Forced to flash the soccer team

"You know it's a crime that only I get to see these puppies" Damon said and before Penny could react he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over toward the cracked window.

"W~what are you doing" Penny tried to resist but Damon was much stronger then her as he pulled the window all the way open giving Penny a view field.

"It's soccer practice today" Penny heard Damon's words and her eyes went wide as she saw a field full of boy's who were resting.

Not just them but there were also people sitting near her field talking with friends and doing work, Penny would normally enjoy such a view if she didn't look down and realize her bare breasts were on full display through the open widow for everyone on the field to see.

"Y~you! W~why!" Penny eye's shook as she struggled but Damon held her in place before he whistled loudly.

The whistling caught the attention of a couple of people who looked up at the window before their eyes went wide seeing a large pair of bare breasts. It didn't take long for those boy's to make noise and lean over to their friends as the entire field started to look over toward them.

"S~stop!" Penny panicked seeing dozen's of boy's staring at her bare breasts but she couldn't escape and could only stand still as her milky flesh was exposed.

"Don't worry they can't see your face from this angle" Damon said but Penny didn't stop struggling failing to notice that her movements were making her breasts bounce around lewdly.

'I~Issac' Penny only thought about Issac as she started to hear cheers and whistles from the crowd below.

"It looks like they like the show" Damon smirked seeing the entire soccer team staring at Penny's breasts.

'I wonder what that loser would think if he knew a bunch of guy's saw his girlfriend's tits' Damon smirked before she could reached brought up both of his hands and took two large grips of Penny's bare breasts.

"Ughh" Penny whimpered as she felt the hands grab her breasts from the bottom and start to shake them around.

"Keep whimpering like that it's hot" Damon lewdly shook around Penny's breasts as her face flushed red with humiliation.

'T~there all looking' Penny could see the gazes of more then a dozen guy's staring straight at her nude breasts and some were even taking pictures.

'N~no' She couldn't stop them as she was laid bare to the school but thankfully she breathed out in relief as Damon let go of her breasts and closed the window shade.

"You know I'm sure those pictures will spread through school tomorrow like electricity" Damon said and Penny's eyes grew wide with horror as she realized the pictures of her breasts would go around the school.

'I~if Issac sees!' Penny panicked but she calmed her self down since Issac had never seen her breasts so he couldn't recognize them.

"A~are we d~do~Mmnhh!" Penny spoke with shameful face but before she could react demon moved his head forward and forcefully took Penny's lips with his own.

Penny's eye's went wide with horror as Damon's lips devoured her's in a sloppy and lewd forced kiss. She couldn't believe what was happening but she couldn't escape as Damon grabbed her head with both of his hands while assaulting her lips.

"Mnhhh!" Penny groaned as her boyfriend's bully's lips forcefully meshed with her over and over.

'N~no I can't!' Penny wanted to stop but her lips were being forced to move as she swapped saliva with a boy four years older then her.

"Mnhh damn you taste so sweet" Damon pulled back with a trail of salvia connecting their lips and took a deep breath before pushing forward and continuing his assault.

'Her lips are so plump and soft' Damon had never tasted something so amazing and the little whimpers Penny was making drove him crazy.

"Mnhh!?" Penny groaned but her eye's went wide as Damon shoved his tongue past her plump lips and into her mouth.

The feeling of Damon licking the inside of her mouth made her tremble as she was helpless to do anything but endure it. She could only stay still as Damon invaded her mouth, His wet tongue moved around her mouth tasting every inch of her and exploring her mouth.

'W~why' Her body trembled as her tongue was forcefully entangled with Damon's who seemed to be trying to swallow her whole.

Damon swirled his tongue around Penny's as he enjoyed the taste of her mouth and the feeling of her tongue moving against his. The young girl in front of him was completely inexperienced but her cute and innocent actions only excited him more as he felt a heat fill his body.

He slowly pulled back his tongue before he started to nibble on Penny's lip causing her to groan before he quickly moved back in and pushed his tongue back into her mouth. He moved around tasting every inch of her mouth and rubbing his tongue against hers.

"Tasty" Damon finally pulled back after several minutes of sloppy and heavy kissing making sure to taste every inch of Penny's mouth.

"Your a good kisser" Damon said licking his Lips causing Penny to blush red as she realized mouth had just been violated.

'F~French kiss!' Penny had never been kissed in such a way by Isaac and yet Damon had calmed every inch of her mouth like it was his.


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