chapter four:Entrance exam

-Before I start training you, I would like to introduce you to my veteran teacher, Old Master Gabriel.

Thus Ronin wanted to introduce his teacher to his student, John, so that he too could gain knowledge from him. John looked at Gabriel in confusion, then said:

-This is an astronaut, what does he have to do with fighting demons?

-I was like that in the past, I lived unforgettable adventures, I lived a bright era, and all that remains is this worn-out suit that keeps me in the view of an astronaut.

-nice, how old are you?

-13 billion years.

-Wow, I mean, how did I live this long?

-You'll know everything in time, boy, but for now, all you have to do is practice with this joker behind me.

-Yes sir!

-Heh,I loved this From you Now we will begin the physical training, and do not think that it will be easy. You will suffer as if you were in hell, struggling.

-It won't be that difficult.

12 hours later.....

-You can say we are done

After this sentence, John collapsed, exhausted after the toughest training.

Until John asks him while catching his breath:

-Have you trained like this in the past?

-Yes, and perhaps more. Come on, you are the chosen one.You have been training like this for a month, and look at yourself, your body is starting to get hot.

Well, take an hour break and then you will take a lesson from my teacher for the first time.

After an hour of rest, John went to Gabriel to teach him a lesson. He then took his notebook and wrote the history of that day. 3/10/2067

Well, tell me what I'm about to tell youThe topic of our lesson is about the greatest engineer,And about How dangerous he is to the worlds.

Before there was any human being on Earth, there were ancient beings, the jinn, created by God in order to worship and unite with Him alone and no one else, and among them was the Great Architect called Lucifer. He was the most devout of people, and he was known for his asceticism and his elevation of desires, until the jinn deviated from what God asked them to do, so he sent against them a massive army of angels who blew the jinn away from their very being, and there were those who were transported outside the earth to Another world like our brother Ronin, but Lucifer was the most amazing. He saw the angels in him as a worshiping being who submits only to God.For this reason, they raised him with him to the highest heaven, where he was ascetic and statured to the level of an angel, until God created Adam, and commanded all the inhabitants of heaven, including the angels, to greet him with prostration. Lucifer refused that, out of hatred in his heart for this being whom God exalted.This was the first time he disobeyed God's commands, so his punishment was to distort his appearance after it was beautiful and pleasing to the beholder.Paradise was forbidden to him, but in return, God would give him eternity in this world so that he could take revenge on the human race. Then God made Adam and his wife Eve live in Paradise until Lucifer came in prepared ways to end all of this and cause Adam to fall to the earth, and the days And the months And the years, decades, centuries, and eras until the present day, and that ominous event had a profound impact on history. He gathered his entourage of demons, who consisted of either demons by birth or rebellion, who had an intense hatred for humans, so do not follow in his footsteps.They are the enemy.

At the end of the lesson, a large-bodied creature, with a distorted face and large horns, comes to attack John with a lightning bolt, so that Ronin can attack him and knock him to the ground.

Gabriel says: Like this one, called Electrico, a continent-level demon who can generate electrical energy up to one hundred million volts, and can travel at tremendous speeds.

I see you know a lot, let's finish this in one fell swoop, electrico said.

With a deceptive shot, the latter hit John with his bullets, and absorbed the energy of Gabriel Lex's suit, so that it did not harm him temporarily.