Like Red lilies (1)

''Did you hear?''

''Her majesty…''

''….all the way to the empress' palace..''

''no wonder…the strange faces in the imperial palace…''

''Her majesty is strange these days…''

''Shh! The Grand chamberlain!''

''Oh dear…''

Walking past the whispering maids was the Grand chamberlain looking prim and proper in his aristocratic clothes as always. With a warning side-glance, the maids' backs broke out in cold sweat and their bodies became rigid as a statue.

In their hearts, they prayed to the heavens that the Grand chamberlain wouldn't call out on them. They didn't want to be like their fellow maids that had been recently dismissed from the imperial palace.

Luckily for the trembling maids, the attention of the Grand chamberlain wasn't focused on them but the same empress who had multiply his work load with her actions. As if dealing with the emperor was not enough, the empress suddenly appeared with her troubles that he never thought would exist with a noble lady like her.

Few days ago, the empress had called for him. It was very surprising because he and the empress had rarely conversed in the past.

Her request for him was to summon all the fashion designers in the entire empire. A very shocking request from the empress who hardly spends from her funds.

'When your majesty means all fashion designers, does that include the commoners?'

'My words should be very much comprehensible, Grand chamberlain.'

'....What of Madam Giselle, your majesty?'

'This empress needs her own fashion designer, not a borrowed one.'

'A borrowed one…' Coming back to the present, the Grand chamberlain wondered if the empress was referring to the queen. It was widely known that the queen only wore dresses from Madam Giselle.

Did something happen between them?

The Grand chamberlain tried to recall if there had been any recent interactions between the empress and the queen that he did not know of. The last time the two ladies interacted was at the hunting grounds of House Vernier.

After then, nothing happened. Neither the queen nor the empress made a fuss about the incident. Under the persuasion of the queen, the emperor had dropped the investigation.

'I just hope the imperial palace remains peaceful as it has always been…' The Grand chamberlain released a sigh with that thought. Honestly, when the emperor married the empress, he had thoughts that the imperial palace wouldn't be quiet.

Unexpectedly, the empress was a quiet one. Even with the emperor's blatant favoritism towards the queen away from the public eyes, she had never changed.

In the presence of the queen, she remained the same as though the tension was never there to begin with.

Compared to the negative history of the previous empresses and other women of the previous emperor, the relationship between the empress and queen was peaceful over the years.

So peaceful that the Grand chamberlain wished it would remain that way forever. However, it seemed such wish of his was really naïve.

There was no way the empress and the queen would be on good terms.

The empress was somewhat different from the past. He only hoped that such little difference wouldn't destroy the tranquility within the imperial family.


''I can't believe I'm in the imperial palace…''

''It's so shining.''

''I hope I get chosen by her majesty.''

''I wonder what her majesty is thinking…''

''These commoners have no place here…''

Facing the knights stationed in front of the double doors leading to the drawing room, many could be seen whispering among themselves. Among the many, there are some in worn-out clothes like rags. Their skin looked rough with scratches and they had unkempt hairstyles, not as neat and fancy as another set of the people.

''I wonder who her majesty will choose…''

''What of Madam Giselle?"

''Perhaps her majesty wants to try a different style…''

''Then why the commoners? They are not worthy of her majesty''

''Who knows what her majesty is thinking…''

Most of the discussions did not come from the people in worn-out clothes and rough skin, the commoners huddled together at one side. Even if the commoners wanted to talk, they would immediately receive a sharp glare from the other fashion designers richer and influential than them.

Even if these rich fashion designers were commoners themselves, most of them were exclusive to noble houses. Because of that, some of them even saw themselves as nobles and looked down on others poorer than them. They were known as the wealthy commoners.

Among these fashion designers were nobles too. However, these nobles were from lower houses, mostly with the title baron and viscount. Some are even fallen nobles. They hoped to climb up the social ladder through the empress.

''Her majesty hasn't made her decision?''

''Her majesty has checked every one of us here except the commoners, hasn't she?''

''Does her majesty really intend to look at the commoners?''

''How strange…''

'What's strange about that?' Among the quiet commoners, a young lady frowned at the murmurs from these people only talking among themselves. If not because of the disparity between her and these people, she would have loved to speak up on the top of her voice.

According to the recent news going around the imperial capital, the empress was looking for a new fashion designer only exclusive to herself and no other person. Every fashion designer, both commoners and nobles were welcome to have a meeting with her.

There was nothing wrong with commoners like themselves being in the imperial palace. The empress was kind enough to even give them privilege of meeting her personally just once in a lifetime.


The young lady almost jumped at the sound of the sharp voice. Her gaze focused on the maid now staring sharply at her. Instantly, her mind clicked in realization that she was the next commoner to meet with the empress. She didn't expect the person before her to be that quick with the empress.

Perhaps the empress didn't like what she had seen.

'I wonder if she will like these handmade dresses…' The young lady thought not very confident of herself and her work. Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and plastered a determined look on her face.

Walking past the stationed knights, she entered into the drawing room where she would be face to face with the one and only empress of the empire.

'So bright…' As a commoner not used to the sight of luxury, the young lady couldn't stop herself from looking around with wide eyes and awe.

''Kneel before her majesty!''

''A-Ah Yes!'' The sharp voice caught her from her trance, and the young lady gathered herself before kneeling on the floor with her gaze lowered to the same place. She crumpled the dresses in her arms, careful of the material from touching the bare ground.

''G-Greeting your majesty.'' Her voice shook in nervousness. She was finally meeting the empress, the highest-ranked noble lady in the entire empire. Something that she would have never thought someone like herself would get privileged to in her life.

''You're less nervous than the other commoners.''

'…Her voice….' The young lady widened her eyes at the sound. She never thought that someone's voice would be this soft yet pleasing to the ears.

 ''Quite bold, this empress must say. Raise your gaze, let this empress take a look at yourself.''

''...'' With a subtle hesitation, the young lady lifted her gaze slowly until she was facing the person seated in her front.

''Ah…'' The young lady couldn't control the faint sound of exclamation that escaped her lips. Her eyes shook at the person in her gaze.

''Hmm...I guess you're still like the others.'' The red-haired lady in her sight gave an amused smile. ''Is this empress' appearance that stunning?''

''….Y-Your majesty is like red lilies.'' The young lady couldn't help herself from answering that question. However, it seemed she shouldn't have done so, with how one of the maids glared sharply her way.

''How dare you speak…!"

''This empress asked a question and she replied. Is there something wrong with that?''

''But your majesty! Commoners don't have rights….''

''Aren't you a commoner yourself?''


The young lady watched how the empress shut the one of the maids up. This really took her by surprise. The empress stood up for her against her own maids. Another thing that she never expected in her life.

''You said this empress is like the red lilies. Why not the red rose, commoner?'' The empress focused her gaze back on her. The same amused smile that had vanished because of that maid returned back on her lips.

''….Y-Your majesty, the red rose is too common from this commoner's opinion.'' The young lady briefly glanced to that particular maid as though expecting her yell. Seeing nothing was happening except for her sharp glare, the young lady became bolder in expressing her thoughts.

''If this commoner could say, a red rose is not worthy of your majesty. It's too simple in sight, not fitting of your majesty's visage. Red lilies are, as the flowers are very rare yet captivating in sight. Your majesty is also one of a kind, rare yet captivating in sight.''

This was the first thought that came to mind when her eyes landed on the empress. Just like those red lilies from her faraway village, the empress has that type of striking beauty.
