It was the following week, and there wasn't a sign of Sir Edward, the household's butler.

Whatever the urgent issue had been before, seems to have become more than just a minor issue now.

Mariana had told me in secret that apparently there were bad people trying to mess with the family business.

Therefore, it explained Sir Edward's absence this past week and our conversation about my situation being held on hold.

That's not even the best part. It's not only just one problem, but quite a few.

Meaning, that I might have to wait for who knows how long for the conversation about myself to happen with Sir Edward.

Mariana occasionally overhears information about the household now and then from the other maids.

Alas, each time she comes to my room to attend or keep me company, there's one problem after another.

Of course, just like me, she doesn't know much about the other issues going on in the household. Except, about losers trying to take my money—I mean mess with the family business.

So, we're both left on the outskirts of it all.

In the meantime, Mariana and I have been enjoying eating sweets together the entire time. The only thing we haven't tried doing together is playing games.

Mariana found it unfair for me since I can't see yet. Even though I insisted on different games to play without my sight being included; she rejected all my requests for games.

Such a jester says a lot about Mariana's sweet character. We've even gotten closer because of her loveliness.

While sitting on the smooth sofa, Mariana spoke after some time of us enjoying the sweets she had brought for us not too long ago.

"Young Miss, perhaps there are other sweets you'd like to—"

Not letting Mariana finish, I corrected her words.

"Mariana, how many times must I tell you? Call me Roselyn, not by Young Miss. At least, when we're alone you don't have to."

Fortunately, Mariana's timid atmosphere turned into a bubbly one after hearing my words. I smiled at her and motioned her to continue her words.

"R-Roselyn, do you perhaps have any other sweets you want to try?"

"Mmm, not really. I think we had enough with the sweets and all, don't you think?"

I chuckled, waiting for her response.

"Yes, you're right."

Mariana agreed sweetly.

We've eaten so much junk food, that I wouldn't surprise myself if I have diabetes soon. Of course, we never forgot to eat all three meals a day and for me to take my medicine.

Sadly, Mariana would never eat meals with me besides whenever we ate sweets.

She would always say, 'it's discourtesy for a maid to eat with their master,' so I'm sure you can figure out how easy it must've been for me to convince her with the sweets.

The timeline seems to take place in modern times, which explains the amount of food choices. If it were back in the day, there wouldn't be so many diversities of food.

Not only that, I've even asked Mariana some questions about the timeline and she'd answer them, confirming my theory. But, only if it had nothing to do with me, she'd answer.

If I'm being honest, it was quite embarrassing to ask such common sense questions. Such as, if technology was a thing? Or if fancy buildings and cities existed?

Mariana would stay quiet for some time and then answer them. By the end, she was literally about to call the doctor because of her concern regarding me.

Thankfully, I stopped her before she could and the rest I rather not go into further details because of the second hand embarrassment.

On the other hand, I've tried asking Mariana about herself, but the first time I did she gave signs that she rather not talk about herself.

Ever since, I haven't asked or pushed her on the topic.

"Young Miss, it's almost time for dinner. Is there anything particular you'd like?"

"Anything is fine. Plus, there are a few options. After all, I'm on a strict diet with meats."

I sighed hearing Mariana going back to honorifics.

"Yes, of course. I'll contact the kitchen staff and let them know about some chicken soup for tonight, Young Miss."

'Ah yes, my favorite.'

Soup was the main dish I've been eating for dinner. I had to eat soup until the doctor saw more improvement in my health. So, I was stuck with devouring soup daily. Hooray.

However, looking at the bright side, chicken soup was my favorite out of all the soups I've eaten. I was even getting better each day, to the point where I felt like I could run a bloody marathon.

'Amazing soup, am I right?'

"Young Miss, shall I get the stuff ready for dinner?"

"Yes and thank you, Mariana."

Hearing my response, Mariana, sitting beside me, got up and began preparing the tableware on a table outside the balcony bedroom.

Eating my meals outside the balcony became a tradition for us both. Even though I ate by myself, Mariana always kept it entertaining for me.

We mainly talked about typical things like the weather, what Mariana had heard for the day, and so forth. However, any time I'd ask about the house or what business my new family ran, she would avoid it.

I couldn't understand why they'd want to keep me from knowing such basics, but I came to accept it and became patient.

After all, I'd figure it out soon enough because whenever Sir Edward comes back, I'd know about such information.

Speaking of which, the only fact I knew about Sir Edward was his whereabouts. This whole time he's been with Raphael, who is Roselyn's brother.

Meaning, that Raphael is my older brother and the only sibling I have. He's three years older and let's just say he's not so fond of the actual Roselyn.

I haven't met him yet, but just based on him not visiting at least once, sure says a lot. Not only him but our so-called father, too.

I've asked Mariana about 'my parents' and she put it frankly.

Our father isn't the best father, not only towards Roselyn, but Raphael as well.

He's rarely ever been there for them and had the maids raise the two ever since Roselyn was born. Basically, he's neglecting his two children.

'Best father award goes to... yeah, definitely not him.'

Their mother sadly passed away after giving birth to Roselyn. During her second pregnancy, her body was fragile and the previous doctor warned her about her life being at risk during labor.

Everyone in the house loved her, especially both my now brother and father. Since then, the entire household has changed from a joyful atmosphere to a gloomy one after her passing.

Mariana said little after that because she hadn't been around since then. So, she knew little about the details other than that.

She told, me she had only started working here about a year ago and had only started attending to me three months before the incident.

'Mmm. I wonder if Raphael holds a grudge against Roselyn for their mother's death. If he does, then I feel bad for her.'

I cleared my wandering mind once I heard Mariana speak to me.

"Young Miss, everything's ready. Shall I contact the kitchen to bring dinner now?"

Thinking for a minute, I replied to Mariana with a routine I used to love and enjoy doing in my past life.

"Actually, I'd like to enjoy the sundown first before I eat."

I replied with a smile.

I deeply enjoyed hearing the crickets chirp when the sun hid somewhere in the sky and replaced its presence with the stunning moon at night. Exceedingly comforting.

Sadly, I couldn't admire the sundown with my eyes except to use my other senses to replace the magnificent moment.

"Of course, I'll let them know whenever you're ready, Young Miss."

Mariana responded politely while approaching me.

Once standing in front of me, Mariana carefully took ahold of my arm and slowly guided me towards the table on the balcony.

Before we could reach the balcony, Mariana abruptly pushed me towards the ground. Making me fall flat on the floor.

'What in the—!?'

It was then I heard the glass shatter from the balcony's direction and replaced my confusion with alertness.

In a split second, reddish light glowed through my bandages and I heard a body drop harshly on the floor. That's when I took notice of Mariana's absence next to me and I quickly sat up.


"Young Miss, everything's alright now. I already got rid of it!"

Mariana spoke cheerfully and I could tell she smiled as she said that.

Feeling chills rise from my spine, I got immersed in my thoughts. Processing everything that was said and done in a matter of seconds.

'W-what just happened? What the heck was that reddish and pinkish light about? Also, was the loud thump of a body that fell!? AND SHE SAID, WHAT NOW?!?'

Having questions after another, I didn't realize Mariana approached me and began wiping off a cold substance from my cheek.

Shocked, I stayed silent while remaining sitting on the floor as Mariana checked for any sign of injuries.

"Sigh~ Thank goodness you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't. I'm sorry for pushing you down without a warning earlier... Roselyn."

I didn't respond to her sincere apology, but luckily someone slammed the bedroom door wide open, saving me from the bewildering and unsettling situation.

Or at least I thought.

"Little Miss! Mariana!"

"Sir Edward, leave the rest to me!"

I heard two male voices yelling, the first being Sir Edward and the second from someone unfamiliar.

Running towards our direction, Mariana responded to their agitation as the unknown person approached us.

"I'm fine. Thankfully, the Young Miss didn't receive any harm. She only seems to be in a state of shock."

"Good job handling the situation alone and making sure the Young Miss is safe, Redd."

A deep husky voice spoke to Mariana, who was beside me as he kneeled nearby.

At first, I flinched when I felt a hand patting the top of my head, but relaxed when I realized it belonged to the man with a husky voice.

When I heard his voice, it sent shivers throughout my whole body; the good kind. To my luck, I heard his deep and hot voice once again when he spoke to me.

"Glad to know you're okay, Brat."

He spoke affectionately.

'Hot dang! I could faint at any moment just hearing that sexy voice.... Jeez, stop it Ame- I mean Roselyn! Now is not the time to be swooning for a man's voice.'

"I'll bring Liam in case the Little Miss may have a slight injury!"

I heard Sir Edward notify the male in a panic at a short distance from us as he hastily moved towards the exit.

'Oh my gosh, Eddy! My sweet old man, I completely forgot about you!'

I was beyond distracted by the man's voice, I failed to remember about Sir Edward and the circumstances we were in.

It was unbelievable.

Gathering my thoughts, I finally spoke as I tried giving them closure that I was fine.

"It's okay, Sir Edward. I'm completely fi—"

Alas, another voice had cut in before I could even ease their worries.

"There's no need for it, Sir Edward."

A young boy spoke, but with a hint of authority in his calm tone. The room went silent for a moment as the four of us froze.

Soon, the boy continued his words.

"I'm sure my dearest little sister is fine. Isn't that right, Roselyn?"

The boy, claiming to be my brother, questioned me. Though his words were more of a declaration than a question of worry.

It was more of him wanting me to agree and not try to go against him. As if he was the one in charge of deciding on what was final for us, even if we were averse to it.

I had a strange feeling he was competing against both of our positions. To see if I would dare to challenge and defy him.

'This little brat is my brother? Great.'

I could definitely feel the spitefulness in my name when he spoke.

In other circumstances, I would've retaliated back, but right now, I had other priorities, and this brat wasn't one of them.

Clearing my throat, I agreed to his statement.

"Sir Edward, he's right. There's no need for Liam to attend to me. Exactly as Mariana said, I have zero injuries. I'm grateful for the worry and care. I can't thank you three enough. I hope the three of you are fine as well."

I eased by displaying an angelic smile to everyone in the room, minus my grouchy brother.

Touched by my words, the room atmosphere thankfully changed from an uneasy one to a calmer one.

"Little Miss... you sound just like...."

Sir Edward, touched by my words the most, didn't complete his sentence as a familiar sweet voice spoke instead.

"Young Miss, I thought I told you not to thank us servants for such things. Plus, we're stronger than you think we are!"

At Mariana's playful scolding, I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my lips. Luckily, Mariana also followed along and giggled.

In the end, we both laughed as a bubbly aura began fluttering around us, but not to worry, it didn't last long.

"Cut the bullshit."

Of course, my brother, Raphael, had to burst the great atmosphere I was trying to create so they wouldn't fret.

'Umm, excuse me! Who's letting this kid curse and act this rude!?'

In my past life, I was accustomed to hearing middle schoolers curse at anyone, but to a certain extent, I could only handle so much disrespect and contempt.

Before I could say anything, the man I was smitten by spoke in my defense.

"Young Master, there's no need to be hostile towards your sister."

"Shut up, Xavier."

Raphael ordered.

Instead of getting riled up by Raphael's ongoing rudeness, I got distracted by something else.

'Hmm. These names sound oddly familiar. Can't point my finger where exactly I heard them before.'

"Young Master, she's recently recover—"


Raphael warned him as I refocused on the situation.

Xavier's light-hearted remarks, only irritated Raphael further instead of reasoning with him.

"Who's your master, me or her? Because last time I checked, you pledged your loyalty to me."

Raphael's cold voice reminded and pressured him for a quick answer. I could sense his pair of staring eyes aiming sharp daggers at both of us.

"You are, Young Master."

Xavier proclaimed with a defeated sigh—giving up on trying to rationalize with him.

"Exactly, so keep your mouth shut like the good dog you've been."

(* °ロ°) . . .

Raphael's words flabbergasted me.

'Damn brat! It's the first time I met you, and this is how you act! Ack! It appears I have to teach you some manners!'

The boy's vile words caused me to mainly not look back and solely take action.

Noticing how nobody said anything to defend themselves and remained silent, I decided to speak up in their place.

"Excuse me, but who are you to speak and treat them poorly? Whether or not you're superior to them, it doesn't give you the right to behave rudely towards them. Especially when they've done nothing wrong."


The room was silent, but I could tell how stunned the three of them were as I dared to confront Raphael, the Young Master.

From the looks of it, it was obvious nobody had ever done. Then again, there's always a first for everything.

Continuing my words, but this time challenging Raphael's sense of superiority, I stood up to face his direction with the help of his voice when he spoke earlier.

"Aren't you supposed to be the Young Master? Or did you forget that the only way to gain their loyalty is through respect and not the act of superiority?"


Not hearing a response from him, I proceeded with my lecture.

"If so, treating those under you with courtesy is always a must. Mainly, to those within our household."

I scolded while gesturing my hands toward Sir Edward, Mariana, and Xavier who were behind me.

"They're the ones who are loyal and work the hardest for us. But if you can't even remember such a simple fact, then you shouldn't even have the title of a Young Master."

Feeling proud of myself, I could not care less if my words only triggered him off to a childish tantrum. I knew Raphael needed someone to scold him and be the proper parental figure.

Plus, I disapproved of the idea of him turning out to be a bad influence. Transpiring as the bastards who felt or believed they could just treat people like garbage because of their high status. I didn't want him to become that kind of person.

'You can hate me all you want, but this is for your own good, little boy.'

Even if we didn't have a close sibling relationship, it didn't change the fact that I was now his family. As his sister, I'd be the one to guide him on the right path, no matter the difficulties.

I only hoped I could get on his good side afterward. If not, our relationship would only worsen from here.

"I may not remember who you are or what our past relationship was, but even so, I hope we can get alon—!"

Before I knew it, Raphael tackled me to the floor as he slid one hand down my throat and the other one pinning down at my wrists against the cold flooring.

'Why you little shit! How dare you attack me!? I'm trying to make amends for the past crappy sibling relationship with your sister!!'

However, Raphael's alarming words and tone of voice replaced my fury state with a daunting one.

"Say that shit again, little sister. I fucking dare you."