A True Empress

The days after, Rose did not catch a whiff of the emperor near the empress palace. Contrary to the unpleasant words around her, his absence left a delightful taste in her mouth.

She wouldn't have to worry about any etiquettes and restrained rules around the emperor.

''I saw the emperor deliver numerous of presents to the queen.''

''I heard that he has been spending his nights in the queen's chambers.''

''Who knows…perhaps the crown prince…''

''Shhh! Can't you see her majesty here?!''

''So what? She has never done anything about our words in the past. Her majesty is always kind to us lowly maids.''


In a bathing tub, Rose could be seen relaxing fully in bathing water, as these maids did their job skillfully. Though their running mouths were becoming a nuisance to as someone as tolerant as her.

Her majesty is always kind to us lowly maids?

Was insolence the same as kindness?

Had the empress always endured these maids' words without giving a warning? Rose suddenly wondered, going through the memories in her head. She knew the empress's influence was quite low in among the maids, but she didn't expect them to even discuss matters concerning their superiors this openly.

They just disregarded etiquettes as servants to the imperial family just because of the empress's quiet character.

''The queen's…Ah! Your majesty! The water!'' The maid detangling her hair in the bathing water suddenly shouted at the top of her voice. Her body recoiled away from the droplets purposely splashed by Rose, who abruptly stood up with force.

Not only her, but the two maids on each side of the bathing tub, shrank away from the water purposely splashed on them.

From their stunned faces to their black and white uniforms, the maids were drenched with water that they had prepared with rose petals for the empress's bath.

Compared to the other two maids, the maid at the head of the bathtub was the first to snap out of her daze.

''Your majesty! How could you—!'' Before completing her words, the maid choked on the rose petal that fell from her forehead to her lips. By mistake, she swallowed in the rose petal when venting her anger to the red-haired lady.

''How could I?'' Standing in the bath tub bare without shame, Rose eyed the red-faced maid. Her body was tilted to the side and her gaze directly facing the maid, still coughing from the rose petals.

''Do you have an idea who you are talking to, maid?''



The maids on each side of the bath tub were quick to know that the empress was displeased with them, or particularly their words from earlier.

''Your majesty should have mercy on us lowly maids.'' They were quick to lower themselves and beg for mercy. In this palace, their master was the empress. Their lives were also in her hands. It wouldn't do them any good to offend her greatly, whether her character was kind or not.

Hearing those words, rose turned her gaze to both sides. she lowered her gaze to the sight of the maids with their foreheads on the wet floor. Sensing a stinging gaze on the side of her face, she collided gazes with that same maid at the head of bath tub.

The maid who uttered words that immediately displeased her.

Startled, the maid did not expect the amethyst eyes and was quick to lower herself, just like her fellow maids. However, her lips were sealed, not uttering apologetic words like them.

'Such stubbornness….' Rose did not outwardly comment on the maid's rude behavior. She looked past the backs of the maids and merely stepped out of the bathing tub. Water dripped from her glistening body as she took careful and little steps, on the lookout for an unexpected slip.

''Still not coming?'' Rose called out, glancing sideways at the maids.

''Yes, your majesty!'' Without caring about their wet selves, the two maids on the side got up and scurried to the empress's side. They did not bother to glance at their fellow maid tightening her jaw and glaring at the wet floor in anger.

''Since you prefer to be on your knees, then stay in that position until this empress releases you.''

''Huh?'' Startled, the maid raised her head, her gaze meeting the sight of her fellow maids wearing the empress her white bathing robe.

''Your majesty?'' Puzzled, the maid called out in question. Did empress mean that she should remain on her knees with her head on this wet and bare floor?

''This empress doesn't seem to have allowed a deaf maid to work in the palace. It's such a hassle make one's self clear for the second time. This should be a good punishment for you to learn your manners as a servant working in the empress palace.'' Without looking back at the kneeling maid, Rose walked out of the bathroom with her long wet hair sticky to her body from every side.

'This should keep them in check.' She glanced at the quiet maids meekly trailing after her footsteps. She could finally get some peace and quiet.

Sitting on the dressing chair, Rose brushed through her damp red hair with the tips of her slim fingers. Her Amethyst eyes gazed at the other pair of amethyst eyes from the mirror.

'Beautiful…' Rose complimented the reflection of herself from the mirror. The empress was truly a woman with an outstanding beauty.

Rose too, had looks as the empress of the entertainment industry. Her beauty had been praised to be top tier. However, this empress's looks truly deserved such praise as a top tier.

Even after weeks of idling her new life in this world, rose still couldn't get used to seeing her reflection in the mirror. It had even gotten her to create a habit of praising herself in the mirror.

''What outfit will your majesty wear for the day?'' Asking this, one of the maids started to detangle long hair with a hairbrush. The tone of her voice was very careful and respectful towards Rose.

''Why do you ask such silly question? What this empress had worn the previous day will be the same for today.''

''…..'' At her reply, the maids carefully glanced at each other. An action that Rose caught from their reflection in the mirror.

''Speak your mind.''

''….Y-Your majesty…'' The other maid standing on the side, hesitantly called out. ''Are the dresses not to your liking anymore?'' she questioned in a careful tone.

''it seems you're a little slow in catching on, maid.''

''Forgive this maid for not noticing such on time, your majesty.'' The same maid quickly bowed with an apology. In the absence of the ladies-in-waiting, she and her three fellow maids have been in-charge of the empress' appearance since her marriage to the emperor.

Towards the empress wearing her silk gown from dawn to dark, they hadn't thought much into it. They had assumed this was the empress trying to get the emperor's attention, and that she would return to her normal self.

But…it seemed that was not case.

''Your majesty can call for Madam Giselle.'' The maid suggested about the famous fashion designer of the entire empire.

''Madam Giselle?''

''Yes your majesty. There's no one worthy of your majesty other than Madam Giselle.''

''Hmm…'' Rose hummed in response, dwelling in her thoughts about the Madam Giselle worthy of her name, according to the maid.

From the memories in her head, this Madam Giselle was also responsible for the female lead's fashion as queen. The empress's dresses were also done by her.

''No, this empress has no need for Madam Giselle anymore.'' Rose denied the maid's suggestion. She had an idea why the empress had also used this Madam Giselle. In order to impress the emperor, she must have pondered on a lot of things.

''What does your majesty mean?'' Confused, the maid wondered if Madam Giselle had done something to offend the empress. The queen still used Madam Giselle, so why did the empress want to stop using her?

Was it because of the queen? The empress had a good relationship with the queen, didn't she? The empress also had no problems from using her in the past.

''From now on, never allow anyone from Madam Giselle into this palace. This empress will look for another fashion designer.''

''But your majesty…'' Still confused, the maids glanced at each other, not understanding the empress's train of thoughts. Even if Madam Giselle had done something to offend the empress, there was no other fashion designer like her that was worthy of making the empress's dresses.

''There should be other fashion designers that will suit this empress's taste.'' Rose ignored the maids' confusion. She could understand why they do not agree with her words. However, she was different from the empress.

Unlike the empress, she absolutely did not have feelings for the emperor. Why should she continue wearing such dresses that didn't even fit the empress in the first place?

Besides the emperor, she also did not want to be the queen's background color. She, an empress from the entertainment industry, was one to make trends, not make use of trends from someone lower than her.

Even if that person was the female lead, it doesn't change that the female lead was a mere queen, compared to her who was titled empress.

'I will be a true empress in your stead…' Rose declared in her heart. She might have been quiet since entering this body of the empress. However, her attitude as the reigning empress of the entertainment industry still strongly remained within her.
