A strange feeling

''...'' The silence between the emperor and the nobles lasted for a moment before the emperor decided to break it.

''The matter of the crown prince is between the empress and myself, Marquis.''

''Your majesty, this matter also concerns the state of the empire's affairs. It has been years since your majesty married her majesty and the queen. Yet there is no news of an imperial child.''

The grand chamberlain, standing by the emperor's side, sneered inwardly at the greedy face of the marquis.

The noble who brought the matter of the crown prince was Marquis Markell. A man whose greed knew no limit.

Out of all the nobles, he has been the vocal one about the matter of crown prince every now and then.

Who did not know that the marquis had a beautiful daughter that was of age, yet had not gotten engaged even if they had been numerous proposal letters from many noble families.

''I see Marquis Markell still remained the same. Always taking the chance of his grace's absence to utter such words.''

''I am merely concerned about the state of the empire's affairs.''

''His majesty is the same, marquis.''

''Of course, his majesty is the most concerned. But the matter of the crown prince cannot be delayed any longer.''

Grand chamberlain watched as the Marquis Markell gritted his teeth at the only noble capable of countering against him.

The Count Owens.

''I see Lady Markell is of age, marquis. Why don't you engage her to one of my sons?'' Count Owens offered with a smile.

''Haha….you jest a lot, count.'' Marquis Markell forced himself to laugh against the Count Owens. Only the count had the audacity to go against someone like himself. Even if there was a difference in their status, he and the count were somewhat at the same level.

The count was someone that rejected the offer to become marquis from the previous emperor. That gave count more qualifications to go against him in every way.

Something that annoyed him greatly all the time.

''Your majesty, since the founder's day is coming soon, why don't you wed some of the princesses from the neighboring kingdoms?''

''Does marquis see his majesty as a joke? Do you want to make our empire a laughingstock?''

''Then what do you suggest, Count Owens? I am merely concerned about the state of the empire's affairs. It has been years with no news of an imperial heir.''

''His majesty is more than enough for the empire, marquis. To me, it seems as if you're wishing for his majesty's health to decline so soon.''

''Watch your tongue, Count Owens!''

''Then leave the matters about the crown prince alone. The crown prince will come at an appropriate timing, marquis.''


The nobles watched as the marquis's face turned red with imaginary steam coming off his head, and the calm Count Owens as though he wasn't responsible for the marquis almost vomiting blood out of anger.

Some of them even turned their gaze to the emperor to gauge his expression, but the said man still remained as impassive as ever. It was as though they weren't discussing the matter of his own descendant in front of him.

The argument between Count Owens and Marquis Markell has always been part of monthly meetings in the courtroom of the imperial palace.

In the nobility, there are factions who support the imperial family, mainly the line-in of the throne. House Cortez was part of the line-in to the throne, because of the grand duke's daughter who ascended the position of the empress.

Count Owens was part of such faction. That is why whenever the marquis brought up the matter of the crown prince in the absence of the grand duke, Count Owens would be sure to be to put him in the place.

Moreover, the marquis was a man timid in the presence of a powerful influence like the grand duke.

'Again…' Grand chamberlain sighed, watching as the argument between the Marquis Markell and Count Owens continuing for eternity.

Whenever this happened, the emperor would rather watch than intervene in such matters. Count Owens was the one who took the duty of putting the troublesome marquis in place. Although there were moments when the count would go against the emperor himself. However, he wasn't as rude as the marquis, who seemed to see himself as bigger than the emperor.

'What a long day…' the grand chamberlain remarked, prepared to stand for a long time by the emperor's side.



''Where were you before the meeting?''

''The empress palace, your majesty.''

''The empress? Is this about the founder's day?''

''Yes, your majesty.''

In the hallways of the imperial palace, the grand chamberlain could be seen walking behind the emperor with papers in his hands as usual. The meeting just ended after hours of arguments and decisions.

''Your majesty, it will be best if the management of the imperial palace is left in the hands of her majesty. Not only has her majesty done a perfect duty, her majesty uprooted out those who embezzled from the imperial treasury. She also gave promotions to those deserving of the positions.'' The grand chamberlain revealed his thoughts when he did not hear any words from the emperor after his own. He took it as a bad sign that the emperor was not happy with the empress gaining power within the imperial palace.

The queen might be the emperor's true love, but she did not have any skills in managing the imperial palace. It would be best if matters like this, were left in the hands of the empress.

''Your majesty, the budget lists have been given to her majesty. It would be best if she was left with handling the preparations for the founder's day.''

''....It seems you are satisfied with her.'' The emperor was quite surprised to hear of his aide's compliments towards the empress. Even his queen, Aurora, had not gotten this much from him.

''Her majesty is admirable.''

''Admirable…'' the emperor murmured, thinking of the words he heard of the empress and the experiences he had with her after that fall in the lake.

'She has really changed.' The emperor thought, recalling to the first time he experienced her sudden change. It was different from the woman who he married and had made clear about the purpose of their marriage on their wedding night.

Unlike the woman he married, the woman now was someone that he couldn't read at all. Almost as if they were two different people.

'Or perhaps this was her true nature.'

''If you think she can manage the imperial palace, then leave the management to her.'' The emperor pushed all thoughts of the empress aside.

'I'll have to apologize to aurora.' The emperor thought of his queen. Aurora was someone who had worked very hard to be his queen. He knew she would start to overthink once she learned of his agreement towards the empress having the power to manage the imperial palace.

Their relationship had fully turned sour when he married the empress under the force of the nobles. They wouldn't want their empress to be of common background and that was why aurora was made his queen rather than his empress.

''Yes, your majesty.'' The grand chamberlain was pleased with the reply. At least, his workload has reduced greatly and he could focus more on the matters of the emperor and the empire.

''Ah...your majesty, the full moon…'' The grand chamberlain suddenly recalled an important matter concerning the emperor.

''I know.'' The emperor did not allow the grand chamberlain to complete his words. Before passing another set of the glass windows, something caught his gaze and his steps paused on the spot.

His golden eyes were attracted to the sight of red roses blooming beautifully under the rays of the shining sun. Perhaps the wind had blown, causing the rose to sway and adding more to the entrancing sight. The color of roses reminded him of the hair color of a certain woman.

Because of the image in his mind, his mouth suddenly seemed dried as though thirsty for water. But the emperor knew that he had no need to quench his thirst when he was not in need of water in the first place.

''Your majesty?''

The voice of his aide pulled him from his thoughts and the emperor removed his gaze from the sight of the beautiful red roses.

'strange…' The emperor resumed his steps down the hallway. Ever since the incident of the lake, his body had always felt strange around the empress.

In her presence, and even the thought of her had always brought a strange feeling to him.


The emperor had no reason and continued his steps with the lingering thoughts.


The day ended and time flew by like the wind, and so, the anticipated founder's day of the entire Landian empire had reached with its festive air.