Chapter 53 - Farewell

Hooray for Chatgpt! I am actually allowing myself to write the ideas I want without me missing up!

Anyway, I'm still contemplating. Should I do Species Movie to get Sil and Eve breeding them or should I time skip and get Jessica first?

Should I make an original Rick and Morty adventure? Like it isn't any of the show?

That aside, Enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches.


Ben 10 verse

Friday (Rick and Morty)

10:00 pm.

It was the night and Music filled the air, and the arena transformed into a grand celebration. Food and drink were brought forth, and the Tetramands danced and celebrated under the crimson sky of Khoros. Morty found himself surrounded by well-wishers, his hand never leaving Looma's as they moved through the crowd together.

Zed, always the center of attention, played with the children and accepted pats and scratches from the adults, her eyes twinkling with delight.

As the night wore on, Morty felt a deep sense of belonging. He had traveled across dimensions, seen countless worlds, and faced numerous challenges. But here, on Khoros, among the Tetramands, he had found acceptance and a new beginning.

With Looma by his side and Zed at his feet, Morty knew that this was just the start of another incredible journey. He looked up at the stars, the same stars that had guided him through countless dimensions, and felt a profound sense of gratitude.

To new adventures, new bonds, and the endless possibilities of a life well-lived.

The celebration in the House of Red Wind continued deep into the night. Morty and Looma found a quiet terrace overlooking the crimson sands of Khoros, the distant sounds of music and laughter softly echoing around them. The deep orange sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the alien landscape.

Morty poured two glasses of the strong Tetramand ale, its spicy aroma mingling with the cool night air. He handed one to Looma, raising his glass.

"To new beginnings and unexpected journeys."

Looma clinked her glass against his, her eyes reflecting the starlight.

"To our future adventures, wherever they may take us."

They sipped the potent ale, enjoying the moment of peace. Morty leaned back, looking up at the vast, star-filled sky.

"So, Looma, what do you see for our future? Are you going to join me on my travels, or do you have other plans?"

Looma considered his question, her expression thoughtful.

"As you mention, your life certainly has constant adventure. It's certainly exciting and I want to be part of it. Unfortunately, I also have responsibilities here to my family and people. The house of Red Wind is more than just a home. It's a legacy that I need to honor and protect."

Morty nodded, understanding her dilemma.

"I get it. Being part of something bigger than yourself is important. And I wouldn't want to take you away from your responsibilities. But I also don't want us to be apart. Maybe we can find a balance." Looma smiled, a glint of determination in her eyes.

"I will stay here for a while, to prepare myself and strengthen our house. According to our customs, we cannot marry immediately. I need to collect four items before our wedding: something conquered, something bruised, something severed, and something blue. This will take three years."

Morty raised an eyebrow, intrigued considering the show didn't go into depth with the explanation.

"Tell me more about these items. What do they represent?"

"Each item is a test of strength, resilience, and readiness for marriage," Looma explained.

"Something conquered symbolizes Victory and control. Something bruised represents endurance through hardship. Something severed signifies sacrifice. And something blue stands for loyalty and fidelity."

Morty smiled, admiring Looma's dedication to her traditions.

"That sounds like quite the journey. I'll support you every step of the way, even if we're apart for a while."

Looma nodded, her gaze steady.

"While I gather these items, you can continue your travels. Return to me whenever you can. And when the time comes, we'll be ready for our wedding." Morty raised his glass again.

"To our future, and to the challenges we'll overcome together."

They drank deeply, the strong ale burning pleasantly down their throats. As they talked, they shared dreams and aspirations, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. The night wore on, and the celebration continued around them, but in their small corner of the terrace, it felt like they were in their own world.

"Thank you for understanding and for being so strong. I couldn't have asked for a better partner." Morty leaned closer to Looma, their foreheads touching. Looma's eyes softened, her voice gentle.

"And thank you, Morty, for defeating me and being a strong, brave and kind husband. Together, we'll face whatever comes our way."

The festivities in the House of Red Wind reached a crescendo as the night deepened. Music filled the air, and the aroma of Tetramand delicacies wafted through the streets. The entire settlement was alive with celebration, honoring the engagement of Morty and Looma.

As the night progressed, Looma took Morty's hand and led him to a grand pavilion at the center of the festivities. A Tetramand priest, adorned in elaborate robes, stood waiting. The priest raised his hands, calling for silence.

"Friends and family of the House of Red Wind," the priest began, his voice resonant and powerful.

"We gather tonight to honor the union of Looma Red Wind and Morty Sanchez, the otherworlder who has proven his strength and honor. By the customs of our people, we shall make this engagement official."

Morty and Looma stood before the priest, their hands clasped together. The priest took a bowl filled with sacred red sand and sprinkled a small amount over their joined hands, murmuring an incantation.

"This sand, from the heart of Khoros, symbolizes the bond of strength and unity that will hold you together through all challenges."

The priest then took a ceremonial knife, its blade engraved with ancient runes, and made a small cut on each of their palms. They pressed their hands together, mingling their blood.

"With this act, your lives are intertwined. Your strengths are shared, and your hearts are bound as one."

The crowd erupted into cheers as the priest raised his hands once more.

"By the power vested in me, I declare this engagement sealed. May your union bring honor and prosperity to the House of Red Wind."

Morty and Looma shared a solemn look, their bond now officially recognized. They embraced, feeling the weight of the moment and the promise of their future together.

As the festivities continued, a servant approached Morty and Looma.

"Morty, we have prepared a special living quarter for you. You must be tired after such an eventful day."

Morty smiled, feeling the exhaustion creeping in.

"Thank you. That sounds perfect."

Looma took Morty's hand again and led him through the bustling streets to a quiet, well-furnished living quarter. The room was spacious and comfortable, with soft lighting and a large, inviting bed. Zed, who had been happily mingling with the crowd, bounded in behind them.

Morty lay down on the bed, feeling the weight of the day finally settling on him. Zed hopped up and curled up on his chest, her warmth and gentle breathing soothing him. Looma smiled at the sight, her heart warmed by the bond between Morty and his loyal companion.

"Mind if I join you?" Looma asked, her voice soft and hopeful.

Morty looked up at her, his eyes filled with affection.

"Not at all. I'd be honored."

Looma slipped into the bed beside him, her presence a comforting weight. She nestled against him, her strong arms wrapping around him and Zed. The three of them lay there, the room filled with a peaceful silence.

Morty felt a profound sense of contentment as he drifted off to sleep, the rhythmic sound of Looma's breathing and the steady rise and fall of Zed's chest lulling him into a deep, restful slumber.

For the first time in a long while, Morty felt truly at home. Despite the alien surroundings and the vast distance from his own world, he knew that with Looma by his side and Zed faithfully watching over them, he had found a place where he belonged.

The night passed quietly, the bond between Morty, Looma, and Zed growing stronger with each moment of shared rest.

As the first light of dawn filtered gently through the windows of the living quarters, casting a soft glow over the room. Morty stirred, feeling the comforting warmth of Looma beside him and the gentle weight of Zed curled up on his chest. He opened his eyes to find Looma's face inches from his, her expression peaceful in sleep.

"Pardon, but Lord Gar has commanded me to tell you that breakfast is ready." The Tetramand servant said.

"We'll be right there." He said as the servant left, allowing him to watch Looma for a moment, marveling at the strength and tenderness she possessed. Slowly, Looma began to stir, her eyes fluttering open. She smiled warmly at Morty, her eyes sparkling with the first light of day.

"Good morning," she said, her voice soft and affectionate.

"Good morning," Morty replied, returning her smile.

"How did you sleep?"

Looma leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Better than I have in a long time," Morty admitted.


"The same," Looma replied, stretching her arms.

"It's nice to wake up next to you." Morty felt a wave of contentment wash over him.

"We should get ready. Your father invited us for breakfast." Looma nodded, sitting up.

"Let's not keep him waiting."

After freshening up, Morty and Looma made their way to the grand dining hall of the House of Red Wind, Zed trotting happily beside them. Gar Red Wind was already seated at the head of a long, elaborately set table. He looked up as they entered, a broad smile spreading across his face.

"Good morning, Morty, Looma," Gar greeted them, his voice booming with warmth.

"I trust you slept well?"

"We did, thank you," Morty replied as they took their seats.

"And thank you for the hospitality."

"It is our pleasure," Gar said, gesturing for the servants to bring in the food. Plates of exotic fruits, savory meats, and various Tetramand delicacies were set before them.

"Eat, and let us talk."

They began their meal, the food rich and flavorful. Gar watched them with a keen eye, his gaze particularly focused on Morty.

"So, Morty, tell me more about your world and your travels."

Morty took a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I come from a world called Earth. It's quite different from Khoros. Our technology is advanced, but in many ways, our society values peace and diplomacy over strength and honor. As for my travels, I've journeyed across many dimensions, each with its own unique cultures and challenges."

Gar listened intently, nodding having heard about the world but never in detail.

"You have seen much, and your experiences have shaped you into a formidable individual. It is no wonder Looma has chosen you."

Morty smiled, grateful for the elder Tetramand's approval.

"Thank you, Gar. Your daughter is incredible. I'm honored to be part of your family."

Gar's expression grew thoughtful.

"And what are your plans now, Morty? Will you stay here, or do you intend to continue your travels?"

Morty glanced at Looma before answering.

"I will need to continue my travels. There are responsibilities I must attend to, and I have promised to visit other worlds. But I will return as often as I can. Looma and I have a bond that surpasses distance, and I will honor that."

Gar nodded, his respect for Morty evident.

"You are a man of your word, Morty. That is important. Know that you are always welcome here in the House of Red Wind."

"Thank you, Gar," Morty said earnestly.

"I appreciate that more than you know."

Looma reached out and took Morty's hand, squeezing it gently.

"We will make this work, Morty. No matter where you are, you are part of our family now."

Morty felt a deep sense of belonging and gratitude.

"And you are part of mine."

As they finished their meal, Gar raised his glass in a toast.

"To new beginnings and to the strength of our bond. May it endure across all worlds."

They clinked their glasses together, a sense of unity and promise filling the room. Morty knew that his journey was far from over, but with Looma and her family by his side, he felt ready to face whatever the future held.

After breakfast, Morty and Looma took a walk through the gardens, Zed happily exploring the vibrant flora. They talked about their plans, their dreams, and the future they would build together, each step solidifying their bond.

The morning passed quickly, and as the sun climbed higher in the sky, Morty knew it was time to prepare for his departure. But with the communication ring and the promise of frequent visits, he felt a reassuring connection that would bridge the distances between worlds.

As they stood at the edge of the settlement, Morty turned to Looma, his heart full.

"I'll be back soon, Looma. And when I return, we'll continue this adventure together."

Looma smiled, her eyes shining with determination and affection.

"I'll be here, Morty. Ready for whatever comes next."

With a final kiss and a promise, Morty set off on his next journey, knowing that no matter where he went, he had found a home and a family on Khoros.