Walking back to the starting point, I paused my movements and faced forward to where all five intense pairs of eyes were gawking at my figure.

Waiting upon the sharp comments that would follow. Yet, to my surprise, it was the total opposite of what I imagined.

"Stunning love."

"Okay, that settles it."

"If you can just give us a moment, we'll announce to you shortly about your results. Thank you, Amera."

The casting directors spoke one after another as they huddled together for their discussion. Appearing as if they were gossiping.

I mentally sighed with relief once they withdrew their eyes from me.

I was nervous.

I never get nervous after my walk, but Karis Margerr is here. Watching my every move like a hawk during my turn.

Of all things she showed up right when I walked in the room.

She made an unexpected appearance because she heard some of the celebrity models were showing up for casting.

'Understandable, but why now?!'

I know I said I wasn't worried about it, but her ferocious eyes are truly intimidating! Everything about her is just as the rumors.

Curse me for thinking otherwise.

While I waited, I tried my best not to show how nervous I kept getting every passing minute. Fisting my hand every now and then, a sort of comfort for myself.

'That damned old man! You swore Karis Margerr didn't have time for the casting today. I trusted you!'

I mean, look at the darn smirk he's giving me across the table behind them while I'm over here sweating my ass off from nerves right now.

He's enjoying it, that's obvious.

I mentally glared at him while sweetly smiling at him on the outside.

James Luthien is the person who I mentioned I knew. He's a very well-known photographer in the industry.

Hard to not recognize him since he's everywhere on social media.

He's mostly known as a photographer for new incoming models or influencers trying to market themselves more out in the entertainment industry.

They all want to work with him, but he's always booked for shows and magazines.

However, if you get the chance to work with him and get in his good side, it'll automatically give you more connections to the industry.

Meaning you'll gain more of the public eye, which results to you catching the eye of big labels and then being signed under them.

Luckily, I was able to manage gaining James Luthien's attention and favor. Now look what I gained from it.

I relaxed a little at his attempt to comfort me by acting like a mime after noticing my stiffness. His expressions were quite amusing.

I smiled and gave him a small thump up, telling him I was fine now even though I knew I wasn't.

He stopped when I did and returned a soft smile. Soon he was called over to where the other casting directors were sitting by Karis Margerr to join their discussion.


I watched as he made his way to them and kept eye contact with him while he did, but immediately broke it off. I tried not to show we were close so they wouldn't think he was showing favoritism.

The first time we met I was fifteen.

His sister Edith had scouted me while I was out to buy my mom a present for her birthday, but interrupted me in the middle of leaving the store.

She had told me she worked for an agency and was scouting new models.

I was suspicious about it, but then I recognized the company's name on the card she gave me. The discovery shocked me.

I always dreamed of being a model.

However, I never tried because I had more important things to focus on. That being my sick mother who later passed away on my eighteenth birthday.

What made things more depressing was she passed away on my first Mogue magazine cover, being away overseas.

I was beyond excited to surprise her on the news about our hard work and best efforts throughout the years. Yet, I wasn't able to tell her or celebrate my birthday with her.

I miss her so much.

Anyway, James and Edith were there for me throughout my journey. They taught me everything I know today.

They were proud of me and shed tears when they witnessed the amount of gigs I was doing and casted for. Especially none other than James Luthien.

The first day I showed up to pose for the camera, he immediately stopped and put his camera down. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed my shoulders and smiled at me as he shouted, "You're the one!"

Everyone in the room froze at his words as he gawped at me wide eyed with sparkles in them. He saw and envisioned my whole career as a fortune teller would.

He had the same expression his sister had when we first met. Like they found a hidden gem. Viewing something in me, nobody else did besides my mother.

Those were the good days of the beginning of my career. I'll forever be grateful.

Glancing towards the front, I caught sight of Karis Margerr inspecting my whole being and then turning around once she did.

Now the nerves have once again sky rocketed back to my system. Just great.

Thankfully, I still kept my cool composure with fake confidence and acting unbothered by everything around me.

'Please, just tell me my results so I can leave. I can't take more anxiety building up from waiting and being here.'

"Alright, thank you for your patience. Hope we didn't make you wait too long, Amera."

"Not at all, Sir Pierre."

I respond to an older man sitting between another female director and Karis Margerr.

"Such a polite attitude. Now, are you ready for the news?"

Nodding my head once, Sir Pierre focused his line of sight towards Mrs. Margerr, which I stiffened.

Luckily, it went unnoticed by everyone in the casting room.

"Amera is it?"

"Yes, Madame."

Gazing at me for a moment, her eyes went to examine my portfolio and comp card as she spoke to me.

"You're 20 years old and started modeling at 15, yet you've immensely done many shows in a matter of time. Impressive."

She took a quick glance at me, then minutes later, she put everything down and gave me her full attention.

"Not only do you have a lot of potential, but you're stunningly beautiful and eye-catching to thee eye in all shapes and forms. It's amazing."

"... thank you, Madame."

I faintly uttered being flustered at Karis Margerr's many complements.

'So far it's going well. Noice.'

Sadly, my hopes slightly shattered by her next words.

"However, it seems you lack actual confidence and more experience with bigger brands."

My heart ached hearing her harsh, yet truthful words.

I could tell she was going to reject with no hesitation. It hurt, but it was fine.

On the bright side, I'll have more opportunities from other shows coming up this year and the next following years that'll follow.

It's not the end of the world.

"Which is why I'd like to change that from now on."

Lost in my own thoughts, I dismissed her words. Gaining more of an aching pain in my heart at the fact of losing a great opportunity.

'Honestly, I don't think I'm actually ready to hear the word no come out of her mouth—Woman, stay positive!'

\( >~<)/

I hissed at myself for the negative mindset that was beginning to consume my state of mind.

If it weren't for the fact I had an audience before me, I would've smacked myself for motivation and proper reasoning.

'It's okay, Amera. Rejection will only ambition your efforts further! Take rejection like a champ in front of them, then cry about it later with ice cream mochi and some iced coffee.'

"So Amera, will you accept being a part of displaying my new collection on the runway one month from now?"

Karis Margerr proposed loudly, with eyes filled with determination. This time, I focused my attention on her words.

'Huh? I'm sorry, did I hear that right?'

My facial expression was full of shock at the news. I knew my face looked goofy because they giggled, looking at my reaction.

"Amera sweetie, correct me if I'm wrong, but based on the sparkling light in your eyes, it's a yes to our offer?"

James commented, trying to help me snap back to my senses. Fortunately, it worked.

'Thank you, James. I owe you one!'

"It would be an honor, Sir Luthien and Mrs. Margerr."

"Glad you agreed to my offer. I look forward to seeing you in rehearsals next week, Amera."

Karis Margerr was the one who spoke this time. Her voice sounded frigid, but her expression showed otherwise.

We smiled at one another before I grabbed my belongings as I thanked them and headed out of the room.

'Thank you, Lord. I'm sincerely grateful!'

I happily made my way out of the short hallway connecting the room holding the castings and the waiting room where the models stayed in.

"Isn't that, Amera? The top rising 'IT' girl model?!"

"Oh my, gosh! You're right!"

"Omg! She's more gorgeous than what the magazines publicize!"

I could overhear the many whispers of the other girls eyeballing me while walking by each of them. Freshly coming out of finishing my casting with the directors.

'Crap... I forgot to put on my tinted sunglasses and black hat.'

Before I arrived to the building, I made sure to cover my face for the sake of my privacy and identity.

It's exactly like the other models have mentioned.

I'm the new rising model walking on the runways across the content. Maybe not the new 'it' girl, but surely as the newly recognized faces in the modeling industry.

Before I would catch the eye of more people, I fastened my pace and made it out of the entrance building. Of course, I put on my disguise.

'Phew, thank goodness.'

Escaping successfully, I turned sideways from the outside entrance, deciding on my destination.

I began walking to the left side of the sidewalk and smiled wickedly, imagining how my next moments would be.

Smirking, I made my way to a taco stand close to where the casting was at. Around five minutes away.

It's my favorite Mexican food stand, there ain't nothing like it. I can already savor the delicious taste in my mouth and tongue. Yummy indeed.

Once I spotted the food stand, I saw there wasn't a line, so I hurried my way over. Happiness displayed as I hopped unconsciously.

'Yes! Finally, I can eat what I've been craving for the past week!'

When I made it to the taco stand, I smiled when I noticed Juan already looking my way, as if he expected my arrival before I did.

"Hey, Amera! How are you?"

Juan's beautiful almond-shaped eyes smiled along with his face as he greeted me.

"Hi, Juan! I've been good, just finished casting for a modeling fashion show. What about you? Are you still bragging about your firstborn?"

I joked with him, since he loved mentioning his newborn daughter to every customer.

That's only because he's a proud father and has a good relationship with them. It's a friendly environment here. I love it.

"That's good to hear and me too! I'm positive you passed, right? Hopefully, you can help my beautiful daughter get some gigs when she's older, no?"

I giggled and smirked at his humor.

I met Juan through my mom since he always gave us extra food whenever my mom bought from his family business.

My mother and Juan became close when he barely started out with his food truck business. It was an exciting and beautiful moment to witness.

My mom was his number one customer and always supported his family in difficult times. She even worked there for some time because they didn't have enough employees to pay at the start.

However, my mom insisted on helping out with no interest and smacked him whenever he tried sneaking money into her purse or jacket.

To this day, I can physically feel my mom's harsh smacks that she gave us both each time she scolded us for something bad we had done.

My shoulder-blades ache just reminiscing about it.

After Juan found out about our situation, he helped us out with whatever it was. Especially with free food, although my mother would hardly allow him and would pay the full price.

"Does this beautiful face look like it's rejected?! Of course not! Better believe I'd be your daughter's guidance in the industry. After all, she's got the best mentor!"

I joked, faking an offended gasp and a cocky attitude at the end.

I always loved joking with Juan. We often tease and fake argued with one another. Exactly what siblings do.

Honestly, he's the protective and sweet older brother I wish I had. Maybe in another lifetime I'll have a caring and loving older brother.

At least, I believe so.

"Hahaha, right kid! Same as usual, Amera?"

"Yes, please and thank you."

Jokes aside, we went to our daily routine whenever I have time to visit. It's always nice to see him and his family.

Good vibes only.

Hearing my response, Juan immediately got into business mode and began making my delicious food.

While I waited, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Picking up my phone, I smiled when noticing I received a message from James.

'I wonder what the old man wants this time. Maybe I forgot something in the casting room??'

Opening my messages, my eyes widened from the shocking message I read on my mobile phone.


Gramps <3:

Congratulations, Mera! :) I'm proud of how much you've accomplished. You're like the granddaughter I couldn't have. Edith and I got a surprise for you this evening! See you until then, brat! <3


A soft smile laid across my lips when I read the touching message James had sent me. I couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

'Damned old gramps! He sure knows how and where to hit my soft spot.'

James isn't one to verbally say sweet words or affectionate ones, but when he does speak on it, it's something one shouldn't take for granted. It's a sacred memory to hold.

The words from the heart are always the ones that make me appreciate and treasure him the most. He's the grandfather I didn't have in my life growing up as a child.

James rarely speaks loving words from the heart because he's always an easygoing person. He's a jokester.

The Luthien siblings are good people.

Deciding to answer James later, I put my phone away while I waited near the taco truck and zoned out.

Looking up at the sky, I noticed there were a lot of fluffy clouds and a pack of birds flying beneath them. The sky was a gorgeous light blue color and the bright sun was hiding in the white clouds.

During my observation, I couldn't help and think about the realistic dream of the purple-eyed man. His eyes were too beautiful to not think of.

'Why do I feel warmth and security in my heart remembering those eyes??'

I have an odd feeling the dream from last night has some sort of importance, but that's just my delusional mind.

Suddenly, my thoughts and images of a particular man of that night replaced the purple jeweled eyes with dark blue ones.

Although it was a dream, my skin got chilling goosebumps thinking of him.

That handsome man is someone I don't want to ever encounter again in my entire existence. He screams literal death.

My heart aches just reminiscing about what I witnessed in my dream.

"Amera, your tacos and drink are ready to go! Hey, are you listening?!"

Flinching at the sudden voice of Juan calling out to me, I shifted my head in his direction and took a few steps forward at the food truck.

Facing his way, I answered him.

"Y-yes, thanks Juan!"

"Yeah, no problem. Whatever's got you overthinking, don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will turn out great for you."

My heart warmed at his words.

"Yeah, I know... thanks again! See you this weekend for my party!!"

"Of course, Amera. I'll see you until then, stay safe!!"

Waving goodbye, I took my food and drink that was placed in a plastic bag and walked away from the food truck to my home sweet home.

However, I changed my plans to go home once I realized that my food would get cold by the time I'd arrive at my apartment.

'I should probably get my dessert and iced coffee after I eat. My apartment is pretty far from here, so I'll eat my lunch once I find a place to eat.'

Walking to the corner of the road, I saw a few people standing and waiting for the streetlight to turn green.

Sighing, I joined in and waited with the rest. Waiting patiently for the street to be passable to cross as I observed the city's beautiful architecture.

My stomach grumbled as I held the bag even tighter, getting a delicious whiff of the taco smell in the air. Each passing second making me hungrier and more impatient to devour the feast in my hands.

'How delicious~<3!'

Thankfully, I did a good job occupying myself from devouring my food by thinking about something that I knew would distract my hungry mind.

'Now that I think about it... should I mention my 'fascinating' dream to James and Edith?'

I didn't know why, but I felt like telling them about it. Not only because they're very close to me, but I can't help and want to tell somebody about it.

After all, I'm just a girl. ( •3•)

Glancing across the street, I watched as the pedestrian sign counted down to cross.

'I wonder if they'd think I'm loca for dreaming about what I assume was the novel I've been obsessing over. I would've thought so. Pfft, their reactions would be hilarious.'

I mentally laughed, imagining their facial expressions of me telling them about last night's dream. What a sight worth seeing.

Walking towards the crosswalk once the pedestrian showed a walking man, I crossed the road thinking no cars would drive in this moment.

The biggest mistake I could ever make.

Distracted by my thoughts, I hadn't noticed a red car speeding my way while crossing the road.

'I can't wait to taste these tacos! I can only imagine the savory taste of the meat and veggies as it fills my mouth. Yummy!'

Last minute, I thought of buying Edith and James their favorite coffee and grab some dessert after I ate.

Almost halfway through the crossroad, I heard the honking of a vehicle and looked towards the direction of the sound.

Next thing I know, my body froze at the realization of my situation and my breathing felt like it stopped for a split second.

I could hear the yelling and desperation of those around the scene.

"Hey girl, watch out!"


My whole perspective went in slow motion exactly as the movies try to interpret. However, my life didn't flash before my eyes like in tv shows or movies.

The only images I had before my tragedy was the scene of those who tried to reach towards me and the expression of those who were terrified of what they were about to witness in the next seconds.


Then everything went black.