A new lifetime goal

 ''Does your majesty need this servant to bring a shawl?''

''Vance, That is the fourth time you will ask this empress that question.''



In a dark blue gown with intricate designs, Rose exhaled the smoke out of her lips as she observed the young butler, her lips tugging up in an amused smile. To think that the vigilant cat would narrow the distance between them after that incident.

''This empress heard that father almost took your life. Apologies for that.'' Rose apologized, recalling what Leanna revealed to her about the actions of the grand duke. 

Let's just say the man seemed fiery in nature when provoked and very over-protective over her…or rather the empress who was his daughter. Not only had he almost killed Vance, even the emperor did not escape the blade of his sword. If it were not for the knights and the grand chamberlain, perhaps a fight would have broken out between two famed swordsmen in the imperial palace.