The Founder’s day

''The envoys from the Acari kingdom!''

''The envoys from the Anectens kingdom!''

''The envoys from the kingdom of Ugrians!''

As the announcer kept on doing his duty, announcing in a loud voice to the point that Rose felt he was quite pitiable. The throne room kept on filling up with many envoys from different kingdoms, and Rose watched every movement from above the set of staircases.

'So many characters…No...people….' This realization suddenly dawned on Rose. These characters were also people. People dressed differently because of their unique cultures deep-rooted within them.

''The envoys from the Kingdom of Pterus.''

''The envoy….''

'It's going to be a long day.' Rose inwardly sighed, knowing that she wouldn't easily be able to hide from the prying eyes of many.


''Your majesties, Kingdom of iggins bestows hundred bolts of the huan silk and the purple diamond of the first royal family. Your majesty the empress, in our kingdom, rumors spoke of your majesty's eyes similar to that of the purple diamond loved by our first queen. Please accept this trivial gift, for we have no other befitting of your name.''

''For your people to use this empress's eyes, it is an honor. The fact that you travelled all the way just for the empire's celebration is also a gift befitting of the imperial family.'' Towards the flattering words of the envoy, Rose smiled for the umpteenth time. It has been hours and here she was plastering a smile fitting for each envoy and their gifts.

These people really knew how to use her name and the emperor's to boost their gifts up to the heavens.

'When can I leave….' Rose wondered for the umpteenth time as well. What she has been doing was smiling, smiling and smiling. Even in the sight of marriage declaration from envoys and their beautiful princesses, she could only smile and pray for the ending to come.

''Your majesties, the Mongol empire celebrates the future of the empire to come. Our empire bestows our only imperial princess with a declaration of marriage to your majesty.'' After the words from the envoy, there was an uproar in the entire throne room.

The only difference between this marriage declaration and the other marriage declarations was the difference in status. The emperor could dismiss the marriage declarations from other kingdoms, but not this one from an empire.

And not just any empire, the Mongol empire. They came solely for expressing their intentions to connect the two empires through marriage. Their appearance was even shocking in the first place since the relationships between the empires were never good, both in present and past.

''Our emperor does not mean any insult to your majesty the empress. This is for the sake of the two empires, and our emperor hopes that your majesty lives up to your reputation of being magnanimous.''

'Oh?' Rose arched an eyebrow at the envoy that spoke quite sharply. She couldn't be blamed for being surprised when the other envoys had expressed their kingdom's love for her beauty and all.

As for this envoy, other than his tasteful dressing, there was nothing spectacular about his appearance. Perhaps because of his words, rose even found him more distasteful and unfitting of wearing such noble clothes.

''Your words are quite interesting. His majesty has neither agreed nor declined yet you speak such words as though an agreement has been made in the first place.'' Saying this, Rose started to tap the arm of the throne with her forefinger. ''First of, this empress doesn't even know of the Imperial princess that you speak of. In addition to that, his majesty has neither expressed his decision to depose of this empress, so where did you get the confidence that this empress will leave this position for a mere princess of another empire?''

''Y-Your majesty….'' The envoy went pale, not expecting to speak such words.

''Perhaps this empress isn't aware of such agreement, your majesty?'' Rose finally turned to the emperor by her side, only to meet his gaze already on herself. Pushing down her surprise, she stared at him, expecting a favorable answer.

She wanted to deal with this envoy both inside and out!

''Not that I'm aware of.''

''His majesty has just stated his stance.'' Pleased with his words, Rose turned back to the pale envoy. ''so do tell this empress where you heard of such agreement? Even if the Imperial princess gets married to his majesty, the queen is also there to take this position.'' For the first time, Rose found the queen's name quite pleasing to the eyes.

The murmurs in the entire throne room drained to a complete silence. None of the envoys and the nobles present expected the meek and gentle empress of the rumors to have such a sharp tongue.

Everyone was greatly surprised, especially the envoys.

Indeed, they had done well in getting on her good side. The envoys rejoiced in their hearts, unlike a certain envoy who almost peed on himself.

Just now, he had destroyed his emperor's only chance to be on good terms with the imperial family of the Landian empire.

Why didn't he keep his hostility to himself? The envoy trembled when faced with the sharp gaze of the empress, looking like a lion eyeing her prey.

Who said the empress was meek and gentle? This woman was definitely the opposite of meek and gentle!

He should have kept his resentment for the Landian empire to himself!

''Y-Your majesty….'' The envoy was thinking of words to say to get out of this predicament.

''This princess will like to plead for this envoy, your majesty the empress. Imperial father will certainly deal with him for the disrespect towards your majesty.''

Rose shifted her gaze to a young lady, stepping forward and curtsying in front of the envoy.

''And you are?'' Her lips turned down at the interruption.

''The imperial princess of the Mongol empire, your majesty.'' Unlike the envoy that clamored with arrogance, the woman with unique turquoise blue hair answered softly. Her tone was free of any haughtiness.

''….Since the princess has stepped out on your behalf, then this empress will let go of this matter. Be grateful that your life was spared today.'' After staring at the bowing imperial princess for a moment, Rose decided to let go, especially when the imperial princess had stepped out of her way for the envoy. Besides, just because of her anger does not mean that the marriage declaration would be considered unattended.

Though, it was said that the emperor only married the empress and the queen in the novel, Rose knew that the marriage would be under a great discussion.

'But did something like this happen in the novel?' Rose couldn't help but wonder. In the novel, the founder's day was a fleeting event. There wasn't really anything said about the event in the novel.

Well…the novel was mainly from the female lead's point of view. As the queen, she didn't have the status to attend the envoys unless if something happened to the empress.

''Thank you, your majesty. Quickly thank her majesty.'' Right her giving her thanks, the imperial princess turned her head around to the envoy.

''Yes.'' Grateful to the imperial princess, the relieved dropped to his knees and kowtowed heavily to the empress. ''This servant thanks your majesty's magnanimity!''

''Hmm.'' Rose hummed in response, feeling the urge to chuckle at the envoy's choice of words. He insulted and praised her with the same word.

What a funny man.

Since the empress was not pleased with them, the envoys from the Mongol empire decided to retreat to the side without displaying their other gifts. Besides, what if the empress did not like their gifts and deals with them? The envoys from the Mongol empire could not take any chances.

The other envoys from the kingdoms quickly stepped up to disperse the awkward atmosphere in the throne room.

''The envoys from the southern beast tribe greet your majesty the empress….'' Once again, the throne room settled in a strange silence as the group, with the only unique skin tone in the entire room, stepped up with a man, leading them with a smile, revealing his canines.

''…and your majesty the emperor.'' With a bow, he raised his gaze, focusing his sight only on the quiet emperor.
