The True Identity of the Masked Man

By the way I have a fanfic at 24 chapters rn. It's about American Football, check it out.


The truth is revealed! It turns out the masked man's ability isn't "phasing" but rather shifting parts of his body into a different dimension, making it seem like he passes through objects. Through this battle, Naruto and his allies discover that this masked man's dimension is connected to Kakashi's Kamui dimension!

"No way!"

"That's crazy!"

Although the masked man's face is still hidden beneath his mask, both the characters in the manga—like Kakashi—and the readers have begun to suspect the man's true identity. If you placed his Sharingan and Kakashi's eye on the same face, they would perfectly mirror each other.

The fact that both the masked man and Kakashi can use space-time ninjutsu, and that their dimensions are linked, strongly suggests that the masked man could be Kakashi's former comrade, Uchiha Obito!

But readers soon began doubting this theory. After all, even though Ren trimmed many of the flashbacks, crucial ones were still included in the manga.

"Obito clearly died during the Great Ninja War. I can't see how he could've survived."

"I agree. Plus, this version of Obito is way too strong. He's on a whole other level compared to Kakashi. It doesn't seem likely."

"And didn't Naruto's parents die during the Nine-Tails attack? The Fourth Hokage was Kakashi's teacher, so Obito's teacher as well. How could he kill his own teacher and sensei's wife? Even a monster wouldn't do that."

"I think it's possible. Don't forget, Uchiha Itachi killed his entire clan, including his own parents."

"Maybe it's Uchiha Madara's brother, Uchiha Izuna? The manga hasn't confirmed his death, and it would make sense for someone with a family connection to Madara to carry out such a plan."

"It's definitely Obito! The hints are all there. Just accept it!"

"Maybe it's Shisui Uchiha. Abilities can be similar. Look at Itachi and Sasuke's Sharingan powers. It's possible that the Porter drew it this way on purpose."

The internet was abuzz with endless debates about the masked man's identity.

In the following chapter, the fans eagerly tuned in, hoping to see if their theories were correct.

Kakashi and Guy had their suspicions, but they still hadn't seen the masked man's true face. They attacked with all their might, hoping to unmask him.

Naruto, determined to prove the worth of what had been entrusted to him, entered his Golden Cloak mode and launched a full-power assault on the masked man. Finally, Naruto's Rasengan struck the masked man's face, shattering his mask.

And then, the truth was revealed!

The masked man was indeed Kakashi's long-lost comrade, Uchiha Obito!

The forums discussing the masked man's identity blew up.

"Called it!"

"Haha, no way. This was the Porter messing with us! The more you said it was impossible, the more he made it true!"

When Obito's face was revealed, many readers were left dumbfounded. "WTF? This is insane!" echoed in chat rooms everywhere. How could Obito, of all people, be behind everything?

People were left wondering: Why would Obito do all of this?

And then, another figure entered the scene — Uchiha Madara!

It turned out that Obito and Madara had been conspiring for a long time, plotting the "Eye of the Moon Plan" together.

As the story unfolded, fans learned that Madara had saved Obito after he was crushed by the boulder. Madara helped Obito recover, training him so that Obito could eventually set out to save Kakashi and Rin. But when Obito arrived, he witnessed the horrifying moment when Kakashi killed Rin. This pushed Obito into despair.

Madara then introduced Obito to his plan: a world of illusion, where they could create a reality where Rin lived. This plan convinced Obito to carry out Madara's will, taking on Madara's name and executing the plan for the Moon's Eye.

However, as readers pieced things together, a new theory emerged.

"This is a setup! Madara orchestrated the whole thing!"

It didn't make sense how Madara knew about Obito being trapped under the rocks, nor how he was aware of Kakashi and Rin being ambushed.

Why did Obito arrive just in time to see Rin's death?

Everything seemed too convenient, leading fans to suspect that Madara had engineered the entire situation from the start. However, without concrete evidence, the mystery remained unsolved.

For now, the readers shifted their attention elsewhere. They had a new villain to focus on: Obito. In their eyes, his actions were unforgivable.

He had used his genjutsu to control Yagura, turning the Hidden Mist Village into the "Bloody Mist" and weakening a once-powerful village. This seemed justified as revenge for Rin's death, and fans could sympathize with it.

He had manipulated Nagato, driving him mad after Yahiko's death, and turned the Akatsuki from a peace-seeking organization into a terrorist group focused on gathering tailed beasts.

This was more questionable, but fans could still rationalize it. Obito didn't know Yahiko, so using Nagato for his own ends seemed more like the actions of a ruthless villain.

He had framed the Uchiha Clan for the Nine-Tails attack, directly causing the massacre of the clan alongside Danzo and Itachi.

Again, fans could accept this. Itachi had already set a precedent for such actions. It was just part of the Uchiha's tragic fate.

But when it came to the Nine-Tails attack itself — when Obito manipulated the Nine-Tails to attack the Hidden Leaf, leading to the deaths of Minato and Kushina — that's where fans drew the line.

"How could he do that? The Fourth Hokage and Kushina treated him well! How could he be so cruel?"


For 10 advance chapters: