Arthur Is a Woman?

"A multi-protagonist story?"

At first, Lu Wei thought that Kiritsugu was the main character of the story, judging by the promotional poster and the beginning of the manga.

But as more and more characters appeared, each with distinct descriptions, Lu Wei realized this might be a rare multi-protagonist story.

Multi-protagonist stories are challenging to create, whether in web novels, TV dramas, or manga.

These stories don't have a single main character, so each character's storyline is short and concise. This requires the author to have a strong grasp of plotting and character development.

Creating a multi-protagonist story is often a thankless task. The reviews and impact are polarized: if done well, it receives universal praise; if done poorly, it sinks into obscurity.

However, high risk comes with high reward. If a multi-protagonist story is done well, it's almost guaranteed to be a hit.

This is due to the nature of multi-protagonist stories. Multiple main characters mean multiple storylines that intersect and intertwine. Just thinking about it made Lu Wei excited.

Moreover, the manga features famous characters from history. Could there be an epic battle between Guan Yu and Qin Qiong?

The thought itself was thrilling~~~

With grand-sounding incantations summoning heroic spirits, legendary figures from history once again stood tall on this land!

Although the first episode didn't feature any battles and the Masters hadn't even met each other, just the introduction of these characters made Lu Wei's blood boil.


"Iskandar? Why does that name sound so familiar?" Lu Wei stared at the bearded giant and, after a quick search on his phone, widened his eyes, "What the heck? Wasn't Alexander the Great supposed to be short? How is he so tall and burly?"

According to his research, Alexander the Great was supposed to be shorter than Levi from "Attack on Titan."

Looking at this towering figure, if he was really less than 1.6 meters tall, then Levi would be a giant in comparison.

Although surprised by Alexander's height, Lu Wei found him impressive. With a single swing, he could summon lightning, and the offerings from King Gordius to Zeus appeared before him.

Zeus might not be as revered as the gods in Chinese mythology, but he's still a famous deity in the West!

Besides, cute Illya made Lu Wei feel overwhelmed with her cuteness.

White hair, red eyes, a little loli—just perfect for Chinese fans!

Soon, another surprising character appeared!

King Arthur!

A character often seen in foreign films, but...

King Arthur is always depicted as male! But this King Arthur? A beautiful blonde woman!

Aside from the chest that could be mistaken for a man's, there was nothing male about her.

And this King Arthur was the black-suited beauty from the poster!

Not just Lu Wei, but many people online were leaving comments.

"WTF, Alexander is a giant, and Arthur is a woman? Is the Porter messing around? Did he learn history from his P.E. teacher?"

"I don't see the problem. Who says Alexander has to be short? History is written by the victors; maybe it was maliciously altered by his enemies. And why can't Arthur be a woman? We don't even know if King Arthur actually existed!"

"Exactly. As long as the manga is good, who cares? Besides, did the Porter ever say this was our real-world history? Maybe in the Fate world, Emperor Nero is a woman, and Empress Wu Zetian is a loli!"

"By the way, doesn't Arthur look a lot like Ryougi from 'Kara no Kyoukai'?"

"Don't ask. If you do, the answer is 'Ren's face.'"

Reading the comments, Lu Wei compared Arthur to Ryougi in his mind. They really did look alike. Same face, different hairstyles, almost identical.

Although surprised by the gender swap, the plot continued. Summoning ancient figures to the modern era for battle was intriguing for Lu Wei.

Seeing the heroic spirit summoned by the serial killer Ryuunosuke Uryuu give hope to a boy only to tear him apart, Lu Wei nodded.

This felt right.

There were good and bad famous figures from history.


Seeing the fish-eyed heroic spirit, Lu Wei was curious.

Did people like that exist in ancient times?

Then he remembered Alexander being a giant and Arthur being a woman. A bizarre character wasn't impossible.

This manga was lowering Lu Wei's sense of surprise.

Soon, another puzzling event happened to Daniel.

With the summoning of the last Servant, the Holy Grail War officially began. Kirei, the Master, initiated his plan to have Assassin kill Tohsaka. However, just as Assassin entered the yard to steal the gem, his hand was nailed to the ground by a sword. A disdainful voice followed, making him look towards the source.

"Who permitted you to lift your head, insect?"

"You are not worthy to gaze upon me. Insects should die with their heads down."

Surrounding the golden figure were countless glowing weapons: swords, spears, and various ornate weapons, all aimed at Assassin.

The display was impressive, especially the contemptuous gaze directed at Assassin.

In Lu Wei's experience, such characters usually have two outcomes: they either win in the end, or they get killed due to arrogance.

Of course, with the Porter's unpredictable storytelling, this could be different. But the main issue wasn't this.

In the first episode, it was mentioned that Tohsaka and Kirei appeared to be enemies but were actually allies. Kirei was supposed to help Tohsaka win the war.

Why the sudden assassination attempt?

If this was a rehearsal, it didn't make sense, as Assassin was indeed killed. How could he help after this?

Puzzled, Lu Wei turned the page, only to see "To be continued." He slammed his hand on the table in frustration.

"Damn you, Porter!"


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