy over.

'Issac's much cutter' Despite Damon's good looks Penny definitely thought Issac was more attractive and she didn't understand why her classmates drooled so much over him.

'I can do it' Penny thought building up courage and walked into the room with her footsteps signaling her presence to Damon.

"Hmm?" Damon looked up and he narrowed his eye's after seeing her.

"Are you lost kid?" Damon asked and Penny already felt all her courage leave her body as she came in front of him.

"N~no" Penny stuttered as she looked up at older boy with a face of embarrassment.

"Well what do you want then?" Damon asked with a annoyed expression making Penny even more nervous before she finally spoke.

"L~leave Issac alone.." Penny said as she felt her hands sweat feeling a deep gaze.

"…please" Penny quickly added like a coward as she tried not to look Damon's eye's.

"What? Wait a minute" Damon looked confused before he nodded his head and pointed at Penny with a expression of understanding.

"Your that kid Issacs girlfriend aren't you? Hmm Penny right? " Damon asked with a raised eyebrow and Penny flushed red not expecting Damon to know who she was.

"Y~yes" Penny answered making Issac look toward the door before he laughed slightly with a shake of his head.

"Did that loser beg his girlfriend to ask me to stop?" Damon said making Penny cast a glare at him but it was far from threatening.

"N~No I'm here on my own" Penny said and worked up her courage as she stared at the older boy with resolve.

"S~stop bullying Issac" Penny said making Damon stop laughing before he stared at Penny eye's with a cool look on his face.

"I don't want to" Damon shrugged his shoulders causing Penny to flinch but she didn't stop her glare.

"T~then I'll tell the teacher's" Penny said but Damon only rolled his eye's seemingly bored with another shrug of his shoulders.

"If you want to you can but trust me" Damon said leaning in slightly towering over the much shorter Penny.

"They won't care and I'm sure you already know that or you wouldn't be here talking to me" Damon said and Penny didn't have words to respond as she bit her lip.

The room was quite for a couple of seconds and Penny was burdened by Damon's stare making her look away. Due to her breaking eye contact she failed to notice Damon's eye's trailing down her body lingering at her gifted chest and creamy thighs and his lips curling up.

"But maybe I'll leave him alone" Damon said making Penny look back to with slight hope on her face.

"But.." Damon continued before smiling lightly at the freshman girl in front of him.

"I wonder how far your willing to go to protect that boyfriend of your's?" Damon said with interest and Penny was confused but she didn't hesitate to answer.

"I~I'll do anything!" Penny would always protect Issac not matter what but she didn't understand what her words could mean until Damon's next words.

"Then show me your rack"' Damon said with a smile on his face as he leaned on the desk behind him with his arms crossed.

The room was silent and Penny didn't immediately register what Damon had said and it took a second before her face flushed a dark shade of red.

"W~what?" She stuttered in shock as she looked up at Damon with a red face not understanding his word's.

"You heard me, Pull your tit's out" Damon said once more making sure Penny understood as her gaze went down to her chest and back up to Damon.

"W~what! H~how c~can I do s~such a thing!" Penny was flushed red and filled with embarrassment as she fully understood what Damon wanted her to do and she

subconsciously reached up and covered her chest.

"Well it's your choice" Damon said with a smirk before putting on a thinking face.

"But it means I won't stop messing with Issac and maybe I'll let Colten hit him harder from now on" Damon said with a smile making Penny's eye's go wide with horror as she realized what Damon was saying.

'I~I can't' Penny felt her self stuck in a situation that she didn't want to be in but she slowly realized that there was only one path forward.

'If I don't show him he'll kept bullying Issac' Penny knew that Damon wasn't joking from his gaze and she understood that issac's would have to continue to suffer.

'I~its for Issac' Penny quickly came to a decision as she slowly looked at Damon and nodded her head.

"O~okay I'll do it" Penny said with a low voice full of embarrassment and shame but Damon didn't seem to mind as he licked his lips.

"Hurry up then pull them out" Damon said making Penny bit her lip as her body trembled.

'I~I just need to get it over with' Penny wanted to protect Issac and despite her hesitation she slowly uncrossed her arms and reached for the bottom of her shirt.

Penny had shaky hands as she slowly pulled her white shirt up exposing her creamy thin stomach before pulling it above her chest exposing a purple bra that was being fully filled in. Penny was already as red as a tomato and she couldn't look forward as she reached one hand and wrapped her fingers on the top of her bra.

'Issac's never even seen my breasts' Penny felt guilt that Issac's bully would see her bare breasts before he would but she didn't stop as she slowly yanked the bra down as Damon watched with a smirk.

It was like a damn was breaking as the bra was pulled down and two large and plump breasts bounced elastically into the open.

The two milky breasts looked much to big on Penny's small frame as they slowly settled down sitting completely perky on her bra that was pulled her them.

The two twin milky mountains were pure creamy white and sitting at the voluminous peaks were two extremely puffy nipples that were a bright lewd pink in color.

"H~here" Penny said with a red face and voice of shame as she revealed her bare breasts to the older boy.

"Wow I'm impressed" Damon's eyes brightened as he looked at the two large breasts in front of him.

"Im surprised you were hiding those in that tight shirt of your's" Damon said making Penny blush even harder as she felt Damon's heated gaze on her bare breasts.

"I~is this it? A~are we done?" Penny asked with embarrassment but Damon only smirked at her.

"Why don't you let them bounce around a little" Damon said making Penny freeze and look up at him with a look of humiliation on her face.

'I~I have to' Penny had already come this far for Issac and she could only move forward hiding her humiliation as she nodded her head.

"A~alright" Penny said lowly before she slowly lifted her chest up and brought it back down in a sight motion.

The movement caused the large breasts to bounce lightly making a small ripple travel through the creamy mounds. The moved elasticity before Penny slowly of lifted her chest once more and repeated the motion as her milky breasts bounced around.

"Your breasts really are lewd" Damon said with a heated gaze as he watched the milky breasts bounce up and down in lewd motions.

Penny felt humiliated by his words but she didn't stop as she continued to move her chest up and down. She couldn't believe she was purposely making her breasts shake for her boyfriend's bully but she knew she had no choice as her breasts bounced.

'I~Issac' Even her boyfriend Issac had never been able to see her breasts and yet Damon was getting a full view and even a show.

"I~is that good?" Penny asked not daring to look up into Damon's eye's or she might die of shame.

"No move your chest side to side" Damon said and Penny only nodded her head with a blush as she stopped bouncing her breasts.

She took a deep breath and began to sway her chest from side to side slowly causing a seductive and mesmerizing motion causing the large creamy breasts to swing. The swaying of the milky breasts made Damon smirk as he felt his lower half heat up from the freshman's show.

Penny felt her breasts swing from side to side and she couldn't believe she was doing something like this in front of the older boy she didn't even know. She felt shame and humiliation as she swayed her breasts for a boy who was bullying her boyfriend.

"You don't mind if I feel them do you?" Damon said with a smirk after watching Penny swing her breasts for a couple of seconds.

"W~what?" Penny froze as she heard his word's and looked up at him with wide eye's.

Penny felt fear for a second as she looked into Damon eye's, It was like he was a wolf looking at a rabbit. She felt like prey as she looked up at him and she knew she didn't want to say yes but she also knew that for Issac she didn't have a choice.

After a couple of seconds she slowly nodded her head in agreement not saying anything before she looked back down at the ground in shame. She couldn't bare to look up as she stared at the side of the floor while trembling.

"For a freshmen you definitely have the best tits I've seen" Damon said as he reached out his hand and his words made Penny feel even more shame.

"So soft!" Damon's hand slowly made contact with Penny's bare breast as just fingers sunk into her pliable skin.

'N~no I~it feels weird' Penny shifted uncomfortably as she felt Damon take a large handful of her breast.

'H~he's groping me' She had never felt more shame in her life as her senior and her boyfriend's bully gripped her chest.

"Issac's a lucky guy to get to play with these puppies all the time" Damon said slowly messaging the milky bag of fat with the flesh bulging between his finger's.

Penny flushed at his words and looked away evej more to the side, She better then anyone that Issac had never touched her bare breasts before and he had only felt her breasts from over her shirt. Her boyfriend's bully had touched her bare flesh before he had filling her with guilt as the hand messaged her breast.

"Ughh" Penny couldn't stop a groan falling past her lip's as Damon put more strength into his grip treating Penny's breast as a stress ball.

The soft flesh squished around in his hand as he massaged Penny in a lewd display of groping. He used his thumb and pointer finger to pinch the soft flesh before he used his palm to message the large mound. He squeezed and pulled on Penny's breasts, The soft flesh was incredibly squishy and bouncy as it molded in his hand.

"S~stop it" Penny said embarrassed but Damon smirked before he started to squeeze and pull even harder than before.

Penny bit her lip as she endured the rough groping but she couldn't help but let out small groans and whimpers as her breasts were manhandled. She had never been treated so roughly and know her breasts were being treated like stress toy's for her Isaac's bully.

'I~Issac never grabs me so hard' Penny couldn't help but compare the two feelings filling Shame flow through her body.



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