A dog fight

The drawing room fell into stunned silence as all eyes fell on the Archduchess Windsor with her piercing glare on the stunned pink-haired lady.

Aurora, momentarily shocked by the slap, slowly recovered, her eyes flashing with a mixture of humiliation and fury. 

She was slapped? Her hand dazedly went to her cheek, touching the reddened skin as if to confirm the reality of what had just happened.

''Y-Your e-excellency…'' Her voice trembled as droplets of tears instantly gathered around her eyelids. Her misty eyes met the Archduchess's glare in a frightened manner, capable of inducing one's pity. 

How dare this old hag touch her face? Aurora's heart bubbled in anger as her cheek throbbed intensely in pain. She wanted to return the slap as well!

''Save your tears!'' Eyeing Aurora's pitiful appearance, Archduchess Windsor sneered in a sharp tone. ''I am not his majesty.''