Like Red lilies (2)

''Hmm…'' Still with a smile, Rose hummed in amusement. So, her appearance was like that of red lilies.

This commoner was definitely different from the others that she had seen earlier. Unlike this one, the others either trembled throughout the short interaction or some didn't even have the courage to lift up their gazes and present their work.

The maids had to do the presentation for them.

Given this era and the memories of the empress, Rose had an idea the commoners were different from the other group of fashion designers.

The sense of inequality and inferiority must be deeply rooted within them.

''You have a glib tongue. Has anyone ever told you that?'' Rose took in the sight of the commoner. Unkempt dull hair, rough skin, worn-out gown with little patches that showed signs of needlework….it was hard to believe that someone like her was a fashion designer. The same as the other commoners.

''Numerous times, your majesty. But this commoner's words are from the heart. Your majesty's beauty is one of a kind in this commoner's eyes.''

'And bold….' Rose thought this lady in her gaze was truly bold for a commoner. Even if her appearance was not appealing, her lips did a good job of presenting herself.

Even if the commoner was telling a lie, who didn't like be told their beauty was one of a kind?

Rose was someone who loved compliments and those words definitely brightened up her mood to the point that she fully ignored the presence of the disrespectful maid on her side.

''You have this empress's attention, commoner.''

''Thank you for your benevolence, your majesty.'' The commoner gave a deep bow, feeling both relieved and happy that the empress did not find her words insulting. Red lilies in the empire were indeed rare, and one of the areas those flowers could be found was her faraway village.

She thought the empress would find it insulting to be comparing her appearance to that of an unpopular flower unlike the red rose. A flower widely known for its romantic gesture.

''Y-Your majesty, this commoner is actually a seamstress with little knowledge of a fashion designer.'' Her voice shook a bit when saying these words, but she had to as it was a crime to say falsehood to the empress.

''Go on.''

''Thank you, your majesty.'' The commoner sighed in relief seeing that the empress found no problem with her words.

''….um…'' When she wanted to display one of the handmade dresses in her hand, the commoner found a little problem since she was still on her knees. She looked at one of the maids for help with her pleading eyes.

''You don't seem to have understood this empress's words, commoner. You're allowed to stand on your feet.''

''Pardon this commoner for the lack of etiquettes, your majesty.'' With flamed cheeks, the commoner replied, feeling a little embarrassed with the empress laughing at her.

She sensed no ill intentions but it was still embarrassing when one of the highest ranked persons in the empire made fun of her.

''…um…this commoner sew this dress, your majesty.'' Now standing on her two feet, the commoner hung one of the dresses over her shoulder and displayed the other one in her hands. '' The material is from an old silk. This commoner was inspired from an existing culture….''


''...'' The laughter certainly did not come from the commoner presenting her handmade dresses. It certainly did not come for Rose who was deeply examining the dress herself.


''Yes, your majesty.''

''It seems one of these maids is quite idle to be amused about something in the presence of this empress. See to it that the head maid makes her busy.''

''Your majesty…!''

''As your majesty wishes.'' Ignoring the yell of the disrespectful maid, Leanna glared in her way after heeding the empress's order. Wordlessly she gestured with her head for the maid to follow her and made her way out of the drawing room.

''Hmph!'' When the disrespectful maid passed the commoner with clothes, she boldly harrumphed with a loud snort as though she wasn't in the presence of the empress.


She closed the door quite loudly and rudely, bringing some question marks on the commoner's head. Why was a mere maid rude in the empress's presence? Did she do something to make the maid angry?

''Do continue, commoner.''

''Y-Yes your majesty.''

The empress behaved as if nothing went wrong. The commoner felt that she should also do the same in order not to incur the empress's wrath. Either way, this wasn't any of her concern.

''Your majesty, this commoner has nothing else to say. The beauty of this dress is if your majesty actually w-wears i-it.'' Her voice shook at the end, knowing what kind of request she was putting for the empress.

A distinguished person like the empress wearing a handmade dress from an unknown seamstress living in the slums of the imperial capital….

The commoner knew that her request probably sounded foolish. Requesting the empress to wear her dress…

''Your majesty…'' Perhaps the remaining one maid were in the same line of thoughts as the commoner that she wanted to argue immediately. Why should the empress wear the dress of a seamstress with no distinguished reputation? The empress hadn't even worn any of the fancy dresses from the nobles and known fashion designers, yet she would wear this dress made from an old-fashioned silk?

If not for how the empress threw out her fellow maid, she would have thrown a glare in the commoner's way. Rather, she quietly called out to the empress in hopes of delivering her words.

''You are certainly right about that, commoner.'' However, Rose remained unbothered unlike the commoner and the maid. She stood up from the exquisite chair and gestured with her amethyst eyes. ''Help this empress change, commoner.''

The maid was not mentioned and blatantly ignored on the side, like she did not exist.

The commoner noticed that peculiarity. Nevertheless, she obediently followed to the screen with the handmade dress in her hand.

A moment later, the empress was wearing her handmade dress. Yet another thing that she would have imagined to happen in her life.

The commoner forced herself to calm down. However, she couldn't contain her excitement. Her hands were visibly shaking.

The empress was wearing her dress. A design that was inspired from an existing tribal culture. A dress that none of her customers wanted to buy from her.

''Your majesty…'' A sound of awe and admiration escaped her lips as her teary eyes took in the stunning sight of the empress.

''The dress does fit this empress, doesn't it?''

''Hmm…'' The commoner nodded vehemently without a word. She didn't trust herself from making ugly sobbing sounds.

''This silk…'' Feeling the softness of the material, Rose murmured, admiring her beautiful reflection from the golden intricate mirror.

'This dress is the one….' Rose loved what she was seeing at the moment. The material was one thing that triggered her interest; the faint purple designs scattered all over the material like a pattern and also feel of it. Besides that, the style of dress was what she liked the most

It wasn't like puffy gowns like most of the fashion designers had presented her. It also wasn't like the simple gowns that all the commoners had presented to her.

The style was just in the middle. Very suitable and fitting for someone like herself.

The sleeves of the dress were a bit lengthy yet free and one of her legs was exposed with how the skirt of the dress was done to overlap each other.

This dress was perfect for her to wear in the empress palace. Rather than wearing her night gown from morning to night, she could wear something like this to the garden for the whole day. At least, this whole palace was for the empress, and she rarely got visitors.

The emperor didn't seem to visit her again, so there was no one to criticize her dressing.

''What is your name?'' Rose turned her gaze to the commoner quiet by her side. This young lady seemed very talented to have done something unique like this in this era. Rose couldn't wait to explore more of her works.

''Valerie, your majesty.''

''This empress will like to see more of your works. If they trigger this empress's interest, then you will have the privilege of being this empress's seamstress, Valerie. As for this dress, consider it bought by this empress.'' Rose said with a sincere smile. Even if she did not find the designer of her taste, she has at least gotten a seamstress. If Valerie could sow something like this, and other works were top-notch to her taste, then rose would have no need for a fashion designer.

''A-Ah…'' Those words brought tears to the eyes of the commoner named Valerie. Before leaving her home, she only took this dress since it was one of her best designs with no hope of leaving any impression.

But…it seemed that was never going to happen. The empress was impressed with her design. A dress that none of her customers liked since its creation.

''Your majesty can have them all. All the dresses of this commoner's hands will belong to your majesty. This commoner will only be loyal to your majesty. Thank you. Thank you….'' Valerie didn't know how many times she said thank you. However, she didn't stop deeply knowing that a thousand thank yous wasn't enough for the empress. Her knees had already given out and she cried unstoppable tears of joy and appreciation in her hands.

If not for her unstable state, she might have kowtowed with the forehead heavily hitting the ground.

Her family's poor finances were already solved thanks to the empress. This moment…this day….became very memorable in the life of a commoner named Valerie.
