The emperor's warning (2)


''...'' The emperor's question stunned Aurora to the point that she remained quiet for a moment. Staring at the golden eyes of the emperor, she could tell that he was serious about his words.

'...Does he suspect me?' Aurora's lips slightly trembled at that thought. Since when had the emperor suspected her? Why does he suspect her?

No matter what, Aurora could not digest that the emperor suspected her rather than the obvious suspect, the imperial princess from the Mongol empire.

''Your majesty suspects me? I'll admit that it was my negligence, but that maid also deceived me, your majesty. Since she worked in the empress's palace, I thought she would know about the empress's taste and brought her up to the imperial princess.'' Aurora replied, meeting the emperor's blank gaze with her watery eyes. 

The emperor must definitely see her as someone pitiable in the matter, not that woman in the empress's palace.