
'Ahh, yes, finally.'

Before I knew it, I was beyond comfy and relaxed after taking a warm bath. Followed by changing into a comfortable and fluffy dress before my hairdressing.

Then, getting my bandages changed and having a good bonding experience with Mariana during my care.

Throughout the bathing, we talked about our favorite bathing scents, clothing preferences, and a bunch of girl stuff.

What makes it even better is we both get along very nicely and I came to know a bit about Mariana's sweet personality.

At first, she's an extremely timid and shy girl, but when she opens up, she's a cheerful and social butterfly.

The fact that we're eating delicious desserts is a bonus to our fine afternoon.

"Young Miss, would you like another refreshment?"

Mariana asked, standing beside me on the smooth sofa that I sat on.


After a few seconds of chewing the sweet cookie and digesting it, I answered her with a smile full of delight because of the more sweets we'd eat with the drink.

"Yes, I'd like another cold refreshment. Thank you, Mariana."

"Yes, I'll be right back! There will be a another maid outside the door if you need anything, Young Miss."

Mariana replied with enthusiasm. A trait I genuinely admire from her.

'How can she be so cheerful twenty-four-seven? I'd be exhausted by then.'

"Yes, thank you."

Shortly, I heard Mariana's light footsteps walking away towards the bedroom door as she opened it.

Hearing the bedroom door close when she left, I slumped down on the couch and sighed.

"I'm socially exhausted."

It's been 3 hours since I finished bathing.

The whole time, I tried to keep up socially, but my social battery was draining drastically. I needed alone time.

I enjoyed my time talking with Mariana and Sir Edward after my bath, but I was mentally exhausted from everything that had taken place over the last couple of hours in my existence.

It was hard to process even now.

'I just want a small break. A safe place to hide for the meantime and not fret over the future.'

The sole reason I hadn't slept to rest my mind was because I'd been waiting for Sir Edward, the old sweet man, to return and inform me about my background.

However, it had to be held on hold because something urgent had happened.

Of course, they didn't permit me to know about what had happened because of a certain rude person. I was seconds away from knowing, but then that jerk had to show up with my medication.

'Hmph! I can still clearly hear how that jerk said it mockingly. The nerve of that man.'

• •


As we laughed at the small jokes of Sir Edward, he suddenly spoke with alert in his voice as he informed us of unknown news.

"It seems something urgent has occurred, Little Miss."

"Oh no, what happened? Is everything alright, Sir Edward?"

I asked with worry.

"I don't mean to alarm you, Little Miss, but we've been—!"

Not being able to finish his sentence, a familiar voice had intervened as he entered the bedroom door.

"There's no need to worry, Young Miss. I assure you everything is alright. Isn't that right, Sir Edward?"

"Ah, Liam.."

Sir Edward faintly uttered, startled by Liam's unexpected arrival.

"I was merely here to hand the medicine I prescribed for the Young Miss, then someone instructed to have us attend, Raphael, immediately. Of course, after being informed about certain circumstances."

"He's back, so soon?"

"We should discuss this further after we take our leave."

Liam voiced, hinting at Sir Edward to keep quiet and follow along. Trying to conceal a piece of information from me.

Catching on quickly, Sir Edward played along.

"Yes, you're right, Liam. Shall we take our leave?"

'Umm, excuse me? Since when does this jerk decide things for me? Shouldn't my legal guardian have a say? Why aren't they here? He's obviously not my father.'

Like any other human being, I needed to know what was going on. Especially if it was about my well-being.

Hoping Sir Edward would answer, I asked about this 'urgent matter' facing the direction of his voice.

"Excuse me, Sir Edward. Do you mind telling me what the urgent matter is?"


No answer came from him, but it did from a certain familiar jerk.

"It's best if you focus on your well-being. No need to concern yourself with trivial matters, Young Miss."

"Why yes... the Doctor is right, Little Miss."

They both agreed in a union. An agreement that wasn't spoken, but shared between their minds. It left me astonished at the fact.

'The audacity of this jerk. I obviously asked Sir Edward, not you. Oh, you really are enraging me off to a bad start! Just you wait in a second you jerk!'

Right when I was about to rage, my lovely old man answered before I could imaginarily throw hands. The jerk got lucky.

"Forgive me, Little Miss, we'll have to postpone our talk for later. Right now, we must take our leave."

Understanding how urgent it must be, I nodded my head for Sir Edward to excuse himself and that was the end.

(End of Flashback)

• •

Munching the last cookie, I couldn't help and make a grimaced expression. Luckily, nobody was here to witness it.

I was beyond curious about what the urgent matter could've been. No matter how much I questioned Mariana, she wouldn't spill a single thing.

Obviously, they ordered her not to tell me anything. Not even a bit about the little girl I've possessed.

I assumed the little girl I took over was around 10-12 years old, but of course, I could be completely wrong.

'Jeez... all the waiting is torturing my poor mind. I don't think I can take it anymore!'

Sighing, I sat back down neatly on the sofa like I had been before.

The thing that bothered me the most was Sir Edward's reaction. His response to when that jerk Liam brought up a name.


He sounded very anxious at the mention of it. I can't help to think why that is and if Raphael is the 'El Jefe' they mentioned beforehand.

There were so many worrisome questions it was stressing me out.

'Jeez, who cares!'

The only thing I should be worried about is if the celestial had fulfilled my three requests. Well, including my health now.

Stretching my arms out of the blue, an idea came to mind.

'Now that I took my medicine, I don't feel much of the soreness on my body anymore. Hmm... I want to explore around the room. Who knows, maybe I'll find something interesting...?'

With no hesitation, I carefully lifted myself up from the couch while keeping my hands around the armrest.

Slowly moving behind the couch with my hands guiding me, I stretched my right leg everywhere, hoping to bump my foot into something, but I didn't.

Frowning, I decided to crouch instead.

Bending down slowly, I moved my hands towards the floor. Feeling the cold and hard flooring, I proceeded with crouching straight ahead until I touched a rug.

'Ooo~! This feels so soft. It feels like some great quality too.'

I smirked at the thought that I most definitely transmigrated into a little rich girl's household.

Truthfully, the title they addressed me by was enough confirmation.

'Well, that's wonderful! Just one more request to be fulfilled!'

Continuing my mission, I proceeded straight forward, until I bumped into something hard.

"Ack! That hurts!"

I yelped quietly, trying not to alert anyone outside the bedroom who could be walking past the bedroom door. Especially the maid on the other side of the door.

'How did I not feel that!?'

Calming my flustered thoughts, I focused back on my next step.

Moving my hands up from the floor, I didn't get very far. Instead, they ended up landing on what felt like the bottom gap of furniture.

'Oh, that explains.'

Sighing, I moved my hands against the furniture, confirming it being a dresser.

Using the dresser's handles as a guide, I stood right back up with my hands laying on top of the dresser.

'Maybe, I should check what's inside it.'

Feeling stupid for not checking the drawers from the bottom at first, I opened the first drawer, knowing there's no going back to fixing my past mistake.

Putting one hand inside, while the other still laid on top of the dresser, I came across folded clothing.

'Expensive fabric. Nice. Let's see if there's anything else...'

Searching further down, I encountered a strange cold object on the very back of the drawer. It seemed as if someone had purposely hid it in there.

"That's strange, what's this little guy?"

I quietly questioned.

Touching it further to get an idea of what it may be, I immediately stopped and put my hands instantly over my mouth because of how stunned I was after.

Realization smacked me across the face as I knew instantly what the mysterious object was.


I almost blurted out those words, but I luckily didn't and said them inside my head.

I was too engrossed by the disturbance to think beyond the shocking discovery or take any further action to my original plan as I stood there.

'How many more shocking discoveries must I come across!? This is insane!'

Suddenly, a couple of knocks, followed by Mariana's voice, discerned through the opposite side of the bedroom door.

"Young Miss, I'm coming in."

The second I heard Mariana's voice, I quickly closed the dresser as quietly as possible without trying to make it obvious I found a dangerous weapon in there.

"Ah, y-yes!"

I shouted anxiously.

Hearing the door open, Mariana entered the bedroom.

"Young Miss, I brought an iced pineapple refreshment along with other pastries! I'm hoping you'd like—Young Miss, what are you doing standing up?!"

Explaining what she had brought, Mariana's excited tone instantly changed into a devastating one the second she saw me standing instead of sitting down, resting.

For a moment, I was relieved when Mariana hadn't noticed that I found something I was sure I shouldn't be aware of, but now, I was mentally prepping for a scolding.

"Y-You shouldn't be over working your delicate body! Especially in your condition, Young Miss!"

Mariana scolded, but sounded worried at the same time.

When she put the tray of delicious pastries down on a coffee table, she intimidatingly speeded her way to me.

"Haha... I know Mariana, but you see I got so anxious from... sitting down all day. I wanted to explore!"

I responded, trying my best not to sound suspicious of what I found while exploring.

'Crap... I'm definitely going to get snitched and punished. I hope it's nothing too grave.'

I waited for Mariana to announce an outrageous punishment because of the 'strict parents' beliefs I had, yet I heard the opposite of what I thought would happen.

"If you wanted to explore so badly you could've told me, Young Miss! That's why I'm here to serve you... but it seems like I'm unreliable to you."

Mariana scolded at first, then soon followed it with a sad murmur towards the end as she put her arms underneath my arms for the sake of my support.

'Huh? I'm not in trouble..? Phew~ Thank the heavens above!'

I strongly believed I'd be in trouble because of the slight chances of having evil and strict parents who have issues with raising the 'perfect' child as rich folks.

Then again, those are merely the stereotypes in the books I read.

Feeling the dimmed atmosphere coming from Mariana, I tried comforting the devastated girl.

"I know. I know, Mariana. Next time I'll let you know beforehand, so don't be sad."

"... okay, Young Miss."

Mariana agreed, but I could still hear the mopey tone in her voice.

"Shall we try the delicious snacks you brought for me? I bet they're delicious since you're the one who brought them!"

I gassed up, attempting to cheer Mariana in any way that I could. Even if it's minor.

Instead of receiving a reply, Mariana solely leaned her small body towards my own. As if asking me to console her.

I couldn't help but envision a sulky Mariana who was scolding me minutes ago to a docile Mariana who is now seeking me to pamper her.

'How cute. <3'

Lifting my right arm upwards, I settled it on top of Mariana's head and patted her tenderly with each stroke I did.

Feeling her body tense up, I smiled once she relaxed at my continued affection.

'Oh, I can do this everyday! She's like a tiny kitten!'

After a few seconds of brushing through Mariana's long hair, she suddenly revealed something I wouldn't think she'd ever say.

".... Roselyn..."


It was then I stopped my hand from grooming Mariana any further. Pausing any sort of interaction and staying silent.

"... that's... that's the Young Miss's name."

Mariana quietly murmured.

'Oh my gosh... she just told me my new name from this world. Just like that. Unbelievable!'

After 3 hours of trying my best to convince Mariana to tell me at least my first name, it finally worked. Yet, the thing is, I didn't even do anything for it this time.

At least I didn't believe I did.

'What a miracle.'


I said nothing since it still shook me from knowing my new name. Oddly enough, it saddened me at the thought of it.

How strange, though.


That would be my name in this world and no longer Amera. I couldn't ever imagine getting accustomed to it so soon, but only time would tell when I would.

Not realizing I displayed a sad smile across my face, Mariana, who saw it, gripped my fluffy dress and rested her head on my shoulder.

'I swear, she's going to give me a heart attack from the cuteness overload~<3!'

Noticing her attempts to comfort me and not grasping the reason behind it, I proceeded with my affection from before.

Only this time, hugging Mariana while patting her back gently.

The sweet affection continued for who knows how long until we ate and drank the deliciousness set on the coffee table.

Nevertheless, none of it mattered during the moment of our affectionate interaction.

The important thing was that such a small interaction would be the beginning of an un-breakable bond between us in the future, along with an adorable third party.

• • •

"Young Master, welcome back."

A maid bowed and greeted the young heir of the household as he entered the luxurious bedroom.

"I've already prepared a bath for you. Also, lunch will arrive shortly."

The maid informed and then hurried out of the doorway, seeing the young boy who looked extremely irritated.

Not long after, a young brunette man who wore a royal blue colored attire entered the bedroom and headed towards where the Young Master stood.

"Young Master, I've contacted Sir Edward and Liam to come attend you right away."

The brunette man informed the Young Master who was taking off his lounge coat, dirtied with different DNA of many's blood.

"I don't need it. If anything, you're the one who needs the help."

The Young Master retaliated back, to which the brunette man simply chuckled.

Thinking about something that occurred earlier in the estate, the brunette man spoke on exciting tattle he heard from the maids.

"I heard the Young Miss awoke from her coma. Isn't that great news, Young Master?"

The brunette man commented with enthusiasm and relief displayed on his high cheekbones.

Of course, the brunette man didn't mention hearing such news from the maids. He knew the boy would punish them for gossiping when they shouldn't.

A considerate characteristic the young maids of the estate admired and blushed deeply over beside his well-built body and higher ranking.

The young man not only had the maids fawning over him, but other ladies swooning over him. The lad's charming good looks and personality were too hard to resist and ignore.

A Prince Charming, indeed.

Hearing the terrific news of the Young Miss, the brunette man was hoping for the Young Master to be happy or overjoyed, but to his disappointment, the Young Master merely stayed indifferent to the news.

"So that brat is still alive."

It was the only thing the boy said, with not a single hint of worry or sadness expressed in his voice and facial features.

'Maybe one day,' the brunette man hoped.

Soon, a knock was heard, along with an old raspy voice belonging to the butler of the household.

"Young Master, I'm here to attend to your orders along with the help of Liam."

"Come in, Sir Edward."

The brunette man permitted instead of the Young Master who didn't bother in replying.

The old butler and doctor then walked inside the dimmed bedroom as they approached both males.

Before they spoke again, both the butler and doctor bowed in a courtesy manner as they greeted the boy.

"Young Master, welcome back from another successful mission."

"Welcome back, Young Master. I hope you had a safe journey returning to the estate."

They both greeted in a blank voice—the butler having a worried expression whereas the doctor expressed a vacant one.

The butler, Sir Edward, then approached the Young Master, but the boy refused as he glared at him with murderous intent.

Warning the three men to not get any ideas on checking him for any injuries.

"I'm fine, Sir Edward. Xavier's the one who needs to get that brain checked before he gets himself killed. So I suggest you check him instead."

The Young Master emphasized with annoyance and hostility. However, his face displayed a refined smile.

"Yes, Young Master."

Sir Edward complied, but couldn't help to get saddened by the boy's refusal for help even if he didn't need it.

"It's fine, Sir Edward. Actually, I called both Liam and you for another reason."

The brunette man named Xavier, swiftly changed his easygoing persona and voice to a serious one as he spoke.

"It appears they're at it again on trying to sabotage us by attacking our quarters. Meaning we'll have to aim for our next move."

Xavier hissed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Those weaklings followed us in the hopes of us letting our guard down. So I thought it'd be fun if they invite themselves in."

The Young Master jeered with a glowing gleam in his blue orbs. Slightly delighted about his hunt from earlier, he hoped for more of a pleasant hunt this time.

A casual chase filled with his prey's blood being splattered everywhere. A thrill that rarely fed his killing hunger.

"I suppose we'll have to clean up after the mess, right?"

This time, Liam, the doctor, spoke, but with a stoic expression towards Xavier.

The other three males kept their gaze on Liam as they awaited for Xavier to continue the next move he had in mind.

"Actually, I found something that could lead us to the Hellions. Perhaps a method to finally get rid of them for good. However... I'm not sure if it's worth the risk."

Xavier murmured, unsure of their thoughts and feelings towards his next plans. Specifically, from the Young Master.

Immediately, all eyes were on him now.

"Which is..?"

Liam questioned, raising an eyebrow from the impatience and curiosity growing, yet he regained his vacant expression once again.

Shortly, Xavier continued his words.

"Making an alliance. Not just any alliance, but one you may or may not agree with."

Hearing this, the young boy's eye shape became thin as he motioned his head for the man to proceed with his proposal.

"The South."

It was the only hint Xavier gave to them as he directed his skittish gaze towards the now angered Young Master.

"I refuse to make an alliance with those fuckers, even if it means the downfall of the family. End of discussion."

As the boy stated his wrath, they heard something in the bedroom break that caused the three men to zip their lips shut.

Signifying for them to drop the idiotic topic and move on to another, which they did.

"Xavier and I will take the left side of—"

Before Liam could finish, an elderly raspy voice cut him off. What he heard caught him by surprise.

"Young Master, the Young Miss has awoken from her coma. The medicine prescribed for her seems to be having great results on her recovery as well."

Hesitantly, the old butler mentioned the Young Miss's state of health to the Young Master despite it being an unimportant topic and nuisance for the boy.

Aware of the unpleasant feelings and bad relationship between both siblings. Still, the old butler wished for them to get along.

"I was wondering when you'd like to pay the Young Miss a visit. I'm sure it would've thrilled the Young Miss to seeing you so soon. However..."

"Sir Edward, what nonsense are you—!"

Suddenly, a gun was aiming at Liam and he stopped himself from speaking any further.

"Go on."

The boy demanded as he pointed the gun towards Liam's forehead.

The only thing the doctor could do was glare at the butler, cautioning him from telling the Young Master anything else.

Of course, the old man refused and continued his words as he quickly returned the glare at the doctor before looking at the boy.

"The Young Miss awoke not remembering anything or anyone... not even who she is. Liam diagnosed the Young Miss with amnesia."

The butler apprised, sadly.

The Young Master merely scoffed at the news, whereas Xavier's eyes widened at the shock of not hearing this from the maids earlier.

"Really now? I suppose I'll have to pay a visit soon. Don't you think, Sir Edward?"

The young boy smirked at the old butler as he tilted his head in an amused way.

The Young Master who was uninterested in returning, was now looking forward to the upcoming family reunion he'll have with his 'beloved' sister.

'Heh... we'll see how long this 'new' shitty act of yours will last this time, Roselyn. Your downfall will be my glory.'

Seeing the haunting smile hiding malicious ambition, Sir Edward and Xavier gulped.

They only prayed to the heavens above that the upcoming uproar between both siblings would subside somehow. Completely unaware of the vile thoughts from a certain man in the bedroom.