An early morning, birds could be heard chirping beautifully with their younglings and friends, close to a gorgeous garden in a white residence.

Specifically, a particular joyful bird was chirping with more enthusiasm than the rest of the flock.

The cute little fella, close to the other feathered ones, had spread its shimmering white wings from the branch, ready to take a flight.

Jumping down the nest, it immediately flew above the other cute feathered friends. Flying in circles, signifying its happiness.

The other feathery friends sang more loudly to show their enjoyment regarding their friend's cheerfulness.

Excited by the amused, feathery friends' responses, it flew up and down, hoping the others would join in.

Luckily, they all joined along with their friend.

Leading the group, the bird flew away from their nesting home towards a white residential, passing by a few humans that were standing like frigid statues.

Flying even higher, they all raced towards their usual spot they loved hanging out because of the beautiful view present.

Reaching their destination, every one of them landed in a perfect line on a second-floor balcony railing connected to a luxurious bedroom.

Of course, the cheerful birds chirped to their heart's content, not knowing they'd wake up a particular sleeping beauty from their deep sleep.

• • •



I could hear them chirping.

Singing so happily without a care or worry about the dangers of the world.

'Must be nice.'

As I gained consciousness from the deep slumber, I groaned from the unexpected flashes of the bizarre events prior to my awakening.

The two main events that took place before now. My unfortunate death and the meeting with the celestial who I remember is a narcissistic jerk.

Since the flashbacks hit me at once, it replaced my drowsy brain with a slight headache.

'Ugh.. I clearly remember now. I must've reincarnated just now because of the agreement between the celestial and I.'

Clearly remembering how the stunning celestial didn't even give me a heads up before falling down. At least, he gave me the option to reincarnate instead of merely the other two crappy choices.

Still, everything about yesterday felt like a terrible nightmare, yet it wasn't. The events that took place previously, drained the living crap out of me in every aspect one beheld.

Letting everything sink in, I turned from the position I was recently in, which was laying down on my side to a more comfortable one on my back.

Keeping my eyes closed, I roamed back to my thoughts once more.

'If I reincarnated... then I must be a baby. More specifically, I'm probably a newborn. I guess I'm back to square one again.'

Unconsciously, I made a whining noise from the annoyance and frustration, but quickly noticed it and felt ashamed afterwards.

'Amera, stop it. Be grateful you even get another chance at life!'

Mentally sighing, I puffed my cheeks and furrowed my eyebrows.

How unappreciated of me, but it's a pain to relearn everything again. The amount of years I'll have to focus on the basics of life.

For example, walking, talking, school, a diploma, working, and a future profession.

Imagining what my future may look like again, my muscles grew tense and made me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

However, I tried to ignore it and wanted to go back into slumber as I heard the birds quiet down from their joyful singing.

Peacefully hoping, I'd get plenty of sleep, not knowing what my everyday life would look like from onwards.

Feeling so relaxed at the quietness of the birds silence, I nuzzled my body further into the soft and warm blankets.

'I'm so comfy and tired. I shall doze off to sleep a bit more.'

( ̄ᴗ ̄ ) zzZ zZZ

Before I could drift back to slumber, the feathery fellas began singing even louder, blocking my mind from falling into dreamland.

'Tch. They're too loud.'

Fidgeting around what I assumed was a cradle, I slightly turned to my other side and whined in frustration. As I did, I thought of stretching my tense muscles, believing it could help with my grumpy morning mood.

Stretching my baby arms upward in the air, an aching pain struck me on both of my arms and shoulders.

'Ack! Why does everything hurt so bad!?'

Detecting something strange, I froze for a moment as I kept my eyelids sealed shut and furrowed my eyebrows.

Thinking for a second.

'Hold on. My limbs feel oddly bigger than a baby's limbs. I don't know whether I should be concerned or not.'

If I remembered correctly, growing up, my mother would tell me some babies are born longer than others. I happened to be one of those few instances, which could explain why my limbs felt oddly longer.

When I tried to examine my infant body, I felt an awful sensation strike my head. Almost the feeling of a bloody headache.

As an adult in my past life, I forgot I can't lift my head as a newborn. A strength an infant doesn't have in order to hold their head up, yet the pain resulted from something else.


Although my eyes were closed, I tightened my eyelids harshly from the throbbing sensation.

'Sheesh. Did I hit my head or something? I feel so lightheaded now. Is this the consequence of reincarnation? If that's the case, stupid jerk, you could've warned me beforehand. Now, I'm in so much pain!'

My head was hurting terribly. Close to a migraine in the making.

At least, I could say the celestial jerk was considerate enough to let me keep my memories from my past life.

Then, it suddenly hit me.

The obscure reason I wasn't crying. Crying like an infant would after experiencing any issues or discomfort. A normal reaction for a baby.

To my knowledge, when the female-lead reincarnates in the novels I read, they wail as a baby for any minor inconvenience. Obviously, not only do they cry in books, but also in real life for various reasons.

'So, why am I not crying?? I'm obviously in discomfort with this headache!'

A part of me thought it could be because I had the mentality of an adult.

Still, I possessed the body of a fragile infant. It wasn't logical enough for me to not bawl my eyes out and wail for help. Nonetheless, I had an odd feeling about it.

In the end, I wanted to test something out because of pure curiosity. That being if it's possible to open my eyes and see my surroundings as a newborn.

Of course, only an uneducated fool like myself wouldn't know whether a newborn child could open their eyes after coming out of the womb.

Unfortunately, before I could even take a tiny peek, a few knocks came from a door not too far in the room.

Knock! Knock!


Shortly, I heard an unfamiliar sweet voice coming from the other side of a door.

"Young Miss, I'm coming in."

Not long after, the individual entered what I assumed was the nursery room I stayed at.

'Huh? Who's that?'

Immediately, my survival instincts kicked in. I unconsciously lifted myself up from the cradle to a sitting position without realizing it.

The aching pain no longer mattering.

"I know that the Young Miss is still unconscious, yet I'm hopeful you can hear me in your sleep. If only, you'd wake up... s-soon."

What sounded like a young girl, the sight before her had abruptly stopped her amusing chattering from proceeding any further. Pausing her from moving.

Preventing her from attending to my infant needs, I assume.

The young girl must've been just as astonished as I was because the minute she finished her sentence with hesitation, everything went silent.

Not a speck of a word or sound to be heard from any of us. Simply quietude. Of course, not until she broke the silence.

"H-How are you...? Oh dear! I shall inform Sir Edward at once!"

Rushing out of the bedroom, I was left alone in the bedroom once again.

As the door shut closed, I was in the state of befuddlement, but I was sure my newborn facial expression said otherwise.

Shortly, I reacted like any adult would fret about the circumstance before them.

'Why did she leave in a panic? And a baby alone with no supervision?'

Suddenly, the small pain from my body soon replaced the silence with my discomfort.

"Ouch. So much for being reincarnated."

Slapping my hands against my lips, the unfamiliar childlike voice that came from my mouth, surprised me immensely.

I felt shivers everywhere around my body. Not only surprised by my voice, I was also left confused because I could even speak.

Alert took over me and my hands started scanning my whole torso, to confirm whatever it was I was searching for.

What I discovered was quite the shocker.

'Huh? I'm a...'

A child. I possessed the body of a miniature human creature. Not a newborn, but a bloody child. A small one.

I knew the strange feeling I had before wasn't from overthinking things. Intuition never lies.

Annoyed, I gritted my teeth and hissed.

'That narcissistic jerk! He told me I was going to be reincarnated. Not transmitted to another body! Specifically, a child's body!'

Deep inside, I knew should've analyzed the whole situation more carefully. Still, like a complete idiot, I let my fantasies cloud up my reasoning.

Now, I ended up like this because of my idiotic mistake. My greediness got the best of me.

"Oh, just wait till I see your insolent face again you jer—wait a second."

I cut off the insults when I realized an important factor. A major key point.

The possession of a child's body. Precisely, the ability that a child has and can do. A skill I wasn't sure a newborn could be capable of doing.

Now, I took note that I could open my eyes, knowing I wasn't a newborn. Capable of observing my surroundings without any interference.

'Finally, I can confirm my surroundings without having to wait it out!'

Alas, when I briefly attempted to open my eyes, a burning sensation struck without a bloody warning. I wanted to cry from the excruciating pain, but I stopped myself from doing so.

'Ack! Why do my eyes burn so badly!? Also, why does it feel like I can't open them!?'

"Tch. This isn't normal at—"

The sound of a door being slammed open, cut off my groaning, leaving me more startled than before.

"Oh, goodness! The Little Miss really is awake! Tell Liam to hurry!"

An old man's raspy voice yelled in a panic.

Making the worst mistake by trying to open my eyelids a second time, I met the same burning sensation and hissed from agony.

'Ack! Curse this pain!'

"Little Miss, are you alright? Where does it hurt? Where exactly are you feeling discomfort?"

"Young Miss, if you need anything, let me know and I'll immediately attend to you."

Two worried voices overlapped each other, being the girl's sweet voice from earlier and the old man's raspy voice.

When I turned toward the direction of their voices, I felt lightheaded and dizzy.


The throbbing ache, caused me to lean my face downwards on the bed as I cradled my head with one of my hands.

"Young Miss, take it easy. You've only woken up. Please don't try to over do it."

The old man spoke with sadness.

Reaching towards me, he carefully laid me down gently on the mattress with his arms. Once he laid me against the pillow; he covered my body with silk sheets.

The fabric felt expensive. A texture I hadn't noticed or paid mind to beforehand.

Pleased by the fact, I breathed out a sigh of relief. My tense muscles relaxed and my mind eased down prior to almost panicking because of my worrisome physical state.

"Sir Edward, the doctor is here."

A man imparted with a stern voice.

I felt gratified knowing a doctor arrived to examine my condition. I only hoped it wouldn't be anything too serious.

"Yes, let him in."

The old man, apparently addressed as Sir Edward, replied impatiently.

Shortly, I heard someone's footsteps entering the bedroom as Sir Edward guided the person in my direction while being welcomed.

Presumably the doctor.

"Sir Edward, what seems to be the problem with the girl?"

Who I imagined would be an old man as the doctor turned out to be a young man questioning Sir Edward near where I laid down.

His voice was appealing that I almost became a bashful mess, but his rude tone and response towards me prevented such a reaction. Despite how attractive and manly his voice sounded.

'Huh? Why does he sound annoyed by me? I'm his patient, am I not?'

"The Young Miss has gained her conscious. Yet, she appears to be in physical pain."

Sir Edward apprised the young doctor.

"What?—Impossible. She's been in a coma for months. There's no way, especially in the horrible condition we saw her in after the incident."

As I laid on the mattress, the young doctor only then noticed my conscious state when Sir Edward informed him of the news, which left him shocked from disbelief.

I suppose we were both in disbelief and surprised, but for opposite reasons.

The young doctor shocked by my conscious state. Whereas I am from the horrendous and shocking news of the cause of my physical state.

'An incident!? What exactly happened to this poor girl before I possessed her body? Whatever it was, it must've been horrible if she was in a coma for months!'

The incident must've been terrible enough for another soul to live in her body. Replacing her with another to make up for her death.

I felt bad for her and her poor family.

'Wait a minute.'

After a moment, I truly comprehended the devastating effect of the incident. The one aligning with the situation.

As a result, I clouded out the ongoing serious conversation between Sir Edward and the doctor, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.

'D-Don't tell me she died, and that's why I've possessed her body...? How terrible.'

I felt immense guilt and tried to sit up from the discomfort of it, but someone stopped me before I could lift myself up.

"Young Miss, don't overwork your body. Please tell me when you need something or want something done for you."

The young girl spoke softly. The sympathy in her voice was clear in her actions as she rested me back down carefully. Ensuring I'm not harmed.


Alas, I couldn't reply properly and coughed like a lunatic from the sudden dryness in my sore throat.

'Jeez... how embarrassing.'

Thankfully, the girl handed me a glass of water and helped me drink it while letting me lean on her body for support.

As my lips touched the glass and I slowly drank the water, I felt satisfied and physically better.

Even my taste buds and body were pleased with how delicious the water tasted. To the extent, I chugged the whole thing with no mercy.

'Goodness, I forget how delicious water tastes! It's so good!'

The second I chugged the whole glass of delicious water, I heard a faint, yet audible, giggle from the young girl.

Her giggle was lovely. Cuter than the laugh I had in my previous life, along with her pretty voice.

'I bet her face even matches her voice. How adorable.'

( ^▽^ ).。o♡

Before I knew it, I zoned out and smiled like an utter fool from the purity of the young girl beside me. One could even envision invisible, fuzzy clouds floating around me from the joyful youth of a youngster.

Reminding me of the blissful days from my previous life. The days with my mother and everyone I treasured.

I couldn't help but miss and yearn to see them again. Despite if it'd be one last time.

As my soul longed for my loved ones, the girl then laid me down again after a while and stood up from the mattress. Walking somewhere away in a near distance of the bed.

"It appears the boss will have to arrive earlier than expected. You. Report the circumstances to the boss, immediately."

The doctor's order at another to report to a so called 'boss', snapped me out of my yearning when hearing his harshness and urgency.

"Right away, Sir."

The man who informed Sir Edward upon the doctor's arrival replied emotionlessly.

"You may leave."

The doctor coldly dismissed, to which the man quickly obeyed to before departing.

'I thought doctors were supposed to be calming and nice? Not dismissive and unfriendly. I reckon he's an exception to that standard.'

"Young Miss, is anything the matter? I was informed you have awoken groaning from the pain of your injuries. Is that true?"

For some unknown reason, the doctor's full attention unsettled me.

Although I couldn't see his expression, his gaze gave the sensation he was watching my every move, ensuring I wouldn't make some sort of mistake.

I couldn't guess the reason behind it. Simply, having a gut feeling I shouldn't fully trust him and should keep my guard up whenever he's around.

Moments after waiting for an answer, I replied to the doctor with an honest declaration that I knew I can't play off as an act.

"Umm, excuse me. This may come out as rude, but who are you? Where am I and who am I?"

The act being pretending to know who these people are and who I am, thus trying to imitate the previous owner of this body before the incident.

Only to be eventually caught for miserably failing to portrait the original Young Miss. Angering them to kill me on the spot for believing a demon possessed the little girl's body.

A future I didn't plan to aim for.

"Do you mind explaining to me what's going on? I'm so lost."

I asked with a fake worried tone, but unfortunately, he replied in silence.


I expected somebody else to fill me in, since the doctor seemed to be in more of a shock, but nobody spoke.

'Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden? Are they that startled by my statement?'

At last, the doctor spoke, but his attractive voice feigned his concern for me.

"Do you recall or feel familiar with who you are? Your name?"

He questioned as he lowered himself close to my laying form. He seemed more worried about the information than my actual well-being.

"No, sir."

I replied with a simple lie.

Of course, I did know who I was, but not the little girl they assumed I was. A detail they didn't have to know or be aware of.

I only kept quiet about it, since it's valuable information only I should know. Especially considering the dangers it could bring to me later on if someone were to know.

"Do you remember anything before waking up? Perhaps on what happened to you?"

The doctor asked, while scanning my whole being, yet sounding suspicious when asking.

It's as if he knew something that wasn't meant to be discovered by anyone. If they did, they'd meet their end for being aware of it.

Acting oblivious of his behavior, I answered the doctor like a person with amnesia.

"N-No. I can't seem to recall anything."

Though I wish I knew so, I would have a clue about my surroundings and situation. Then, I could freely explore without the worry of any prying eyes surveilling my every move.

"Do you remember your family?"


The pointless questions dumbfounded me, but I covered it by lowering my head to portrait a sad child.

I didn't understand what part of me not remembering did the doctor not comprehend? Did he believe I was bluffing?


He was trying to instigate me. Assuring I would reveal whatever he thought I knew. His behavior only added further to my suspicions and curiosity.

'Hmm.. dubious indeed.'

"Liam, the Young Miss clearly remembers nothing, so stop asking her these useless questions."

Thankfully, Sir Edward stopped him from questioning me any further.

'So, that's his name. Liam. Good to know. However, why does his name leave a poor taste in my mouth?'

"I'm asking the girl these simple questions to determine whether her memory loss is critical. No need to worry, Sir Edward."

The doctor uttered calmly, displaying harmless intent.

Even then, I could read through his act and hear his annoyance at his interrogation being interrupted. His neglect to hide or fix his poor manners was visibly insignificant to him.

'Tch. How many more insolent jerks am I going to meet, huh? I'm hardly intimidated by him, thanks to his rude demeanor. Anyway, my main concern is why I can't see? Am I blind?'

Unconsciously, I lifted my head and moved it in various directions. Noticing my slight panic, the doctor answered my concern about something particular.

"You were in an incident that nearly caused your sight. You're recovering from it and not blind. I simply covered your eyes with bandages for them to heal, which explains why you can't see."

He informed me as he sat on a chair beside me and analyzed my body's condition for the last couple of minutes.

"... yes, thank you."

I thanked awkwardly, unsure of how to respond since I didn't quite fancy him.

"That being said, the condition of the Young Miss isn't serious, but neither is she in good health. She's going to need plenty of rest and care, Sir Edward."

"Of course, Doctor."

"Make sure you give her the medication I prescribe her only three times a day after a full meal. Nothing above that amount."

Doctor Liam instructed to Sir Edward.

"Also, the Young Miss meets all the symptoms of having amnesia. I'll be visiting once in a while to check up on her state of health. After all, I have other patients I must attend to as well."

"Yes, I understand, Doctor."

"Otherwise, if an emergency occurs, please contact me immediately."

He then strode up from the chair with footsteps heading out the door, but paused for a moment before speaking.

"Does El Jefe know about that?"

"Devon has already contacted the boss, so there's no need to concern yourself more, Doc."

"What about him?"

"He... I'll inform him when he's not occupied with the duties the boss ordered him to finish off."

"It's best if you don't. It'd only be bothersome for him."

"I suppose you're right."

Nobody spoke any further, only making the room atmosphere awkward and tense. Whatever they were discussing seemed to be a very touchy subject.

Useful information I'd be aware of.

Still, I was curious about who they were conversing about. Who this 'El Jefe' was? Or the other party who also needed to be informed about what they were mysteriously discussing?

Nobody seemed to consider or take notice that they were completely excluding a poor girl with 'amnesia' out of what most definitely sounded concerning.

Thinking for another second, I noted they hadn't answered a single question of mine. It bothered me, yet it didn't hurt to ask a second time.

"Excuse me, but can anyone tell me what's going on? Or who I am? I'm getting frightened and worried."

I voiced with an unsteady, worried tone, trying to display a poor and timid lost girl.

'Please let this work.'

"Why yes, Little Miss—"

"It's best if you don't tell her. It'll only be devastating for her if she finds out now and will cause a decrease on her recovery."

The doctor interrupted Sir Edward, leaving me completely annoyed at his suggestion.

"Yes... forgive me, Little Miss, but I'll enlighten you once you've fully recovered."

"Yes, it's for your own good, so we hope you're considerate enough this time to understand, Young Miss."

The doctor emphasized in a forced polite manner.

'Why does it sound like he's tryna get at me with something? And what does 'be considerate enough this time to understand' supposed to mean, you jerk!?'

Could he be suggesting the little girl was a brat before I took over? Possibly.

"Liam, I advise you leave now."

"Yes, I'll be on my way now. I bid my goodbyes to you. I hope you recover quickly and aren't harsh on yourself because it'll only worry us, Young Miss."

Liam voiced with his notion of 'courtesy'.

If it weren't for the bandages covering my eyes and half my head, I'm sure it'd expose an irk on my forehead from the insults concealed in his cheeky wording.

'Sarcastic jerk, you're lucky I've built enough patience for snarky people like yourself! Thanks to the modeling industry.'

There's nothing more false than various influencers and celebrities feigning being sweet, but solely spit out venomous insults hidden in their 'smiles' or 'flattering' words.

Two could play that game.

"Yes, thank you very much. I am very grateful for your hospitality, but I apologize for the inconvenience I've given you, Liam."

I smiled innocently at Liam to get a displeased response from him. Waiting for him to notice the lack of respect for not using his title as a doctor.

A simple act of disrespect.

'Take that, you disrespectful jerk!'

"Oh my. How dare I make the Young Miss apologize. If anything—"

"Little Miss, what inconvenience!? You're more precious than anything, so please don't think so lowly of yourself! How dare we make you feel such way!? I'm sure Liam agrees as well, right?"

Immediately, Sir Edward didn't even let Liam complete his snarky response and lectured him without actually saying it.


I could sense that Sir Edward was pointing daggers at Liam with his eyes, awaiting his agreement.

Something I was extremely intrigued to hear. Though it would've been better if I could've witnessed it with my two eyes.

What a shame.

After a few minutes, the jerk finally spoke, but unsure whether to say it or not.

"Yes, you're right Sir Edward. I apologize for my rudeness... Young Miss. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave now."

Instead of speaking, I responded by expressing an angelic smile and a waving goodbye.

There was nothing else for me to say to that jerk. Nor did I want him in the same room with us any longer. His presence simply irked me.

'Hmm. I wonder what it is he's being so secretive about. What he's trying to desperately hide from everyone? I get an uneasy and weird feeling about his behavior.'

"Why yes, you have many patients waiting for you. You should hurry now! We don't want to lose any more men than we already have. Thank you and goodbye, Doctor."

Sir Edward hurried.

"Yes, goodbye then. Hopefully, I won't see the Young Miss so soon. It would only mean otherwise. Goodbye now, Sir Edward."

After Liam's sarcastic farewells, the sound of the door closing echoed throughout the bedroom as he left. His absence relieved me.

'Tsk, I can only imagine the smug look on his face as he said those mocking words. I really don't like him...'

Don't get me wrong, he hadn't done anything horrendous to me, besides be rude, but I couldn't fathom myself getting along with that jerk. Nor did I ever think I would.

"Thank goodness he's left. I don't think I could've held myself back from exterminating him for much longer."

The young girl sighed, letting a deep breath out as she held on to it for who knows how long.



( °ロ°)

Too rendered speechless by her bluntness, I didn't voice a single word out. I couldn't believe she had said that without a care of the world.

Soon, Sir Edward's coughing caught our attention before he spoke.

"Mariana, I know you don't like him, but please try to keep your manners around the Little Miss."

Sir Edward lectured the young girl named Mariana.

'Oh, that's her name! It suits her!'

"Ah! Forgive me, Young Miss!"

Mariana screeched, full of shame. Although her previous reaction said otherwise.

She sounded like she meant every word of hers by heart. I suppose Liam was just that coworker people didn't like because he's bossy and rude.

Waving my hand to symbolize everything was fine, Sir Edward then spoke.

"Little Miss, is there anything bothering you? Do you perhaps feel uncomfortable? Are you feeling pain again?"

"Ah, no! I apologize, I'm just startled by everything and have so many questions."

Pausing for a moment, the elderly man continued.

"Why yes, I think it's time to let you know about a few things. But before I tell you, we should first have you eat and get bathed, Little Miss."

"Ah, that's right."

At the mention of it, I felt sweaty and gross. I wondered how they'd kept me clean the past few months of being bedridden by the coma.

"Also, please don't apologize for something you shouldn't be sorry for, Young Miss."

"... Okay."

I answered flustered.

"Mariana, please attend the Little Miss with bathing and changing."


Then, Sir Edward and Mariana approached me, carefully helping me sit up on the bed as they unwrapped the blankets covering my body.

I swore I heard sighs of grief as they did.

Shortly, they covered my small feet with fluffy slippers. Cautiously, they lifted me up from the bed to stand, which I insisted on doing myself.

However, they didn't allow for it to happen as they insisted I shouldn't overexert myself. Not that I was complaining, but still, I felt terrible about it.

Thankfully, with their help and support on each of my sides, I kept my balance.

"Do you feel any discomfort anywhere, Little Miss? I could carry you if you'd—"

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

I voiced kindly before smiling towards Sir Edward's voice of direction. Despite the bandages covering my eyes, I could sense him returning the kind smile.

My heart softened at his consideration and ongoing care for me. Regardless if it was intended for their Young Miss and not a stranger like me. It didn't take an idiot to know he's just a good man by nature.

If only I could see them. I wanted to see their faces and what they looked like. Examine every crescent and detail of their face. Admire our surroundings and the new world I stumbled upon.

'Patience. Be patient, Amera. You'll get to see everything eventually. Also, I'm curious as to what my name is. They just keep calling me 'Little Miss' or 'Young Miss'.'


Based on how they behaved and addressed me, I could discern the importance of the child whose body I possessed. Certainly, one with high status.

'Tsk. I hope that celestial jerk kept his promise about my other requests, besides being a girl. Guess I'll find out soon enough.'

Shortly after, they guided me carefully towards the bathroom not far from the bedroom. Thankfully, I had no troubles throughout it.

Opening the bathroom door, we all entered inside. Making sure I'd sat down carefully somewhere, Sir Edward then let go of my arm seeing I was safe.

Soon, he parted his way with us and left Mariana to take care of the rest.

At the end, I was oblivious to the question of how my body mysteriously no longer felt any pain. Or the temporary method used to numb it.