The Ultimate Pickup Artist

It was another day of the new manga issue's release, and across most parts of the country, the temperature had dropped significantly.

It was 7:10 PM.

Outside, the rain was pouring heavily, the raindrops pattering against the windows, forming a curtain of water as they slid down.

At this moment, Daniel was quietly sitting on his couch, his gaze focused on the latest Railgun manga in his hand. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

When Railgun first started serialization, Daniel had dismissed it because of its light yuri elements. But who would have thought he'd end up loving the series so much?

Though, in hindsight, he felt it was probably the Porter's fault.

This series seemed like it was a spinoff of another work, but the Porter didn't follow the usual pattern. Typically, the main story would come out first, followed by a spinoff. But the Porter did things in reverse!

Based on his theory, the main story was likely a harem-centered one. But this guy had drawn the spinoff as a light yuri story first.

So, if anyone missed out on this great manga, Daniel thought the Porter was mostly to blame!


He had witnessed the birth of a legend. He didn't know how high this manga would go in the end, or how amazing the main story, which this spinoff hinted at, would be.

"This is really exciting!"

Muttering to himself, Daniel continued reading the latest issue.

In this new chapter, Kamijou was rushing to the experiment site to save Misaka's clone sister. Misaka Sister had already been beaten by Accelerator, and just in time, Kamijou arrived at the scene.

"You scumbag, get your filthy foot off her!"

"Ugh, it's infuriating!"

Seeing Accelerator step on Misaka Sister's face made fans seethe with anger.

There was no excuse for stepping on a cute girl! Did he not know there were millions of single men in the country?

"Get away from Misaka Sister, you trash!"

When Kamijou said this to the arrogant Accelerator, fans couldn't help but cheer. Despite being bruised and battered, Kamijou stood his ground, and his words were full of confidence.

Many fans had faith in Kamijou's ability. Not only had he survived the Level Upper incident, but here he was, facing someone even stronger than Misaka, a Level 5 esper, and still standing.

However, Accelerator was no ordinary villain. In response to Kamijou's challenge, he ruthlessly kicked Misaka Sister, sending her flying.

Kamijou caught her just in time. When Misaka Sister started belittling herself, Kamijou simply replied, "I don't care about any of that. I'm here to save you, the one and only you!"

Standing between her and Accelerator, Kamijou declared, "So don't even think about dying!"

"Wow, that's such a killer line!"

"Even I'm getting flustered, and I'm a guy!"

"The Porter's dialogue is always on point, whether it's for bragging or flirting."

"No wonder the Porter managed to woo his company's CEO with lines like this! If I had even a fraction of this skill, I wouldn't still be single!"

Many fans found themselves feeling a little heartbroken.

It was hard not to be jealous.

Why was someone as talented as the Porter also so good at flirting?

Wasn't it supposed to be that when God closes a door, He opens a window? Why did it feel like all of the Porter's doors and windows were wide open?

"By the way, doesn't Kamijou still have over nine thousand Misaka Sisters left to save?"

Daniel paused for a moment, realizing something: "And since Misaka Sisters can communicate with each other through the Misaka Network, that means Kamijou basically just flirted with over nine thousand of them at once? He's the ultimate pickup artist!"

This revelation only made Daniel more confident in his earlier theory.

If Kamijou wasn't the main character of the main story, Daniel wouldn't believe it!

But then again, there was that one guy in One Punch Man who had all the perks of being a main character, except he always ended up losing fights…

The battle began.

Although fans didn't like Accelerator as a character, they had to admit his power was fascinating. His ability, Vector Control, was incredibly overpowered.

In simple terms, it allowed him to control the direction of any energy.

As long as it touched his skin, he could freely manipulate kinetic energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, and any other form of energy, reflecting all physical attacks.

That ability sounded utterly broken. In the real world, nearly all attacks are physical in nature and involve some kind of energy vector.

It was practically invincible in a world governed by the laws of physics!

"Go ahead, take a shot at me! Just one touch, and your blood vessels and heart will explode! Right hand? Left hand? Or both?"

Accelerator spread his arms wide, taunting Kamijou to attack. His confidence was written all over his face.

This kind of overwhelming power, while impressive, also filled the audience with dread.

But unfortunately for Accelerator, this time, he'd chosen the wrong opponent!


Accelerator was knocked to the ground, forced to stare up at the moonlit sky!

Kamijou, meanwhile, stood over him, fist raised in triumph.

As Kamijou rained punches down on Accelerator, fans felt a surge of satisfaction. Finally, there was hope for victory!

But sadly, that hope was short-lived.

Even though Accelerator didn't fully understand Kamijou's ability, he quickly deduced that Kamijou's power only negated his Vector Control ability itself, not the effects it created.

For example, if Accelerator were to use his power to launch a boulder at Kamijou, Kamijou might be able to negate the vector manipulation, but not the actual boulder.

With this in mind, Accelerator unleashed a devastating attack that left fans in awe:

A tornado.

Well, technically he just manipulated the air currents to create a whirlwind, but it had the destructive power of a tornado.

Natural disasters are terrifying. Even in the real world, humanity remains small in the face of nature's wrath.

So when Kamijou was knocked unconscious by the force of Accelerator's attack, countless fans were left screaming at their screens: "He's too strong!"

How was Kamijou supposed to win against an enemy like this?

Fans were on the edge of their seats, hearts pounding in suspense.


For 10 advance chapters: