The Emperor hated the Empress? (2)

Who was the male lead?

An Emperor.

Well then…who was he before an emperor?

He was a prince….born from a woman that was not the previous empress.

An illegitimate prince of the previous emperor.

His mother came from a small tribe that wasn't talked about much in the novel. Well…the novel came mostly from the female lead's point of view. However, it was explicitly made known that the male lead was an illegitimate prince of the previous emperor.

He was the one who told the female lead about his true lineage as a son from the imperial family. He was also the same person who admitted how much he hated the imperial family and also the nobles.

His life apparently as an illegitimate son of the previous emperor wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.


''Doesn't your majesty agree with this empress's words?'' Releasing the inhaled smoke in her mouth, Rose asked the quiet emperor. The same thin smile still remained on her lips.

The emperor should not behave as though he knew the empress like the back of his hand, when he had been the same person who had drawn the line between them in their marriage.

Such behavior was disgusting in her opinion.

'…There's no better explanation than this though…' Besides that, Rose felt this was plausible explanation. At least, she wouldn't be suspected by the emperor for a while.

She would have to make sure not to act out of the empress's normal character….well…if she can do such without inner complaints….like the puffy gowns, crinolines and corsets that she threw out of her mind without hesitation.

''…it seems I stepped out of line. Do forgive me empress.'' An apology came the emperor which was very unexpected.


He apologized?

Rose was surprised. According to the memories in her head, an emperor wasn't one to easily apologize even to his empress, yet this man did it so effortlessly.

Even the empress had never received an apology from him.

Now this made Rose to feel a little uncomfortable. Even if the apology did not seem from the heart, especially with how the emperor apologized with that blank face of his, it did not change the fact that an apology was done.

''This smoking pipe does not contain tobacco, your majesty.'' With a defeated sigh, rose suddenly explained. Her eyes focused on the neatly carved smoking pipe. ''The imperial physicians were against this empress smoking tobacco and concocted some medicinal herbs. Apparently, the herbs will improve this empress' health.'' Saying all this, Rose recalled how the imperial physicians were against her smoking tobacco.

Well…as an adult both inside and the outside, she knew tobacco was not good for the human body in general. But…Rose just couldn't do without it.

Back in her world, smoking relieved her anxiety and stress, to the point that she couldn't deal without smoking for a day.

Through therapy and her doctor, the addiction had been kept under control.

Here…in this world…Rose had felt the urge to pick it back up, and she did. Even if she might have seemed calm for someone in a foreign world or she felt pleased about not being the empress of the entertainment industry anymore, it had never changed the fact that she was alone.

Alone in a place that was only familiar to her because of a novel and memories that were not hers. She wasn't even bearing her actual identity as Rose Kingston. She and the empress only bore the same name but not the same last name. Because of that, she would have to live a life that was never hers in the first place.

A lonely life that was not new to her. Perhaps she and the empress were fated to come across each other somehow.

 ''The imperial physician did mention that inhaling too much of the medicinal herbs was also not good for this empress's body.'' Rose continued, inhaling the medicinal herbs in the smoking pipe once more.

Well…too much of everything was not good for the human body. Even if she was inhaling medicinal herbs that was beneficial to her health, she would still have to be careful not to get addicted to the same herbs.

''Your majesty does not have to worry about the empress's health.'' Meeting the emperor's gaze, Rose smiled with smoke drifting from her lips.

'…and find your way out of this place…' She finished the rest of her words in her heart.

''...'' In response to her words, the emperor only stared at her smiling face in silence before parting his lips.

''Can empress also explain the reason for the night gown?''

''…..'' Just when Rose thought this man would leave the empress's palace, he still had to ask about the night gown on her body. She had even worn a silk robe over the thin straps, yet he still didn't want to let the issue go.

''This empress is just recovering from a fever, your majesty. It is healthier to feel free at times.''

'Now can you leave?' Rose felt like saying these words to the emperor's face, but she had to be calm. She was now an empress who had to be restrained and polite to an emperor who was also her husband.

''If it is what empress wants, then I have no words.'' Much to her relief, the emperor seemed to end the conversation. ''I wish empress a fast recovery. The nobles' and your father are very worried about your health. Your sudden change in character seemed to have brought up few disturbances.''

''...'' Watching the man who steadily stood up and was now advancing towards her, Rose got the feeling that there was another meaning behind such words from him.

'Are you sincerely wishing for my recovery…' She wondered as this man met up with her in quick strides. He lowered himself and took a hold of her hand free from the smoking pipe to place a kiss.

A ticklish sensation erupted from his lips on her bare skin, but Rose had no reaction to that as her Amethyst eyes remained stagnant on golden ones, trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind such words.

'or are you warning me to behave as before…like the empress?' Rose responded with a smile of her own…another false smile as the emperor ended the kiss on the back of her fingers and steadily stood upright.

''Empress doesn't have to see me out. Enjoy your day and rest well.'' Without waiting for her response, the emperor moved past, stepping towards the door of the drawing room.

''Your majesty as well.'' The fingers about to touch the handle of the door paused at sound of Rose's voice. A moment of silence passed before the same fingers latched on the golden handle and turned it down for the door to open outward.

''What a conversation…'' Eyeing the closed door, Rose remarked a moment after the emperor stepped outside the drawing room.


Letting go of her crossed legs, rose languidly relaxed her body on the sofa with a long sigh. The side of her body rested on the long pillow near the arms of the sofa. Her legs, stretched away from the other arm of the sofa with her wiggling toes. Her eyes met with the empty sofa where the emperor had seated beyond the round table in the middle. The smoking pipe was held by the tip in her fingers

''He's quite handsome…'' She closed her eyes with a murmur. That was the only impression that the emperor left on a woman like herself.
