"Oh, please. Do entertain me, sister. I'd like to see if you're willing to challenge me. How stupid if you do. I'm sure you know what's best for you, don't you?"

Raphael threatened with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Flabbergasted by everything, I couldn't prevent the chills from appearing because of his threatening tone. It left me unresponsive because of the shock of his aggressive reaction to my lecturing.

Besides the fact, he had me in a chokehold and pinned down against him, defenseless. Still, I wasn't expecting such a grave outcome from a child.

Everything happened in a flash, no joke. Very much intimidating if you ask me.


"Young Master!"

"Young Miss!"

Seeing the view before them, three voices yelled in panic, yet in sync. The sound of their rushing movements was put to an end.

In my defense, I expected them to do something, but they surprisingly didn't.

I was confused into why they didn't help, until I remembered our situation and their positions here.

They are only household workers and they probably don't know what to do in this situation. I mean, I wouldn't either if I were them. They merely worked here.

There wasn't much they could do either way.

At least, that's what I thought, since Raphael was a child who could influence his way out with wicked lies.

Blaming the family's workers that they're the lairs and not him to our mysterious father who seems to be a pretty big deal around here.

'Tsk. Damn brat, attacked me when I was completely off guard. Let's not forget I'm blindfolded too!'

After some time, I slightly shuddered in the firm grip Raphael kept on my wrists to secure them from escaping.

My wrists were beginning to ache because of the amount of force he put on both of them from just a single grip.

Fortunately, unlike my wrists, the situation on my neck wasn't as bad, since he wasn't putting much pressure to block much oxygen from me.

However, I strongly believed he'd break my wrists if he added any further pressure. Something I hope wouldn't cross his mind at the moment.


Not hearing any response from me, Raphael slightly tightened his hold on my wrists causing me to wince in pain.

'Goodness! How much strength does a brat like him have for my wrists to be hurting this much??'

Satisfied with my pained whimpering, Raphael ended our 'lovely' speechless conversation with a taunt.

"Where's the high and mighty attitude you had a second ago, little sister?"

Raphael mocked, still pinning me down against his own bodyweight.

Despite Raphael's taunting, I couldn't help but realize that his body frame seemed to be slightly smaller than mine.

'There's no way he's older than me!'

He was so tiny and thin. It only left me to believe he was the same size as me, or perhaps a bit smaller.

"Tsk. Don't tell me you're mute now too? I'm barely putting any force on your throat and wrists, Roselyn."

Raphael spitted out somewhat irritated at my lack of response.

Hearing his words merely annoyed and frustrated me from the insolence. The purposeful lack of awareness he displayed, knowing the reason, was shocking to me.

'Why you... isn't it obvious!? You have me in a darned chokehold, stupid brat! How do you expect me to respond?!'

Losing the last bit of pain tolerance, my eyes began to tear up as I whimpered from the throbbing gristle on my wrists.

Hearing this, Raphael regained his merriment with a chuckle at my suffering.

No mercy shown whatsoever.

In that moment, I then prayed for someone to break me free from Raphael's torment and out-of-pocket reaction.

Strongly hoping someone would pull my absurd brother off me and whoop his bum till they beat it red for his terrible behavior.

Yet to my wishful pleas, nobody did anything as I waited seconds, then minutes for any sign or word to stop his violent actions.

'Please, someone help get this brat off me! I don't care how or what does at this point! As long as I'm liberated from the pain!'

(# >ロ<)

As I groaned, I tried to remember many ways to escape Raphael's tight hold and run loose by scanning through my memories of survival hacks I'd randomly watch in my previous life.

Unluckily, I didn't recall many for my situation except for one move where the victim or captive thrusts their hips upwards and changes positions with the kidnapper.

That being the case, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

'Okay, screw it!'

As I attempted to wiggle my body a little, Raphael immediately refrained me from doing so by adding more force and weight to my throbbing wrists and laying body.

His moves revealing that he already expected my actions to escape his imprisonment.

"Don't move unless you wish to lose your hands."

Raphael threatened against my ear, which caused me to shiver from the sudden closeness.

'Okay, now I really want someone to come to my rescue this instant! Please!!'

As if the heavens heard me, Xavier answered my prayers. Hallelujah!

"Young Master, please stop what you're doing. You'll only get yourself and the Young Miss into trouble when the boss—"

Sadly, my celebration ended shortly. Xavier didn't even finish his sentence because Raphael instantly interrupted him not long after.

"Xavier. You know better than anyone else, I could care less fucks about what that old bastard has to say."

At the mention of our father, Raphael's voice was hostile and filled with so much venom. His dislike was as clear as day.

However, I couldn't blame him.

Their father has been absent in their lives since long ago. Making him a mere stranger to them, especially to Roselyn, who's hardly socialized with him since she was a baby.

At least, that's based off from what I knew about their family relationship so far.

So it was understandable why the room became silent this time. The significance of Raphael's words replaced the anxious atmosphere with a sorrowful one.

"Plus, what's the harm in playing along with my little sister's jokes, right? Isn't this what you wanted, Roselyn?"

Yet, Raphael broke the gloomy mood with his accusation that threw me off.

'Excuse me? What part of it does it look like I'm joking, stupid brat!?'

He was obviously framing me as a liar in a continuous, mocking manner. A very immature way to go on about it.


Unfortunately, when I tried to argue back, the only thing that came out of my mouth was the sound of me groaning.

Of course, it merely thrilled Raphael even more while he taunted my misery.

"Hah. I reckon you really wish to be mute and disabled as well."


In an instant, the ground shook and a blinding green gleam glowed throughout the whole bedroom.

Luckily, I could distinguish the color of the shining light because of how easily it went through my bandages and eyelids. It didn't bother me enough to want to turn away from it.

Next thing you know, Raphael began chuckling like a maniac. Chuckling as if he was watching something humorous in a not so serious situation.

At this, Raphael's hand freed my throat as the other slowly loosened its force on my wrists. However, only being a bit, yet still maintaining a strong grip so I wouldn't attempt to escape.

'Whatever is causing the trembling and ray of light, I am forever grateful!'

The pain on my wrists had reduced and become more tolerable than before. Especially now that Raphael loosened his grip a little less because of it.

As soon as Raphael's chuckling died down, he spoke toward whatever he found amusing.

"Are you seriously challenging my authority?"

Raphael chuckled.

'Challenge? Who's he talking about??'


No answer.

The tense atmosphere made me feel more anxious. Unfortunately, Raphael made it worse as he spoke.

"Here, I thought I'd keep you as my obedient mutt a little longer. Such a shame."


I wasn't sure who or what had challenged Raphael until he called someone a mutt. That someone being dulcet Xavier.

"I suppose, I'll have to replace you."

Raphael menaced in a bitter tone.

The shivers immediately expanded throughout my entire body at his cold statement.

Then suddenly, another light glowed, mixing with the green one. Making it difficult to distinguish the color of the newer light.

Even then, there was one thing I was certain. The unknown colored light came from Raphael.

'What in the world—!??'

Before I could run my brain with many questions, a man's familiar husky voice had spoken up.

"Forgive me, Young Master. I pledged my loyalty to you, but I also pledged my loyalty to the family, del Lobélia."

Xavier stated, then out of nowhere he appeared next to us and I was no longer being held against Raphael's will.

The impact of somebody being thrown, but landing safely on their feet, resounded in the bedroom. I knew right away the person thrown was no other than Raphael.

"Young Miss, are you alright?"

Xavier asked as he sat me upwards. Then, he leaned me on his firm chest.

'Did he just throw him!? A child!'

Xavier was way too calm after knowing what he did a couple of seconds ago could cause a horrendous commotion. For example, the police could arrest him for child abuse.

Deep down, I prayed it didn't end up leading to that, or far worse. Yet again, I was glad he did it, anyway.

When I tried to respond to Xavier's worry, I suddenly coughed.

*Cough! Cough!*

The coughing only lasted a couple of seconds. Fortunately, my throat wasn't in so much pain, unlike my aching wrists.

I was positive I was going to get a few bruises by the end of today. However...

'I'm finally free! Even though my wrists hurt a lot, but I'm free! I could literally kiss you right now, my Xavier!!'

I wanted to say, but decided to keep those thoughts to myself.

".... y-yes, thank you, Xavier."

I voiced with a smile plastered on my face. Showing my gratitude for the consideration of not worrying Xavier more than he already sounded.

"I'm glad, Young Miss. Now, leave the rest to me, okay?"


It was the only thing I said, not being sure what he meant by that.

"My. My. You never fail to amaze me, Xavier."

Suddenly, Raphael's aura became malevolent and dark.

"Just as I imagined, you're exactly the perfect toy to play with and... break."

It seemed as if Raphael were no longer trying to play with his new victim. His prey. It gave me an unsettling feeling.

'I have a really bad feeling about this.'

Hearing Raphael's words, I gripped on Xavier's sleeves. I could solely think the worst of Raphael's words.

Who knew what he'd do to Xavier.

Based on his behavior, I could tell he'd do anything in his power to make anyone's life miserable, especially to those who go against him.

After all, he was a little rich boy. Not just any, but one who didn't care to choke his blood when he was offended or mad.

He's a psychopath, no doubt.

Not even my friends' siblings did that towards each other just because they had pissed one another off.

Sensing my worry, Xavier loosened my hold on one of his sleeves and caressed the crown of my head.

"Don't worry, Young Miss. Everything will be fine. Plus, I know your brother the best."

Xavier stated confidently.

Strangely, Xavier's aura and voice put me to ease knowing he meant every word. His protective embrace only helped more.

It made me feel like I was being cradled by the sun's warmth. Better yet, as if he genuinely cared about both Raphael and me.

At that, I knew I could trust the man before me, regardless of it being my first time meeting him. However, for him, it obviously wasn't.

'Kyah~! What a man! Ooh, I bet his face matches his gorgeous voice, too!'

"How useless. I thought you were trained better than to show and act on such worthless actions. You should know the consequences that come with this lifestyle of ours, Xavier."

Raphael spoke with disappointment, but I caught the hint of bitterness in his voice as he enlightened Xavier.

Oddly enough, Raphael's mood changed from a threatening one to a calm, serious one. However, it drastically changed back to a murderous one in a matter of seconds.

The bedroom trembled as a vivid blue gleam emitted from Raphael's direction. The green gleam was no longer to be seen.

'Wait, hold on... The green light had disappeared the moment Xavier threw Raphael off me. I can't believe I barely noticed!'

Immediately, Xavier's hold on me became more protective than before. Most likely because of the uneasy circumstances taking place at the moment.

"Sir Edward, I'll leave the Young Miss in your care."

Xavier spoke just as he got up from his kneeling position while he bridal carried me throughout their short interaction.

"Of course, Xavier. I planned on doing it, to begin with. Without you even having to mention it. In return, I'll leave the Young Master in your care while I'll watch over the two."

"Thank you. I'll remember your kind gesture today, Sir Edward."

Both Edward and Xavier exchanged with one another, agreeing to their requests.

Xavier then passed me over to Sir Edward who held me in one of his arms. On the other side, I felt another smaller body being carried just like me.

'Is that Mariana? Is she okay?'

I tried not to think the worst, but the situation we were experiencing right now, didn't help waver the negative thoughts.

Such as if she got injured anywhere. Or if she had gotten injured beforehand? If Raphael had done something to her when she detected his attack against me.

Or perhaps when she had tried to intervene, sensing his hostile behavior, he had hurt her before she could even protect me.

The weird part was, I didn't even hear or sense when he had advanced towards her. Not even after he attacked me, yet that explained her silence the entire time.

Normally, Mariana would've freaked out at the sight, but then again, it was Raphael. He was the Young Master of the household.

The future heir of the family business.

So it would solely make sense if she stood there and watched everything. She was probably terrified and worried.

"Don't worry, Little Miss. Mariana is fine. She's only unconscious and not harmed."

Reading past my thoughts and worries, Sir Edward informed me of Mariana's well-being, which calmed my wavering heart and mind.

"I only knocked Mariana out for the sake of hers and the two precious treasures of the household's safety. If I didn't, things could've gone much worse."



At his bizarre words, I couldn't stop the mental gasp.

'Not my sweet Eddy! But wait, is Sir Edward implying he took Mariana out for our safety? What is he trying to say about Mariana? Also, are Raphael and I the supposed precious treasures of the household?'

However, everything wasn't making sense. The glowing lights, everyone's unordinary behavior, Raphael's insane speed, and Liam's words before. Basically, the entire scenario.

Was my second life going to be some sort of fantasy and action movie?

Instantly, goosebumps spread all over my skin, knowing the appalling discovery that was bound to be revealed soon.

'Celestial Jerk! You better keep your word! If not, I'm cursing you for the rest of my bloody existence!'

Shortly, an unexpected loud ear-piercing bang echoed throughout the entire location and caused the room to tremble.

Frightened, I cowered into Sir Edward's shoulder and gripped at his suit from a darn heart attack.

For sure, it sounded like a huge lightning strike that didn't come from outside. It came from inside the room.

Again, another shrilling noise echoed in the room. This time, it was Raphael's laugh. Not a normal laughter, but a laugh of a twisted psychopathic individual.

"Come on, Xavier! Is that all you got!?"

Raphael ridiculed in a lunatic manner as he burst out laughing insanely again.

At this point, I was genuinely concerned about his mental health. His behavior wasn't normal at all for a young kid.

"Or do I need to do something to provoke you to take this seriously?"

"Young Master, I suggest you concentrate on me. Please don't—!"


Out of nowhere, an explosion of sheer air broke the glass windows, and the broken sharp glass flew everywhere because of the whirlwind blowing around us.

Clearly, the gust of wind and miniature explosion came from the two different colorful energies produced by the two individuals fighting before us.


I was so dumb-struck I didn't notice my mouth was wide open. Or how an unknown shield had protected Sir Edward, Mariana, and me from the shattered glass.

Still, my eyesight was covered in bandages, so how could I have known?

"How unfair, Young Master. You used a dirty trick on me. It saddens me you don't believe I'm giving it my all."

"Hah. Enough with the useless lies and fight me, worthless trinket."

Raphael thrilled while the household trembled and the ornamentations of the bedroom dropped to the floor.

"Seeing how you're not taking the situation seriously, you wouldn't mind if I continue playing where I left off with my little sister, do you?"


Without warning, Raphael maliciously threw Xavier into the wall behind us where it connected to the outdoors, and he flew down to the ground with a rough thud.


I yelled in horror.

Almost instantaneously, Sir Edward was abruptly pushed against the wall with a great deal of force as I lost my balance and slipped out of his hold.

In truth, Sir Edward made an attempt to quickly move me to the floor before Raphael attacked, but was unsuccessful, and I fell on my side as a result.

'Ack! That stank in' hurts!'


"Hah. It wouldn't be a bad thing if the old geezer decided to show up. He'd only witness how 'perfectly' we get along."

My psycho brother delighted while standing beside Sir Edward, who remained silent the entire time. Yet, I sensed Raphael's beaming eyes staring in my direction.

My heart stopped for a moment as my breathing became ragged. I could detect his predatory gaze analyzing all of me. Specifically, my horrified expression.

'Crap! Please don't come here! Ignore me as if I'm not present! I beg you!'

Unfortunately for myself, my cowardly mental pleading went unnoticed.

In the speed of light, Raphael was in front of me and lifted the bandages off, wrapped around my head as I remained in the same fallen position like an idiot.

Instinctively, my closed eyelids tightened ferociously at his alarming actions and I wheezed at the terror of it.

Without being aware, my heart rate then accelerated by the fact of not knowing what his next motive may be. It was clear he'd do anything to me.

'He tried to hurt me for heaven's sake!'

Pitifully, the horror flooded my outrageous mind with a gasp of many what ifs on the situation.

'W-what if he beats me till I can barely stand? Or... BREATHE. What if... he tries to k-kill me next time!? Next time being right this instance. Shit, Amer— ROSELYN!! You need to get out of this situation!'

\( °ロ°)/

Right on time, a bright light in the room then directly took over the blackened vision of my eyelids before swiftly disappearing.

I sensed when Raphael's body stiffened at the unexpected scene, which was the strong presence of another person's sudden arrival.

"That's enough."

A strong masculine voice overflowing with irritation reverberated all through the bedroom, causing everyone to remain frozen.

It was intimidating.

I wanted to crawl into a corner and hide instinctively from the unfamiliar man. His tone of voice sounded scary and deadly. Especially his tyrannizing aura.

'When and where did this beast come from!? I didn't even hear him! What is up with everyone magically appearing?!?'

I mentally screamed, almost letting it slip out of my mouth.

"Raphael, let go of your sister."


This time, I gaped and stayed utterly speechless by the man's order.

"Tsk. I'm gone for a month and this is what I'm welcomed with? Seriously? What an embarrassment and disgrace to our family."

The man's whole being screamed with impeccable danger and authority. I didn't have to see him to know that.

"Father, you're back."

"Raphael. I won't repeat myself."

".... Tsk."

Hesitating for a bit, Raphael eventually obeyed the man and set me free.

'Nah! You're telling me that scary man is our father!? No way!'

During the short interaction, I didn't speak and kept quiet. I waited to listen if they'd say anything else to each other.

I wanted to hear the slightest bit of information they could spill about my whereabouts and the family's history. All for, the sake of my safety and survival.

Alas, the only thing I heard was a ruthless demand towards both Raphael and me.

"Both of you at my office. Now."