chapter Three

After the day ended, John went to his new coach to begin a tough training program to become the strongest. He went to a place in their city they call Martyrs' Square.

When he arrived there, he was surprised that there was no one there. He kept looking here and there and nothing at all, until Ronin Take him by surprise Then he was terrified.

John:Do not do this again

RoninWell, let's stop talking about this, and let's head to what I like to call the Square of Stars.

John:Is it that far away from us?

Ronin:No, not much. As we walk, let me tell you about the type of training you will take. The training will be from a physical and ideological perspective, because demons influence the mind before they kill anyone, by making them fall into sins and transgressions, so You must have a policy of thought limited to integrity and religiosity, but this will not be difficult because you are a good person, aren't you?

John:of corse,Yes.

Ronin:Great, oh look we've arrived!

When John looked at the lost square in the forest, he found it built with metals the likes of which he had never seen before, with decorations and statues that made the place more beautiful.

Ronin:Okay, have you finished inspecting the place? If you continue wearing this, the first exercise will be to improve your physical structure. are you ready?

John:I came here to get stronger, right? I will not leave this place until I reach my goal

This is the spirit of a true warrior, let's get started.

Robin:This is what I want, I'm starting to like it, you know that?As a start we have a full program: thirty push-ups in four sets, twenty-five squats in four sets, fifty pull-ups, and five and a half hours of cardio.Let's get started.

After six hours

John:man,I CAN'T BREATH,My lungs are going to explode, and my body, I can't feel my body.

Ronin: Don't worry, you'll get used to these exercises with time.

John:Over time, what does it mean?

Ronin: I mean we're going to do these exercises until the test.

John: This will be hard.

Orion flight 2067 This space flight will reveal what we found hidden on the moon. A year ago, an unknown structure was spotted on the moon by the trussas space station. They tried to study its identity for six months, but they only found that it was of An origin independent of the moon, something that determines its origin and the material of its composition, is a strange thing, and on November 12, 2066, the latter prepared for a trip called the Orion trip. Because what was discovered on that date is truly historic.


The beginning of the process of exploring what is new, the shuttle will be launched in three, two, one, and amid the cheering of the spectators, the Orion shuttle, which was and still is the best of its kind, takes off and in a few seconds it disappears behind the Earth's atmosphere.

Then why did they send us there, James?

It is said that they have found traces of life on the surface of the moon, and we are going to check that out, Yuri

We reached it, in record time, when the two astronauts landed on the moon. They turned on the communication device between them so that they could communicate without any problems. When they landed on it, they saw another astronaut, whose signal picked up these words.

I remember that day, when I landed for the first time on our Earth's moon. It was a unique experience, and I went through a lot after that, until great destruction came and ended my entire world,my name is the true astronaut .You can also call me Gabriel, now do you want to hit the green tea?