40: User 1's Interlude II

The transmigrator was walking down a corridor unfamiliar with, but at least he recognized that it's a house. It's difficult for him to walk downstairs when he's merely two years old, but he made it nonetheless.

It's not the first time that his dreams took him to this random house in the mountains. Since it's happening so often, Eden concluded that the System showed it to him for a reason.

He's explored every bit of the bedroom upstairs, and he also finished exploring the small kitchen and dining room. The living room was a bit more interesting than the rest of the house. There were broken picture frames on the floor, but when Eden went to pick it up to see who were in those pictures, every single one of the pictures were blurry.

The system never explained why, so the transmigrator just dropped the subject and went on his way.

Finally, he reached the bottom of the stairs that led to the basement. The door was already open, so he only had to push it to get inside.

His green eyes met another pair of green eyes that were identical to his. The man was sitting on an old mattress, and he's wearing a very loose T-shirt without anything else underneath. Thankfully, his junk was blocked by his leg.

The brunet man stood up as he stared at Eden. From the shape of his legs and arms, he's quite muscular even though he looked like he's about to fall apart mentally and physically any moment. There's cuff around his ankles, chained to the wall behind him.

In that moment, a System interface screen popped up on the man's head to show his name.



Oh, shit. That's the original Eden Ryun!

Before the transmigrator could say anything, the world around him turned black as the system brought him out of the dream world.


Eden got a pair of new shoes.

And a lot of new clothes. Most of them were two sizes bigger than it should be, and he couldn't complain because it's a smart choice. Since his mom is low on cash, having clothes that he could wear for a few years will help their financial situation by a lot. Emiko getting a second job apart from being a dishwasher at a bar will also help with their living situation.

Five minutes after he woke up from the dream where he saw the original Eden Ryun, the transmigrator had to put that dream away in the "think about it later" box in his head because he needed to get ready for the day, starting by going through his morning routine of brushing his teeth with his mom and Linda by his side.

"Bye, bye, my sunshine." Emiko gave her son a kiss on his forehead before she stood up to her full height and opened the door. "Don't forget to get groceries!"

With that, she's off to work.

Today is one of those days where his mom sent him on errands because she's busy at work as a book keeper at a motel. No one should sent their two year old child to do errands for them, but Emiko thought it was alright since Linda will come with him, too.

Eden can't blame his mom for taking advantage of her smart child. As long as the system doesn't say it's OOC, the transmigrator can do whatever he thinks is best for his little family composed of mom, him and their local lunatic woman.

With his huge yellow jacket on to protect himself from the cold, the two year old made his way from their apartment down to the chaotic streets to get some groceries.

Linda was wearing decent clothes, but her hair was unkept, giving her a rather deranged appearance. Thinking on the bright side, the local lunatic woman following him will keep the creeps off his back.

As he made his way down the side walk, he stopped in front of the bakery to smell the bread. He just came here yesterday with his mom, but he could afford stopping for a moment to smell freshly baked bread, especially when Linda was five feet behind him instead of two.

His eyes landed on another toddler standing in the middle of the bakery. Bright purple eyes stared back at him, and his little hands stopped playing with the last button on his dark blue jacket.

System, is that Kaon? Show me his short bio.






LEVEL: 1 ]

Okay, time to move on.

Eden turned around to make sure that Linda is behind him, and he took a few steps away from the bakery's opened doors, just enough to be in front of the bakery to smell the bread but also far enough that he couldn't see the baby villain.

Then, he heard little footsteps coming out of the bakery's threshold, and there he was, the baby villain staring at him. The last time Eden saw the mini villain, he was being held by his parents. Now he could roam free, and he decided to follow the transmigrator.

"Eden..." A gentle hand laid on his head, making the toddler flinch. "Let's go."

"Wait." Eden mumbled back to Linda without taking his eyes off the baby villain. Then, slowly but surely, he waved at the other child. "Hello."

"Haaaiii!" Excitement was evident in the little villain's voice, and he took another step towards Eden.

Behind the cute happy little baby villain, a huge villain with deep red eyes were stalking behind his son. The big man was wary of the lunatic woman that Eden had with him, and he couldn't blame a parent for being worried.

Above the big man's head, the System showed him his short bio:



LEVEL: 21 ]

Over the past few weeks, Eden was told by the system that anyone with a "Level" in their short bios are superpowers, and if their level is more than ten, they're more likely to be a villain. It only made sense that Kaon's parents are villains even though they're teens. Maybe they were villains in the war, but now they're just trying to raise their baby with civilians.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Linda's eyes began watering as he voice cracked at the sight of the father of the child whom she hurt a while back. The big man didn't say anything, instead he just gave her a single nod as of it would calm her down.

That fact didn't detered the little villain from standing in front of Eden and raised his arms. Kaon is a few inches shorter than Eden due to their age differences.

"Yaaaa ah gah!" The toddler began babbling, and Eden's heart started melting in his chest.

He should run and hide, it's natural to run away from your probable future killer, but Eden stood still and stared at the toddler.

What's that proverb again? No one was born evil, only bad circumstances shape people into being evil or force them to become evil.

"Hi." Eden greeted him again, and a smile graced his freckled cheeks. "My name is Eden."

"Mmmm... Jay!" The happy little villain was literally hopping around the transmigrator. "KJ!"

Green eyes moved from the boy to his father who's looking at the interaction. The huge man had a rather proud smile on his face. Next to him, his wife looked like she's holding back tears of joy. She pushed her bag of bread into her husband's hands, and she crouched down to look at the kids eye to eye.

"You made a friend, KJ?" She asked her child, and the little villain nodded.

"Hi." Eden greeted her with a little wave.

"Eden, we need to go." Linda's hand landed on the transmigrator's head again. "The grocery store won't be opened forever."

"Okay." The toddler pouted a little at the woman, and he turned around to look at the baby villain. "Bye, bye."

The happy expression on the little boy's face instantly dropped, sending a pang through Eden's heart. He's so adorable...

Why is the baby villain so adorable?

"KJ, say bye-bye, sweetie." The villain's mom put her hand on her son's shoulder. "We'll see your friend again the next time we're here."

"Bay bye." KJ began waving back at Eden, and the transmigrator waved back.

Linda's hand was lifted off the toddler's head, and she continued walking towards the rundown store. Her steps remained short and slow to make sure that the toddler she's supposed to babysit can keep with her.

Eden gave one last look at his new friend before he quickly jogged to catch up with the local lunatic woman.