
In the original world, when Uchiha Obito's true identity was finally revealed, many fans were left speechless by the reasoning behind his actions.

"Rin was my only light. When I lost her, the world became a pitch-black hell. Everything turned to ash, and hope disappeared. Even though I traveled the world under Madara's name, everything I saw just confirmed that this world was broken beyond repair. Even with my Sharingan, I saw nothing but emptiness."

That's right.

Obito, after all his plotting and dark deeds, successfully triggered the Fourth Great Ninja War, with the Moon's Eye Plan close to fruition. Fans thought Obito was a calculating, cold-hearted villain with a grand plan. However, most of his motivation boiled down to one thing: Rin's death.

Yes, a small part of his reasoning was that he thought the world was beyond saving. But the primary driving force was his desire to create a new world where Rin still existed.

Without any real rationale or fairness, he killed his master and his master's wife, slaughtered his clan, and started a world war—all because Rin died.

Couldn't he have aimed higher, at least wanting to become the god of a new world?

Many readers felt that Obito's motivations were shallow. They could understand Obito starting a war for the one he loved. They could even sympathize with his manipulation of others, like Yahiko, Nagato, and the old Akatsuki. But the ultimate reason—Rin's death—felt absurd to most.

When Obito first appeared as the masked man, he was a fan-favorite villain. He seemed like a cold, calculating mastermind. His grasp of deception, lies, and manipulation was excellent, especially when he used the Nine-Tails to attack the Hidden Leaf or orchestrated the Uchiha massacre. Fans admired his intelligence and how he played everyone to his advantage.

But when it all boiled down to Rin's death, fans felt let down.

Ren understood this frustration. So, in his retelling of Naruto, he flipped the priorities.

In the original story, Obito's turn to evil was primarily due to Rin's death, with his belief that the world was hopeless making up only a small part of his motivation. But in Ren's version, the emphasis shifted. While Rin's death still impacted Obito, Ren highlighted his growing disillusionment with the world at large.

"Obito! You used to be so kind. You wanted to become Hokage, remember?" Kakashi shouted at his old friend, hoping to bring back the Obito he once knew. "But look at you now! You've caused so much destruction, all for the Moon's Eye Plan!"

"Heh! I'm not the one who's wrong—the world is!" Obito sneered. "After Rin's death, I traveled the ninja world, and I realized something: kindness is useless!"

"Peace is just an illusion!"

In quick flashes of panels, the manga showed Obito's travels after Rin's death.

He witnessed arguments, violence, wars, and robberies. People's desires were endless, and their minds too complex. Obito believed that only a god could bring order to such a chaotic world. And so, he decided that by unlocking the power of the Rinnegan and Infinite Tsukuyomi, he could control the world and create an illusion of permanent peace. He would become the god of this new world.

Of course, he also had a personal wish—to be reunited with Rin in the illusion.

Ren also changed other aspects of the story. During the Fourth Great Ninja War, fans were frustrated by the actions of Naruto and Minato. Faced with Obito, the man responsible for their family's destruction, Minato's first reaction was to blame himself. Obito shamelessly accepted this guilt and kept berating his former teacher. Naruto, on the other hand, chose to forgive the man who killed his parents and cursed him with the life of a Jinchuriki.

WTF? How could this make sense?

Even worse, Obito was later redeemed by Naruto's infamous "Talk no Jutsu," as if everything could be forgiven with a few kind words. It felt shallow and unearned.

So Ren changed this, too.

In Ren's version, neither Naruto nor Minato forgave Obito. He wasn't redeemed through a simple conversation. By this point in the story, Obito had fully embraced his darkness. He didn't turn good because of Naruto's words. The only reason he helped Naruto and the others was out of spite. He realized that he had been manipulated, and his pride wouldn't allow him to let those who used him have their way. So, he helped fight against Madara and Kaguya out of personal bitterness. Of course, these events hadn't been drawn yet, but Ren had already planned them out.

In Ren's story, Obito's actions had truly angered Naruto. His parents were dead because of Obito, and the ninja world was in ruins because of his plans. Naruto's anger clashed with Obito's twisted sense of justice on the battlefield.

Kakashi tried to reason with Obito, expressing his thoughts, but Obito was too far gone. He prepared to deliver a killing blow to Kakashi.

At that moment, Naruto stepped in and blocked Obito's attack.

Looking at the man who had caused so much suffering, Naruto shouted, "I won't let you kill any more of my friends!"

"That felt great!"

Fans left comments expressing their relief after reading the latest chapter.

"I can't believe the masked man was Obito all along!"

"Man, a guy pushed to darkness by the world. Still, his plan seems so unrealistic."

"Yeah, I agree. Nagato's idea at least made sense—using the tailed beasts as a weapon to bring absolute control, like nukes. That was something I could understand. But Obito just wants everyone trapped in an illusion? That's ridiculous."

"Exactly! What happens when everyone's in an illusion? Don't they still need to eat and drink? Wouldn't they starve?"


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