"I Made a Promise With You"


In the manga, Misaka, determined to save her clone sisters and destroy the experiment, grew more and more resolved to sacrifice herself. She boarded a bus to Academy City's space center, planning to input false information into the Tree Diagram designer.

However, after infiltrating the communication center, she discovered it was completely deserted. She soon realized that the Tree Diagram had already been destroyed.

Meanwhile, Kamijou was still strolling around the city with Sister 10031, casually saying that they should go to a bookstore to buy a book on how to care for cats.

At this point, Daniel let out a puzzled sound as he read the manga.

That was because Kamijou suddenly said something surprising.

He mentioned that there were two people living at his house—one dressed as a nun and the other in a shrine maiden outfit.

"Is this where they start showing Kamijou's relationships?" Daniel marked this part of the manga.

This hinted at something significant.

If, later in the Railgun storyline, the plot includes this nun and shrine maiden, then everything would be clear. However, if these two characters never appear in Railgun, it might mean his earlier speculation was correct.

Kamijou might actually be the protagonist of a different manga, and that manga would likely be bigger in scope and more developed in terms of world-building.

From this single line, Daniel could even guess that Kamijou's story might be a harem-like tale. After all, both nuns and shrine maidens are typically female. And if Railgun was just a side story, it's also likely that Misaka would be part of Kamijou's harem!

She might fall for Kamijou precisely after he saves her clone sisters!

Of course, there was also a chance the nun and shrine maiden were Kamijou's relatives, like sisters. But this seemed unlikely. If they were family, Kamijou probably would've just said so instead of describing them by their outfits.

While Daniel pondered this, the plot continued.

Misaka, frustrated that she couldn't destroy the Tree Diagram, broke into a research building and began causing massive destruction.

Meanwhile, Misaka Sister 10031, standing outside the supermarket, saw Sister 10032 and Accelerator heading into an alley. She left her cat and belongings behind, following them to continue the experiment.

Kamijou, coming out of the convenience store, noticed that Sister 10031 had disappeared. He found her shoes abandoned in an alley and immediately began chasing after her.

At this moment, fans who adored the Misaka Sisters felt a surge of anxiety.

"Please, save her!"

"Don't let Misaka Sister die!"

In their hearts, they were all praying.

Compared to the earlier appearances of the Misaka Sisters, Sister 10031 had had more screen time, and fans had grown even more attached to this clone, who loved cats but couldn't care for them due to her magnetic field.

Watching her face imminent death at the hands of Accelerator, many fans couldn't bear the thought.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Kamijou still didn't make it in time to save her.

Seeing the blood on the ground, Kamijou let out a scream of helpless rage.

And countless fans, seeing this, angrily cursed: "Damn you, Porter!"

The Porter had made them witness yet another Misaka Sister's death.

In the alley, Kamijou found Misaka Sister's body, along with the blood of countless other clones. Determined to find out the truth, Kamijou made his way to Misaka's dorm room. There, Kuroko, hoping to extract information from him, let him in.

And then, the fans saw Kuroko, the perverted girl, lying on Misaka's bed, sniffing her scent.

Normally, fans would have laughed at this.

But now, all they wanted was for Kamijou to quickly uncover the truth and deliver a well-deserved punch to Accelerator.

Sure enough, while searching under Misaka's bed, Kamijou found the classified documents revealing the secret of the Misaka clone experiment—the "Level 6 Shift" project.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kamijou set out to save Sister 10032, following the coordinates to a designated location.

On a bridge, he ran into Misaka, who was trying to continue her destructive mission. Concerned for her safety, Kamijou tried to stop her from engaging in any dangerous actions.

"I'm obviously worried about you!" Kamijou said.

As soon as Kamijou said this, Misaka's expression softened. She stood there in shock, her lips slightly parted.

At that moment, all the fans knew one thing.

A flower was about to be trampled by a pig!

They could almost see the little "+1 +1 +1" signs popping up over Misaka's head, signaling that her affection for Kamijou was rising.

"Ahhh! No! My Misaka!"

"My Biri-Biri is falling for him!"

"Is this... what love feels like?"

"Shocking Misaka for a hundred years."

"Take notes, guys! This is how you woo a girl!"

"Take notes? Please, I don't have two thousand clone sisters to win over!"

"My ship is sinking! I always thought Kuroko and Misaka were endgame!"

Many fans felt heartbroken.

Especially after Kamijou let himself get beaten up without fighting back, and Misaka rewarded him with a lap pillow, fans were even more envious.

"Just wait! I'll save the Misaka Sisters, I promised you!"

At that moment, the story between Kamijou and Misaka took a significant turn.

Meanwhile, Daniel's smile widened.

This moment confirmed his suspicions. He was now certain that Railgun was most likely a side story to a larger manga!

Misaka was clearly just one part of Kamijou's harem!

This realization made Daniel even more excited for the manga the Porter hadn't yet released.

After all, if Railgun was this good, then how amazing would the full story be, with its more developed world and characters?

While Daniel's thoughts drifted to this hypothetical new work, he still appreciated how the current story was progressing.

In the "Sisters" arc, Misaka had been depicted as someone trying to bear the weight of her past mistakes alone. She was determined to fix things by herself.

But now, a man had stepped up to help carry that burden.

She had found salvation!

Kamijou was a real man!

Many fans watching Kamijou head to the experiment site felt the same way.

The only downside for the fans was that this was where the latest chapter of Railgun ended.

They were left feeling unsatisfied.

Knowing they would have to wait another week to see Kamijou deliver a beatdown to Accelerator was agonizing!

In that moment, many fans wished they could lock the Porter in a room and force him to keep drawing.


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