Chapter 50 - Breakfast.

Oh boi, it's finally 50! Let's get to 100!

Anyway, Should I make Morty visit Pokémon real quick and get Gardevoir, Blaziken, Lopunny, etc?

Catch them. Rape them. Breed them.

No romance. Just pets in heat.

Too bad I haven't watch that much Pokémon. I do like misty, Hex Maniac and stuff. But don't know how to add them.

I don't have anything to say besides enjoy the chapter. Toodaloo Bitches.


Rick and Morty


6:00 am

Early in the morning, Morty woke up early and saw the sleeping face of Cortana with a blissful smile, most likely dreaming of what had happened last night. He smiled as well thinking how she was able to enjoy things like she was a normal human. Morty knows everything about him and she does the same. Though, it doesn't mean they wouldn't discover new things to discuss and enjoy.

He stood out of his bed and started walking out after kissing her cheek letting her rest even though she can still be fully functioning and doesn't need sleep.

Morty descended down from his bedroom considering his room wasn't his usual place where it had a large expanded space that houses a mini workshop and hightech computer screen and has a bathroom as well.

He was shirtless and wore sweatpants getting out of his bed, opening it to find Beth and Summer wearing babydolls as pajamas. Morty was surprised upon seeing them causing his lips to curl up.

"Ain't this a nice appetizer before breakfast." Morty teases them as the two also were ogling at his body that show off his amazing physique. Even how much they see both feels excited and captivated.

"Good morning, I could also say the same thing to you." Summer boldly said, licking her lips.

"Soooo what are you two up early? I was just about to make breakfast." Morty said, leaning on the door folding his arms as they noticed the inside.

"Wait, what did you do to your room?" Beth asked, seeing that the inside looks larger and had more space with a sofa and stair leading up to a bedroom while in front there seems to be a screen displaying an artificial view.

"Care to get inside? Just know Cortana is sleeping so please be quiet." Morty took them inside and they were in awe at what they saw. His room was incredible having all the things he wanted and needed.

"If Nancy saw this, she'd flip her mind." Summer commented and mentioned her nerd friend having sober up and treated her a lot better realizing how much of bitch she was in the past. Perhaps after getting bred became tamed even though she acts a lot more boldly and carefree.

"Did you make all of this?"

Beth asked while Morty nodded, taking out something from his pocket and handed it to her explaining what it was. This left her dumbfounded with her jaw wide enough for flies to come through.

"T-Thank you for this." She was happy with how much her son was giving.

"You did a lot for us. This is nothing compared to it. Anyway, why don't we take a seat and I'll tell you some great news." The trio sat down with Morty in the middle wondering what he was going to tell them.

"I've mentioned yesterday that I'll be going to buy a villa."

These words caused them to look at him in disbelief! He already showed that he was stuck in cash and already was handling legal action in investment. Morty already began to meet up in starting his own company. He'll simply meet up and buy the company since it already has employers and simply needs investors like himself.

Morty decided to build a tech and gaming company for the time being making phones and gadgets that are a lot better than the market.

It takes some time to release them in the market but if he is successful then it would greatly boost his company then can work on other things once it is done. Morty needs some lawyers to help him in the company.

"Wow, Morty, that's... that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Beth's eyes widened in astonishment.

"I can't believe you did this, Morty. That's incredible!" Summer's expression softened, and she pulled Morty into a tight hug.

Morty felt a wave of relief wash over him as his family showered him with praise and excitement. He had been worried they would think he was crazy for making such a big purchase, but their support meant everything to him.

"So, when do we get to see this villa of yours?" Beth asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"How about this weekend? We can all take a trip there and spend some quality time together. Only in the morning though, I have meetings in the afternoon and plans for the night." Morty grinned.

"Count me in!" Summer exclaimed, already imagining herself lounging by the lake.

"Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to see what you've got, Morty." Beth nodded in agreement.

As they continued to talk and plan their trip, Morty couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. His dream of owning a villa had finally come true, and he couldn't wait to share it with the people he loved most. It was the original Morty that affected his attachment for them.

The house was still mostly quiet, the sounds of the morning birds and the distant hum of traffic outside the only noises. As Morty reached the bottom step, he heard a soft rustling behind him. Turning around, he saw his mom, Beth, and his sister, Summer, following him down the stairs.

"By the way, why don't we join you this morning to make breakfast?" Beth asked Morty.

"Yeah, it'd be fun for us to help out," Summer added

"Oh, uh, sure. That sounds great." Morty blinked, a bit surprised.

He led the way into the kitchen, flicking on the lights. The room was cozy and familiar, with its checkered floor and the smell of coffee lingering in the air. Morty moved to the counter, pulling out the ingredients for their usual breakfast: eggs, bacon, bread for toast, and some fruit.

"Alright, let's get started," he said, trying to muster more enthusiasm. Beth moved to the stove, expertly heating up a pan.

"I'll handle the bacon," she said, already in control of the sizzling strips of meat.

"I'll cut up the fruit," Summer volunteered, reaching for a knife and a cutting board.

Morty felt a bit of relief wash over him. It was nice to have help for a change. He started cracking eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a fork.

"I'll make the scrambled eggs, then."

The three of them moved around the kitchen in a comfortable dance, the morning light casting a warm glow over everything. Beth turned the bacon with practiced ease, the smell of it making Morty's stomach growl. Summer carefully sliced strawberries, bananas, and apples, arranging them artfully on a plate.

"So, any plans for today?" Beth asked, breaking the companionable silence.

Summer shrugged, not looking up from her task. "I might hang out with some friends later after school."

"I've got a lot of things on my agenda." Morty said, pouring the whisked eggs into another pan. He didn't mention the possibility of an impromptu adventure with Rick. Those things had a way of happening without much warning.

"Are you going on another adventure?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, I still need some ideas and references on an engine that can withstand the energy I'm making for my space cruiser." Morty cooks the eggs with incredible finesse.

"Ah, how long have you been making it?" Summer asked.

"It's probably been a few months since we've had time dilution. I've been having some trouble in getting ideas for it. I mean even a genius needs a eureka moment and finds it fun this way." Morty was enjoying the progress and wasn't worried about the end result.

"So, you're going to school again?" Beth asked worriedly even though Morty is smart and can pass it with ease thinking it might affect his social life.

"Yeah, don't worry I know my worth and they wouldn't expell me that easily." He wasn't being arrogant and had set up ways that prevented him from being kicked out. Beth nodded, flipping the bacon one last time before transferring it to a plate lined with paper towels.

"Well, whatever you end up doing, make sure you find some time to relax."

The eggs were almost done, the bacon was crisp, and the fruit was ready. Morty popped some bread into the toaster, the final component of their breakfast. He looked around, feeling a strange sense of contentment. This simple routine, shared with his mom and sister, was something special, something grounding.

The toast popped up, and Morty plated it, adding a bit of butter that melted instantly on the warm bread. They set the table together, and in no time, they were sitting down to a delicious, homemade breakfast.

"This is nice. We should do this more often." Beth took a bite of bacon and smiled.

"Yeah, it was kinda fun," Summer admitted, her mouth full of strawberries.

"Thanks for helping out, guys. It's usually just me down here." Morty grinned.

"Well, you're doing a great job. We're lucky to have you." Beth reached over and ruffled his hair.

For a moment, Morty felt a swell of pride and happiness. Despite the craziness of their lives, these moments of normalcy were precious. They ate in companionable silence, the warmth of family filling the kitchen more completely than the morning sunlight ever could.