Taking the blame?

''Wh-What does your majesty mean by this?'' Aurora finally rose from her curtsy, her face a mask of disbelief. Her lady-in-waiting was going to be arrested? Because of the words from a mere maid?

''Exactly as this empress said, queen.'' Rose replied and shifted her gaze to the knights. "Is this empress speaking a different language? Arrest the queen's lady-in-waiting!" Her sharp tone propelled the knights into action.

"Y-Your highness…" Arsene stammered from behind, her voice trembling as the knights advanced towards her. Their grips tightened around her arms.

''...'' Sierra Markell, on the side, made no move to block their path. Her peach blossom eyes merely observed the scene going on before her.

"Your majesty, you cannot take such drastic measures based solely on a maid's false accusations!" Aurora argued vehemently.