Chapter 51 - Khoros

Oh boi, It's happening! Hopefully this chapter is good enough cause I had a lot of fund writing this

Anyway, can y'all list down Pokémon and trainer Waifu? I'll try to add them if I can.

That aside, hopefully my pacing is enough cause I don't want to rush shit by time skipping.

That aside, enjoy the chapter. Toodaloo Bitches.


Ben 10 verse

Thursday (Rick and Morty)

10:00 Am.

Morty stepped through the shimmering portal, the familiar sensation of reality bending and reshaping around him. As the multidimensional rift closed behind him, he found himself standing on the crimson sands of Khoros, the homeworld of the Tetramands. The sky was a striking orange, and the rocky spires that jutted from the ground cast long shadows in the late afternoon sun.

Beside him, Zed, his faithful alien dog, stretched and shook her sleek, dark blue body. Her red eyes scanned their new surroundings with curiosity, and her long, blue spike hair running down from her collar to the tip of her tail swayed with excitement and black lines on her neck and legs. She worn the newly improved Nemetrix that has fusion function and ultimate function but has limitations that he place, i.e unable to use santiences alien.

"Well, Zed, looks like we've made it," Morty said, patting her on the head. Zed responded with a low, happy growl, her eyes glinting with intelligence.

The two went to the entrance where they were scanned unable to detect anything because Morty Meta-Nanites and Primatrix are undetectable. Morty and Zed entered and the marketplace lay ahead, bustling with activity. Tetramands of all sizes moved through the stalls, their four muscular arms carrying goods, haggling with vendors, and gesturing animatedly as they conversed. The air was filled with the scent of spices and the hum of commerce.

Morty adjusted his Labcoat dusting himself a bit. They needed specific car parts to repair his vehicle's malfunctioning engine – a quantum flux capacitor and a stabilizing servo unit. In addition to needing a long list such as Graviton Suspension Module for adjusting gravity allowing him to cruise through space and any planet rather easily, afterwards be would need Hyperdrive Thruster Unit to improved the car thrusters

He already added a Nanite Repair Matrix and Plasma Coil Ignition System but he needs a Neutrino Shielding Array and Chrono-Distortion Chronometer for protection.

Then Neural Interface Steering Column, Photon Accelerator Headlights, Bio-mimetic Adaptive Tires, Ion Disruptor Exhaust System, and Quantum Entanglement Brake System.

He scanned the market, looking for a vendor that might have what he needed. Morty saw thing like Molecular Displacement Intake, Teleportation Module Navigation System, Genetic Algorithm Adaptive Suspension, Subspace Communication Antenna, Inertial Dampening Field Generator, Quantum Encryption Locking Mechanism, Neural Network Autopilot System.

There also thing he had made similar items like Morphic Alloy Chassis, Void Energy Converter, Nanofiber Reinforced Body Panels, Gravitic Repulsor Bumper, Temporal Displacement Drive, Psionic Energy Converter

And finally Transdimensional GPS Locator

A towering Tetramand merchant caught his eye. She stood behind a stall overflowing with mechanical parts, her four arms busy sorting through an array of gears and circuits. Her red skin glistened in the sunlight, and her eyes sparkled with shrewd intelligence.

"Hey there, traveler! You look like you could use some help," she called out, her voice a rich baritone. Morty approached, Zed trotting beside him.

"I'm looking for some specific car parts," he said, pulling out a holographic image of his engine's schematics.

"I need a quantum flux capacitor and a stabilizing servo unit."

"Ah, you're in luck! I have just what you need. Follow me." The merchant examined the hologram closely, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

As they navigated the market, Morty took in the vibrant scene. Tetramand children darted between the stalls, their laughter mingling with the shouts of traders. Exotic fruits and spices were displayed in colorful arrays, and the smell of roasted meats wafted through the air.

Zed sniffed eagerly at the various scents, her tail wagging. They arrived at a larger stall, where the merchant pulled aside a heavy curtain to reveal a treasure trove of parts.

"Here we are," she said, gesturing to a row of gleaming components.

"These should meet your needs." Morty examined the parts carefully, nodding in approval.

"These are perfect. How much?"

"For a traveler like you, I'll give you a fair price," the merchant replied. After a brief round of haggling, they settled on a price that left both parties satisfied. Morty handed over the credits, and the merchant carefully packed the parts.

"You're not from around here, are you?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

"No, I'm a dimension traveler. I visit different worlds, gathering what I need to keep going," Morty explained. The merchant's eyes widened.

"A dimension traveler! We don't see many of your kind here. Must be quite an adventure."

"It is," Morty agreed.

"Every world has its own wonders, just like Khoros." The merchant smiled warmly.

"Well, I hope our corner of the universe treats you well. Safe travels, stranger."

With their transaction complete, Morty and Zed made their way back through the market. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the bustling scene.

With the car parts safely stowed in his 4-dimensional pocket, Morty glanced up at a holographic display flashing news updates. Among the headlines, one caught his eye: "House of Red Wind to Host Grand Gala for the Hand in Marriage of Looma Red Wind, Daughter of Gar Red Wind."

"Hahaha isn't this surprising! Shall we check out this gala?" Curiosity piqued, Morty turned to Zed. Morty was already planning to have Looma but to think his randomizer portal would send him to the place that is most convenient to him.

Zed barked excitedly. With a grin, Morty adjusted his multidimensional tracker, inputting the coordinates for the Red Wind's estate. In a flash of light, they were whisked away to a grand arena, the air crackling with anticipation.

As they emerged, Morty and Zed found themselves in the midst of a spectacle. Tetramands from across the planet had gathered, their massive forms filling the stands with a rumbling energy. At the center of the arena stood Looma Red Wind, radiant in her ceremonial armor.

On the opposite side of the arena, Gar Red Wind, patriarch of the Red Wind clan, watched with pride as his daughter prepared to do battle. Morty marveled at the sight – a tradition unlike any he had witnessed before. In Tetramand culture, a warrior's strength and prowess were celebrated above all else, even in matters of love.

With a thunderous roar, the battle began. Looma clashed with her opponent, a formidable Tetramand warrior chosen to test her mettle. The arena echoed with the clash of fists and the roar of the crowd as they cheered on their champion.

Morty and Zed watched from the sidelines, enthralled by the spectacle unfolding before them. Despite the ferocity of the battle, there was a sense of honor and respect in the air, a testament to the Tetramand code of honor.

As the fight raged on, Morty couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for Looma. She fought with skill and determination, her every move a testament to her strength of will. And beside her, Gar Red Wind watched with a father's pride, his gaze never leaving his daughter's form.

In the end, Looma emerged victorious, her opponent conceding defeat with a respectful nod. The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices filling the arena with a deafening roar. Gar Red Wind stepped forward, his voice booming across the arena.

"Tonight, we celebrate not only the strength of our champion, but the beauty and grace of my daughter, Looma Red Wind. She has proven herself worthy of the Red Wind name. Now continue and prove if you are worthy to take her hand."

As Morty watched the fierce battle unfold before him, a sense of determination welled up inside him. He looked down at Zed, his loyal companion, and spoke softly.

"It's time for us to join, Zed."

Zed's eyes gleamed with understanding as she stood at his side, ready to support him in whatever lay ahead. With a deep breath, Morty stepped forward into the arena, drawing the attention of the crowd.

The Tetramands murmured amongst themselves, surprised to see an otherworldly being enter their sacred battleground. But as Morty squared his shoulders and prepared to face Looma, a hush fell over the arena, a palpable tension hanging in the air.

Looma regarded Morty with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, her fiery gaze assessing him.

"What's this? Another challenger?" she said, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. Morty met her gaze steadily, his expression determined.

"I may be from another world, but I'm no stranger to battle. And I accept your challenge, Looma Red Wind." Morty took off his Lab Coat to reveal black tight shirt and combat cargo pants and boots.

The crowd erupted into murmurs of disbelief, but Gar Red Wind stepped forward, his voice cutting through the noise.

"If this otherworlder wishes to test his strength against my daughter, then so be it. Let the battle commence!"

With a roar, Looma lunged forward, her fists flying as she unleashed a barrage of blows. But Morty held his ground, his movements fluid and precise as he deflected her attacks with ease. With each passing moment, he felt the power of the Tetramand flowing through him, his body adapting to the fierce rhythm of the battle.

'Wow, her strength is no joke!? My Perpetuasapien body isn't really great in combat and focuses on proficiency.'

Morty gave a mental note as he dodge Looma attack finding her focus on strength lacking technique but she isn't that bad and strikes her weak points using Karate Technique but Looma tanked it!

'Amazing, my strike can easily dent the hardest metal with ease but she tanked it.'

Morty saw her expression that turned into a smile as she prepared to slam Morty who took the attack letting the momentum spin him dowardwaed doing a back flipped kick transferring the force to Looma who only pushed a few meters away.

"You're quite the challenger more so than typical Tetramand!" Looma was enjoying the battle more than she anticipated and Morty's lips curled up.

"You also fought well but not well enough!"

He enjoyed the thrill of the battle when the last time was when he fought Khyber. Morty clenched his fist dashing forward and pulled back then unleashed a powerful punch that collided against Looma's causing the shockwave to shatter the sound barrier and shook the arena.

Boom! Boom! Booom

First strike followed by another one until their fists seemed to vanish from how quick they were moving, turning their fight into a slugged face. Looma noticed her flaws quickly changing her style and slammed her fist on the ground shaking it causing Morty to leap but Looma vanished from her spot and reappearing behind him as he spun his body midair to dodge it but receive another strike as she had a backup attack if the other fails.

Morty was slammed to the ground creating a crater as dust covered the arena. Looma was faster than what the cartoon showed. If it was animated in an anime style then she would flash step behind Morty at how quick she was.

"That was great but….!"

And then, in a flash of light, something incredible happened. Morty's form began to shift and contort, his skin turning a deep shade of red as he transformed into a Tetramand himself. The crowd gasped in astonishment, their eyes wide with disbelief.

Looma blushed a bit upon seeing his new form and hesitated for just a moment, caught off guard by Morty's transformation. But it was all the opening he needed. With a swift, decisive strike, he knocked her off balance, sending her crashing to the ground.

Looma coughed out air as she gritted her teeth and dodged Morty's attack, kicking him off her and sending him a few meters away. The crowd held their breath upon seeing the battle that was taking place.

"This is where the fun really begins!" Morty said and left Looma blushing where this kind of interaction was similar to court ritual. Looma was the one of the known strongest tetramand but Morty was the Above Prime tetramand be it male or female he was above.