Chapter 54 - Space car

Oh, boi, I'm close and still undecided on what to do about Sil and Eve but I'll fate decide on it.

For now, hopefully enjoy this chapter cause I'm considering doing Jessica first before Sil and Eve stuff.

That aside, enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches


Rick and Morty


8:00 Am.

Morty stepped into his personal pocket dimension, the familiar hum of energy and the sight of the vast megastructure that was his sanctuary greeting him. This place was a marvel, hidden away from the multiverse, and it felt like home. Zed bounded ahead, her excitement palpable as she explored the familiar terrain.

Morty walked through the grand entrance hall, his steps echoing in the cavernous space. He headed straight to his workshop, his mind already buzzing with plans for his space car. The parts he had bought on Khoros were perfect, and he couldn't wait to get started.

As he entered the workshop, he was greeted by a familiar presence. Cortana, in her human form, stood by the workbench, her arms crossed and a knowing smile on her face. Her appearance was a blend of ethereal beauty and technological sophistication, a reminder of the countless worlds Morty had explored and the companions he had found.

"About time you showed up," Cortana teased, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Couldn't wait to get started. And I'm glad you're here. I could use your help." Morty grinned.

"Always happy to assist," Cortana replied, moving to join him by the space car.

The vehicle stood in the center of the workshop, its sleek lines and intricate systems a testament to Morty's skill and vision. He laid out the parts from Khoros, each piece rugged and finely crafted, ready to be integrated.

Without wasting any time, Morty and Cortana set to work. They worked with a rhythm born of familiarity and mutual respect, their hands moving with precision and purpose. Cortana's vast knowledge and quick thinking complemented Morty's ingenuity, making the process smooth and efficient.

Morty and Cortana carefully assembled the new engine, integrating advanced materials and intricate circuits designed to harness perpetual energy. Zed watched them intently, occasionally nudging a tool toward Morty or barking encouragement.

As they were working on the space car, Morty paused to admire their progress. The new engine was a marvel of engineering, its design sleek and efficient. He felt a surge of excitement—this was unlike anything he had ever built before.

"Time for the final component," Cortana said, her holographic fingers dancing over the controls.

"The perpetual energy core."

Morty carefully inserted the core into the engine, securing it in place. Cortana ran a series of diagnostics, ensuring everything was perfectly aligned. The room filled with a soft, humming energy as the engine came to life, its systems stabilizing and beginning the self-sustaining reaction.

"It's working," Morty said, his voice filled with awe.

"We did it." He added.

"It's a masterpiece, Morty. This engine could power your travels indefinitely." Cortana stood beside him, her smile radiant.

Morty stepped back, watching as the engine hummed with a steady, vibrant energy. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that this breakthrough would revolutionize his journeys across the multiverse.

As the hours flew by, the space car began to take shape. They worked tirelessly, driven by a shared determination to complete the project. Zed watched them intently, occasionally fetching tools or nudging a piece into place, her presence a constant source of companionships.

They spent the rest of a couple hours fine-tuning the engine, ensuring every detail was perfect. By the time they finished, the space car was not only functional but enhanced with a perpetual energy source that would never need refueling.

The hum of the newly installed perpetual engine resonated through the workshop, filling Morty with a deep sense of accomplishment. The space car, now equipped with a power source that would never need refueling, was a marvel of engineering and innovation. Yet, Morty knew that power alone wasn't enough; the space car needed to be fortified against the myriad dangers of the multiverse.

Morty took a deep breath, savoring the moment before turning his attention to the next task: enhancing the security system of the space car. With the perpetual engine humming steadily in the background, he felt ready to tackle this new challenge.

"Cortana, let's move on to the security systems," Morty said, his voice filled with renewed determination. Cortana, in her human form, nodded and smiled.

"Absolutely. We need to ensure the space car is protected against any threat it might encounter."

Morty approached a separate workbench, cluttered with various security components he had gathered from different dimensions. He began sorting through them, selecting the most advanced and reliable parts. Cortana's holographic form flickered, displaying schematics and potential configurations for the new security system.

"We'll need a multi-layered defense," Morty said, picking up a compact but powerful energy shield generator.

"Something that can adapt to different types of attacks."

"Agreed," Cortana replied, her holographic interface displaying various options.

"I recommend integrating a phased energy shield with an adaptive cloaking system. It will make the space car both resilient and elusive."

Morty nodded, liking the sound of that. He began installing the energy shield generator, carefully integrating it with the space car's existing systems. Cortana monitored the process, making real-time adjustments and ensuring seamless integration.

Next, Morty turned to the cloaking system. This device, acquired from a stealth-based dimension, had the ability to render the space car invisible to most detection methods. He installed it alongside the shield generator, ensuring that both systems could work in tandem without interference.

"We should also add a defensive AI," Morty suggested.

"Something that can react to threats faster than we can." He added and Cortana smiled.

"I can handle that. I'll create a subroutine within my system to manage the car's defenses autonomously."

Morty watched as Cortana's holographic form shimmered, her consciousness branching off to create the defensive AI. Within moments, she had programmed a sophisticated subroutine capable of managing the space car's security systems with precision and speed.

"Done," Cortana said, her eyes gleaming.

"The AI self is integrated and ready to respond to any threats."

Morty felt a surge of gratitude for Cortana's unwavering support and brilliance.

"Thanks, Cortana. This is coming together perfectly."

They continued working, adding layers of protection to the space car. Morty installed reinforced plating to the exterior, enhancing its durability. He also added an array of sensors capable of detecting threats from miles away, giving him ample warning of any danger.

Hours flew by as they meticulously fortified the space car. The workshop buzzed with activity, the energy of their combined efforts palpable in the air. Zed, ever the loyal companion, wandered around the workshop, occasionally stopping to nudge a tool closer to Morty or to watch their progress with keen interest.

As the components were installed, Morty stepped back to admire their work. The space car, now equipped with a perpetual engine and an advanced security system, was ready for anything the multiverse could throw at it..

Morty lost himself in the work, his focus unwavering. He didn't stop to eat or rest, his mind entirely absorbed by the task at hand. Cortana matched his pace, her holographic form shimmering as she assisted with the more delicate integrations and calculations.

"Pass me the plasma cutter," Morty said, his voice steady despite the hours of nonstop work.

Cortana handed him the tool, her eyes reflecting the same intensity.

"Here. This should fit perfectly with the new thrusters."

Morty nodded, carefully making the necessary adjustments. The new parts from Khoros enhanced the space car's capabilities, giving it a rugged durability and power that would be invaluable in his travels.

As they neared completion, Morty stepped back to admire their work. The space car was a masterpiece, its design a seamless blend of technology from various dimensions. It was ready for the challenges that lay ahead, a testament to his and Cortana's combined efforts.

With the engine purring with perpetual energy and the security system fortified to withstand any threat, Morty turned his attention to the final piece of the puzzle: the thrusters. He knew that for his space car to truly be a vehicle of exploration, it needed to be capable of navigating any terrain and adapting to the diverse environments of the multiverse.

"Alright, Cortana, let's finish this," Morty said, his voice brimming with determination.

Cortana's holographic form shimmered into view, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Agreed. We need to make sure the thrusters are not only powerful but versatile enough to handle any situation."

They began by analyzing the existing thruster systems, mapping out potential enhancements and modifications. Morty pulled up schematics on a nearby screen, his mind already racing with ideas. Cortana provided valuable insights, her knowledge of dimensional physics and advanced propulsion systems guiding their efforts.

"We need to focus on adaptability," Morty said, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"The thrusters should be able to adjust their output and vectoring to suit different environments."

Cortana nodded, her holographic form flickering as she processed the data.

"I have a few ideas. We could integrate gyroscopic stabilizers to improve maneuverability and omnidirectional thrust nozzles to enhance agility." Morty's eyes lit up with excitement.

"That's perfect. Let's get started."

They worked tirelessly, fine-tuning the thrusters and integrating the new enhancements. Morty carefully calibrated each component, ensuring they were perfectly balanced and synchronized. Cortana provided real-time feedback and adjustments, her presence a constant source of inspiration and innovation.

As they worked, Morty's mind drifted to the countless worlds he had visited and the challenges he had faced. He knew that the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles was crucial to his success as a multidimensional traveler.

Hours passed in a blur of focused concentration. Morty and Cortana worked in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized as they brought their vision to life. The thrusters hummed with energy, their output optimized for maximum efficiency and versatility.

"Almost there," Morty said, his voice tinged with excitement.

Cortana nodded, her holographic form flickering with anticipation.

"Just a few more adjustments."

They made the final tweaks and ran a series of tests to ensure everything was functioning as intended. The workshop filled with the sound of thrusters firing, the space car hovering effortlessly above the ground. Morty watched with satisfaction as the vehicle responded to his commands, its movements fluid and precise.

"It's perfect," Morty said, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Cortana smiled, her holographic form shimmering softly.

"Indeed. The space car is now capable of navigating any terrain and adapting to any spatial environment. It's a true marvel of engineering."

Morty stepped back, admiring their handiwork. The space car was now more than just a vehicle—it was a testament to his ingenuity and Cortana's expertise. With the engine humming with perpetual energy, the security system fortified against any threat, and the thrusters mastered for mobility, he was ready to embark on his next adventure.

"Looks like we did it," Morty said, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

Cortana nodded, her expression mirroring his satisfaction.

"It's a work of art, Morty. Ready for anything." Morty glanced at the chronometer, realizing that an entire day had passed.

"Thanks for your help, Cortana," Morty said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Anytime, Morty," Cortana replied, her form shimmering slightly.

"Now, go take a break. You've earned it."

Morty nodded, feeling the exhaustion creeping in. He made his way to a comfortable chair at the edge of the workshop, Zed jumping into his lap and curling up. He stroked her fur absently, his mind still buzzing with the day's work.