A Request in the Parent Group

The buzz created by *Pokémon GO* continued to spread.

After some time, many copycat games started to appear.

To be honest, some designs in these games were quite interesting, but most of them were rushed to ride the VR hype and were visibly low in quality. As a result, most of these games were quickly overshadowed.

Only Tencent's game attracted some attention due to the company's large size and the convenience of logging in. However, compared to Picca's *Pokémon GO*, it still fell short.

After all, *Pokémon GO* was a game that Ren's company had invested a lot of money and time into perfecting. The Pokémon designs were extremely well-made, and the game had the advantage of being released first.

In short, *Pokémon GO* benefited from the right time, place, and people, securing its leading position. Even Tencent's game couldn't shake its dominance.

Ren wasn't too bothered by other companies copying his idea.

In his previous life, such things happened all the time. Small companies would come up with innovative ideas that became popular, and soon enough, big companies would follow suit, using their resources to outcompete the smaller ones, sometimes forcing them to either sell out or shut down.

Ren had seen it all before, so he wasn't surprised.

Moreover, the ideas for his games didn't come from his hard work but from his memories of the previous world. This made him less protective of his creations. The only frustration was the potential financial losses for his company.

However, Ren's attention was soon diverted by another matter.

As his wife, Jada, had restricted his *Pokémon GO* playtime, Ren felt bored. That was when his phone buzzed. It was a message from the parent group.

"Is it another request to help clean the school?" Ren sighed. Being a parent these days was tough. He remembered that back in the day, it was the students who cleaned the school, not the parents. Back then, he actually looked forward to such tasks because it meant no classes.

Ren picked up his phone and saw that the message wasn't from the teacher but from "Xiaopeng's father."

"@Yueyue's Dad, are you the Porter?" Xiaopeng? The name rang a bell. After thinking for a bit, Ren remembered—Xiaopeng was the boy with cancer.

"Yes, that's me. What's up?" Ren replied.

Xiaopeng's father: "Mr. Porter, I'm Xiaopeng's father. My son has cancer and is in New Sea Central Hospital. The doctors say he only has a few months left. His wish is to see Tiga Ultraman. Could you lend us the costume? We can pay for the rental, no matter the cost."

Without thinking, Ren replied: "No need for money. The company will contact you soon."

Reading the grateful messages from Xiaopeng's father, Ren simply replied, "You're welcome."

To Ren, helping fulfill this child's wish was a small gesture.

In his previous life, there were often stories of Ultraman visiting sick children. Now, in this world, it was his company that carried the Ultraman torch.

He wanted to continue this tradition, believing that light must be passed on and will shine again when necessary.

With this in mind, Ren called Jada and explained the situation.

Jada was silent for a moment on the other end of the line. "We can arrange for the costume actors to visit, but I need to check with the agent of the actor who plays Daiko. He might not be available."

"Alright, try your best to get him. Also, don't take any photos or upload anything for publicity."

Ren knew the actor who played Daiko had become very busy since starring as Tiga Ultraman and might not be available to visit the child. He also didn't want to use this situation for publicity, feeling that it would make a mockery of the good deed.

Jada took this matter very seriously.

Setting aside the potential brand image boost, she also felt deep compassion as a parent herself, especially with her second child on the way. Seeing such a young life ending was heart-wrenching, and since this was within her ability, she was determined to help.

Jada promptly contacted the actor, Chang Yebo.

His agent was initially pleased, seeing this as a great opportunity to boost Chang's image. However, upon learning that no publicity was allowed, the agent was less enthusiastic. Without any promotional benefit, why interrupt his other work?

But when Chang heard about the situation, he agreed immediately.

He was grateful to Picca Comics for his career success and didn't see visiting the child as a burden. It was a simple, kind act with no downside.

He and Jada soon arranged a time to visit the hospital.


Days passed, and with the doctor's approval, Chang Yebo and the costume actors went to the hospital.

To avoid attracting a crowd, the actors changed into their costumes in a hospital office, and Chang entered quietly.

In Xiaopeng's room, Xiaopeng lay in bed.

A tablet in front of him played *Tiga Ultraman*. Despite his illness, the boy smiled and faced life bravely.

"Xiaopeng, close your eyes. We have a surprise for you!" his father said, forcing a smile despite his exhaustion and guilt.

"A surprise? What is it?" Xiaopeng asked curiously, tilting his head before obediently closing his eyes.

After a moment, his father said, "Okay, you can open them now."

Xiaopeng opened his eyes slowly, and his mouth dropped open, eyes widening in disbelief.

"Tiga Ultraman! And Daiko!"


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