Weird enough, my body felt extremely light.

Lighter than usual.

I felt beyond warm and at peace. I felt like I was on cloud nine. It was a strange sensation. One I hadn't ever experienced until now.

'Did I die?'

I paused at the possibility before gathering my thoughts and memories. Reconsidering everything that occurred.

The last thing I could recall was me being on my way to the park to eat lunch. After auditioning as a model for the Karis Fashion Show. Successfully getting approved by the designer herself.

A joyous moment to behold.

However, I blacked out midway on the sidewalk as I was going to treat myself with tacos. To celebrate and reward myself for the accomplishment I achieved in utter tranquil.

In other words, I must've died. Unless I was experiencing a nightmare about death?

'Yeah, right.'

Obviously, I knew it was unlikely. Death being the cruel and unavoidable reality of life.

I wanted to accept it, but I just couldn't. At least, not in the very moment.

'Welp, so much for some tacos to celebrate my dreams, am I right? Who am I kidding. I worked my butt off to get to where I'm at in my career for what? To die? I think not!'

Feeling sad and bitter, I wanted to cry at the fact that I didn't even get the chance to taste the delicious tacos I bought. The feast that was secured in a plastic bag as I held it with my hand before disaster.

Furthermore, not knowing what James and Edith planned for me that very evening worsened both emotions. Wishing deeply I could go back in time and change my fate.

Unfortunately, I had to embrace that's just how my youthful life ended. Considering, others would've wished they could've lived the life I had not too long ago.

Living a harsher life than my own.

Life is just unfair, and that's it. All we can do is make the best of it. Realizing it's actually not as bad as we believed.

Alas, it is what it is for me now. I should solely be grateful for the good times. Although it was hard most of the time.

I could at least say my life surrounded me with a loving mother. Gifting me two wonderful people that I considered as my guardians after my mother's passing.

The amazing grandparents I'd dream as a child. Wishing upon a star to meet them if I had any waiting to take me in. And I did. It was them.

Of course, I didn't forget about the family who treated me as their own as well.

Juan and his wife.

Juan that was like an older brother to me. His wife, Daena, who's a loving sister-in-law and always treated me with so much love.

Their loving daughter, Judith. The little blessing I haven't had the chance to see turn a year old. Grow up as a future superstar.

'I'm going to miss everyone.'

I could only imagine how devastated they would be when they hear about the news of my death. I hate to even picture how heartbroken they'll be when they do.

I didn't want to leave the people I love behind in such an unfair way. Abandoning the hard work and dedication we did for each other.

Especially for my mom. The person who dreamed of seeing me on billboards once I made it to the top of the modeling game.


However, it didn't matter anymore. I wouldn't be able to take the accomplishments, money, fame, and success with me in heaven. Or the afterlife.

At least, I could rest easy with my mom now. If I died and deserve to be with her beyond the gates of heaven.

I really did miss her.

Mentally sighing, I awaited for whatever happens after death. Waiting for something to magically occur, yet nothing did.

'Uhm... okay.'

I gave it a few more minutes, but nothing seemed to happen. My suspicion grew under the circumstances.

Perhaps I was in a coma. Who knew?

Still, I had a strong gut feeling I died because there's no way I survived the car accident. The force of the car colliding with my slim body.

The car that was coming at full speed. Recklessly speeding without a care in the world if they'd injure or kill someone in the process and spot.


I wasn't one to curse, but I couldn't help it when it came to injustice. Or when I was angered and highly startled.

'Should I subconsciously go back to slumber...? Still, how the heck am I suppose to do that? I've never died before?'

Out of nowhere, my body fell from who knows where and I landed on a very hard surface, which caused me to wince in bloody pain.

"What the heck?!!"

Startled by the sudden fall, I rubbed my bum while taking notice of the strange place I randomly spawned upon.

"Huh? Where in the world am I?"

I questioned, confused, at my surroundings as the aching in my bum eased down from the pain caused seconds ago.

Wherever the place I sat upon, there was no uncertainty in my mind that I was physically present in it. Not a dream or a hallucination.

After all, I was able to feel physical pain.

"Why is everything plain white?"

What I saw before me was a dazzling white landscape around me. No sighting of any other soul or source of life except myself.

"This looks like an asylum room for crazy people, but with infinite amount of space."

This place definitely didn't look like the heaven people described once someone died.

Where's the landscape they described with clouds? Or the beautiful golden field? No matter where I looked, all I saw was the infinite white region from all around me.

'So, where am I?'

My gaze lowered from the strange place to my attire. I was wearing the same black pair of clothing I wore for the casting of this morning. The only thing missing were my accessories.

I took notice of my body-state being unscathed from any injury. Strongly believing it left me in a terrible state after the car accident, yet I seemed fine.

No scars. Or wounds to be seen.

"I'm getting a feeling this is neither heaven, hell, or the afterlife."

I murmur to myself as I wrap my arms around myself for comfort. Feeling goosebumps raise upon the skin of my whole body while doing so.

"... a coma. That must be it, right?"

I tried assuring myself as I observed my surroundings once again. Not having a single clue about what was going on.

'Yup, seems about right. It has to be. However...'

"It feels like someone is watching me."

I whisper carefully to myself, thinking of a possibility that someone probably has been eyeing my every move since I've spawned here.

'It seems impossible since I don't see anyone or anything around me.'

I paused, thinking of another possibility.

"Wait, a damn minute. Am I roaming around somewhere humans don't even know of?"

Sadly, my intrusive thoughts got the best of me and I instantly dismissed the previous thoughts. The odd feeling of someone watching me was no longer a worry.

Not realizing I was spot on that someone was actually watching me the entire time. Being entertained by my state of confusion.

"Oh My Goodness! W-what if I've been abducted by aliens!? Crap! What if they're testing out my intelligence as we speak of!?"

I blurted out loudly as my hands smacked my lips, covering my mouth from the shock I felt right after.

"I never imagined I'd be abducted by aliens. Worst-case scenario, I might be a hostage or a fun little experiment of theirs."

My brain slowly ran with wild and absurd ideas of where I might've been. Or what could happen to me.

"Honestly, that makes somewhat sense. Now I just need to figure out an escape plan before the aliens decide to show up."

I murmured to myself. Ignorant of someone or something listening in on my plans of 'escape'.

"Maybe I can knock one out and pretend use them as a hostage to escape? They might let me go if they see one of their friends in a chokehold by me, right?"

"What an idiot."

My ears perked at the insult of another.

"Hey, that's a very rude—"

Shortly, I froze, comprehending there was an intruder with me. A rush of chills ran up my entire spine, causing my shoulders to tense.

"—thing... to.. s-say."

I whispered the last part, a little scared and hesitant about what to expect.

Surprisingly, the voice was smooth and deep. Without a doubt, the voice belonged to a man. Or a male species.

'Who was that?!'

Slowly turning my head around, I saw no sight of who the male's voice belonged to. Not a single sign of another living creature besides me.

It frightened me not seeing the person who literally insulted me.

'Oh, crap! Is that one of the aliens?? If so, I'm screwed! What should I do!?'

I instantly had my eyes scan my entire surroundings again, yet not a single person to be seen. It left me even more confused as my eyebrows furrowed deeper.

"I'm over here, you puny little thing."

"Good heavens!"

I gasped when I heard the same voice once again, but this time, glancing behind me as I held a defensive stance.

"Ehm. Over here idiot."

Facing back straightforward, I saw no one.

I was beyond puzzled at this point.

'Uhm..? What the heck. Am I losing my shit? I don't see anyone!'

At this rate, I wouldn't be shocked if I ended up breaking my neck from all the bloody turning I was doing.

"Uhm.. where exactly ar—?"

"Above you."

The low-pitched voice remarked sternly, not even letting me finish my sentence.

Hearing the voice more clearly, I looked above where the voice came from and directed me to look at. 

Jaw dropping.

Literally, my jaw dropped. It dumbfounded me for a split moment because of the figure floating above me.

'How is that even possible!?'

That's not even the shocking part. If anything, the living being wasn't an alien I envisioned or believed to be. The male is GORGEOUS.

His skin is literally glowing. Resembling a perfectly carved out statue. The facial features being too good to be true.

Not even the models I've worked with could compare to his impeccable beauty. He'd dominate the whole modeling industry with that stunning face.

Once again, my outrageous thoughts got the best of me that I didn't question my safety.

'Have my blood, sweat, and tears finally paid off for all of this?? Do I finally get the romance I've been waiting for all this time?'

I cried out dramatically inside my delusional mind, wiping fake tears. A comical moment for such a serious situation.

'If that's the case... I'll gladly take it. How can I reject a gorgeous celestial looking man, ascending above me? Blessing my now holy eyes. Are you kidding me!? How dare I reject such an offer?'

I couldn't help to peek at the exposed chisel chest hiding behind a fancy robe as I lost myself in my la la land.

'Jeez. Look at that muscular chest hiding behind the blue robe. Clearly, you can tell it's hiding a very nice view inside there, hehe.'


As I dozed off to my naughty thoughts with a huge smug on my face, the gorgeous celestial man immediately crushed all my 'wonderful' fantasies.

"Great. Not only are you an idiot, but a deprived one as well. Here I thought you were just an imbecile who died of misfortune."

The gorgeous celestial sneered sharply with his arms crossed against his chest.

'Never mind, I take that back. He's a ruthless jerk. No longer attractive.'


Yet again, I deserved that. I've read far too many novels and comics that I've allowed my fantasies to invade sanity.

"How long do you plan on having me listen to your stupidity?"

He questioned, very annoyed.

"I should've known those damn brats were playing a trick on me with this idiot."

What I assume was a celestial, muttered like I wasn't even there. Nor did he care.

'I'm offended. This jerk has no shame!'

Feeling offended, I so desperately wanted to slap the living crap out of the gorgeous male. His multiple rude comments aggravated something within me.

Meaning, I wouldn't let any male species belittle me in such a manner.

"Hey! Listen here you jer—!"

"Good, you're back from your, not so, lustful thoughts. Now, lets get to the main point."


"First of all, you've already wasted enough of my precious time."

The gorgeous celestial sneered as he clicked his tongue with an irritated expression.

I didn't even try to continue my previous attempt to defend myself as I listened to his words.

"Second, I'll make it clear and simple for your puny brain. You died. Now, you've reached the point in life where you decide your fate."


'Oh, I died. Of course I did. It's something I already guessed from the jump.'

I frowned at the cruel reality.

"Last but not least, you must pick whether to remain as a ghost on Earth forever or just die with never being known as an existence. So, which shall it be?"


Processing the words the celestial being just spit out bluntly at me, I didn't reply or notice the infinite amount of slandering I got slapped with.

"Hurry up! I don't have anymore time to waste with your likes. Come on now, pick up the pace and choose!"

The celestial shouted, losing every last bit of his patience.

'I only get those two crappy options? Are you serious!? Do the heavens even favor me at this point?'

My distaste for the two options given to me was as clear as day.

"Don't complain. Be thankful you even get a choice, others don't. Greedy human. So yes, consider yourself favored by the heavens."

The celestial stated with an irk appearing on the side of his forehead.

"How would you—WAIT! YOU CAN READ MY MIND!?"

At first, I scoffed at the insolence of the celestial's rude manners, but soon yelled from the shock of his mind-reading power.

'Impossible! This jerk can read my mind!? There's no way he can, right?'

"What are you gawping at? The audacity of your puniness to talk rudely of me. Forget it. I'll just tell the elders that this rude girl deserves to be a forgotten existence."

The celestial spoke as he made a grimaced facial expression while observing my dismayed reaction.

"No choice to be given. What a pity. Here I thought I'd be kind enough to give you that privilege. Oh, well. Goodbye."


Realizing what was going on, I shouted, desperately trying to stop the jerk from leaving without yet picking one of the two choices I had.

"Nope too late. Goodbye now."

Just as the man was about to disappear, I desperately got on my knees and bowed.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness! I take back everything I said!"

The gorgeous celestial slightly turned his head and smirked, then replied proudly.

"Oh, really now?"

"YES, I DO!"

Right away, I sat up and stared at him with a despairing reply.

"Yes, you do on what, exactly?"


"Sigh~, how disappointing."

The celestial frowned and wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye.

"Ah! I take back for addressing you as a ruthless jerk."

I uttered and bowed instantly, since my existence depended on it.


"For not being grateful for you giving me the choice of being a ghost forever or dying, never being known as an existence."



I was dumbfounded as I glanced his way while keeping the bowing posture.

'What else is there for me to apologize for? Did I miss anything?'

Not knowing what else I had to apologize for, the celestial replaced the smug look on his dazzling face with a disappointed one.

When he did, he turned his head away in an offended manner, but slowly turned his head back around.

'Nope. I clearly remember not saying anything more insulting than that. Wait, don't tell me it's because I took back what I said on him being gorgeous? Pfft, yeah right.'

In that moment, my green eyes surveyed the celestial. His silver eyes lit up for just a slight second as I did.


'No way... you're joking, right?'

As he stared in my direction, the celestial awaited for my other apology.

'Phuahaha!! That's hilarious. I'd never imagined a celestial or whatever he is, who wanted someone to fill his pride by praising his looks!'

Reading my thoughts, the celestial shot daggers at me as I instantly zipped the imaginary mouth inside my head.

Making up my mind, I gave him what he wanted. All because my existence is in his hands.

"Oh, please have mercy on me and accept my apologies for my rudeness. Forgive me for taking back on calling you a gorgeous individual. For rejecting your kindness in granting me two choices. How dare I be ungrateful for your breath taking existence."

I gave my 'best' apology in the hopes of the figure before me to accept it and lay me off from exterminating my existence.

"Very well, you're forgiven."

"Yes, thank you for—Wait, it was that simple?"

I blurted out, wide-eyed.

"How rude of—!"

Realizing I almost messed up my chance of 'survival', I quickly recovered and didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Ehm. I mean thank you for forgiving my puny existence, my dashing celestial."

I thanked, looking down.

At first, the celestial didn't respond for some time and almost had me sweat from the nerves, but not until he spoke.

"Well, if you put it that way... I guess I can add another choice for you."


The magical words that came out of those tinted red lips bewildered me as I whipped my head up to look at him.

"Of course, because of the kindness of my dashing existence, I shall grant you a third choice."

Right away, I shut my mouth before saying anything that could ruin my opportunity for whatever he had in mind.

Waiting for him to continue his words, he spoke in a serious tone unlike his calm one before.

"The choice I'm about to give you isn't just granted to anyone. Do you understand what I'm saying? If so, consider yourself a lucky soul."

The celestial's stern expression showed how significant and lucky it is to be granted this rare opportunity.


I nodded my head like an excited child to his statement.

"Alright. I'll have you know that I have given you the choice for another opportunity in life. Only because I'm feeling extra generous today. Of course, I always am, but anyway, what will you choose, Puny?"

His serious tone swiftly changed back to his calm demeanor.

'Did he just decide to name me puny?'

He reminded me of James. Both of them act like tsunderes. Their exterior may seem tough, but their interior is actually soft.

"Quickly! I don't have much time. Which is it?"

I thought the answer was obvious to anyone. The third choice is the best option out of the three. Of course, I would go for another shot at life.

Who'd miss on an opportunity like that? Especially if it's not given to just anyone.

This time, I hoped I'd reincarnate in a lavish and luxurious lifestyle where everything would be handed down to me. Life being easy with no struggle for survival.

Then, an idea popped inside my head.

"Oh, my mighty kind, beautiful celestial. Since you're not only kind, but a generous dazzling light. I suppose you can slide in some requests that this puny existence like myself can add, right?"

I smirked at the brilliant idea. More like the mischievous proposal I didn't finish speaking about. The things I had in mind.

I quickly spoke up before the male celestial got the chance to respond back.

"That is... if you're willing to give your wonderful blessings for the requests of this pesky soul of mine pleads."


Hearing no response, I tried to flatter the celestial by talking as a low-status person and complimenting him even more than earlier.

"Of course, how dare I ask too much of your dazzling self when I'm sure there are plenty of souls out there who deserve your blessings more than me."

I spoke in a sweet, meticulous manner, while poking one of my eyeballs out in my bowing position.

"Okay. What exactly do you have in mind?"

In the speed of light, I lifted my body up to a kneeling position and kept my hands clasped together on my lap.

"Uhm, right. I have only three requests if you don't mind?"

Swaying his head for me to carry on, I continued.

"My first request is that you grant me to be reborn in a never ending rich family. Second, to be born in a female's body. Umm... lastly..."

I paused for some time on my last request because of the embarrassment I was about to reveal out loud.

Of course, someone wasn't considerate enough to notice that.

"Come on, spit it out already."


"I suppose that's all you have to request? I believe we can move on now?"

Before he lost his patience, I finally spoke.


I immediately whispered, being extremely embarrassed.

"What? I couldn't quite hear that. Mind repeating that for me?"

'This jerk! I'm hundred percent sure he heard me with those superpowers. Oh, whatever! It's not like I'll be regretting this later anyway!'

Finally, having the courage to repeat my last request, I spoke loudly, fisting my hands, trying not to display my annoyance.

"I said that my last request is for me to be surrounded by handsome, loving men in my next life!"

'Hearing' my last request this time, he gave me a disgusted look as he retaliated back.

"Yuck! But of course, what did I expect."

"Excuse me!"

I was extremely offended and triggered by his reaction that an irk appeared on the side of my forehead.

"Okay then, your three requests shall be granted."

The celestial gestured his hand in a shooing manner to signify he wanted to move on to the next topic. Giving no mind to his rude insults and arrogant behavior.

'Tch. Whatever.'

"Now that we got that out of the way, keep in mind that I get to choose where you reincarnate. Can't complain about it. Don't want to hear any last regrets. Play by my rules. No take backs, got it?"

I nodded my head, agreeing obediently. Wavering off my irritated and angered emotions.

"Good. So, you must not ruin my image and live for as long as you can, understand?"

Being ignorant about it, I completely disregarded the last sentence and threw him a thumbs up of understanding.

Suddenly, I couldn't help to question something I had stuck in mind since the beginning.

"Before I go, what are you exactly...? I've been referring to you as a celestial the entire time. I'd like to know since I won't be seeing you anymore. Right, not unless I die again."

I asked with curiosity, examining his reaction in which he narrowed his silver eyes at.

As I waited for an answer, the celestial then snapped his fingers, opening what looked like a portal underneath me.

Not given a chance to prepare for the fall into the dark hole, I screamed my lungs out.


"None of your concern. Now scram. Hope you live a long life, Puny~."

The celestial smirked evilly, saying those last words prior to falling down.

'You son of a—!!'

That was the last impression I had before the black portal consumed my vision with darkness and passed out from it.