Chapter 73 - Dinner.

Another one. Enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches.


As the evening wore on, Morty found himself helping the women get dressed. Summer suggested they wear some of his clothes, and he happily complied. He handed each of them a shirt from his closet - a soft, worn-in T-shirt that smelled like him. The three women were almost naked except for Morty's shirt they wore like dresses over their bodies while Morty himself still wore only his boxers which Summer sniffed and found irresistible commenting how good it smelled afterwards.

Summer couldn't resist taking a deep breath as she held it up to her nose, savoring the scent. The other girls followed suit, commenting on how good it smelled.

"I love how your clothes smell," Beth said with a smile as she slipped into another shirt from Morty's collection.

"It's like you."

Jessica nodded in agreement, running her fingers over the fabric before pulling it over her head.

"I could wear this all day," she murmured softly as she looked at herself in the mirror beside them.

"Well, now that's done. I'll go ahead and make dinner. Beth looked up, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"That's sweet of you, Morty." Summer nodded, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous light.

"Yeah, go ahead. We'll keep Jessica company."

Morty slipped into his clothes and made his way to the kitchen. Morty went to make dinner, Beth and Summer took Jessica aside for some girl talk. They sat on the couch together, chatting about everything from boys to school gossip. Jessica felt like she was part of the family already, laughing along with them as they shared stories from their past.

As they talked, Beth leaned in close to Jessica's ear and whispered conspiratorially.

"So how did it feel making love with Morty?" She giggled when Jessica blushed at the question but nodded her head enthusiastically in response.

"It was amazing," she confessed softly before glancing over at Summer who nodded knowingly in agreement.

"Um, so, Jessica," Beth began, trying to break the tension.

"We wanted to talk about your feelings about Morty."

"Yeah," Summer chimed in, her voice a bit more confident.

"You know he has a thing for you, and, well, we just wanted to hear your thoughts on that."

Jessica shifted uncomfortably, her eyes flickering between Beth and Summer.

"I... I know about Morty's crush," she admitted, her voice soft.

"But it's not just about that." Beth and Summer exchanged confused glances, urging Jessica to continue.

"I've known Morty for a long time," Jessica continued, her gaze drifting to the window.

"And I've seen him change. Not just physically, but as a person."

"I know what you mean but can you explain even more?" Beth's brow furrowed. Jessica took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.

"Morty used to be... insecure, you know? He didn't believe in himself, and it showed. But lately, he's been different. He's more confident, more sure of himself." Beth nodded slowly, beginning to understand.

"And you like that change? Because we do."

"I love it. I mean, I always cared about Morty, even before all of this. But now... now that he's become a better man, my feelings have only grown stronger." Jessica smiled softly.

"So, you're saying... you like him?" Summer's eyes widened in realization. Jessica nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Yeah. I do. I don't care about his looks or anything like that. I just want him to be happy, to be confident in himself. And now that he is... I want to show him how I feel."

Beth and Summer exchanged a knowing look, a smile spreading across their faces.

"Well, Jessica," Beth said, her voice filled with warmth.

"I think Morty is going to be very happy to hear that."

"So," she began, trying to sound casual.

"About you two? how do you both feel about Morty?" Beth looked up from the stove where she was cooking dinner.

"Oh, we love him dearly. Not as family but as a Man." she said with a warm smile.

"He's such a confident young man now." Jessica nodded in agreement. Summer chimed in.

"Yeah, we love how easily he took ours from us even though it was wrong. It doesn't matter anymore because what matters is that we're happy."

Jessica understood where they were coming from. After all, she had been there herself when they first started their foursome relationship. She remembered the initial hesitation and uncertainty that came with stepping into such taboo territory but also the overwhelming sense of connection and intimacy that followed once they took the plunge together. Jessica smiled at the two women.

"You're right," she said softly, reaching out to gently squeeze Morty's mother's hand.

"We should continue to support each other in loving Morty." Beth nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with warmth and trust for both Jessica and summer to continue to support Morty.

"Yes." She replied.

Meanwhile, In the kitchen, Morty began to gather ingredients, deciding on something simple yet comforting: spaghetti with a homemade tomato sauce. As he chopped onions and garlic, the repetitive motions helped to steady his thoughts.

The sound of laughter drifted from his room, and Morty found himself smiling. Whatever happened next, at least they were all happy in this moment.

He set the water to boil and started on the sauce, the rich scent of tomatoes and herbs filling the small kitchen. As he cooked, he couldn't help but think back to the events that had led to this evening.

The tension, the shared glances, the way Jessica had finally taken the first step and kissed him in his room with a look that promised something more than friendship. And then, unexpectedly, Beth and Summer had joined them, turning a dream into something even more complex and bewildering.

The sauce was simmering nicely when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see Jessica standing in the doorway, wearing his oversized t-shirt. She looked radiant, her face flushed and eyes sparkling.

"Need any help?" she asked, stepping into the kitchen.

"Sure, you can stir the sauce," Morty said, handing her a wooden spoon.

They worked side by side in companionable silence for a while, the warmth between them palpable. Morty stole glances at her, still amazed that she was really here, with him, after everything.

"So, how are you feeling?" he finally asked. Jessica looked thoughtful as she stirred the sauce.

"Honestly? I feel good. This whole night was crazy, but... in a good way. It felt right, you know?" Morty nodded.

"Yeah, I get that." She smiled at him, a soft, genuine smile that made his heart skip a beat.

"You're a great guy, Morty. I'm glad we finally got to do this." They finished cooking together, the kitchen filled with the comforting sounds of sizzling and bubbling. When everything was ready, Morty carried the plates back to his room, Jessica following close behind.

Beth and Summer were lounging on the dinner table, their conversation pausing as Morty and Jessica entered. They looked up, smiles spreading across their faces at the sight of the food.

"Dinner is served," Morty announced, setting the plates down on a small table he had pulled into the room. He sat down at the end of the table where Summer took his left and Beth to his right while Jessica sat next to Summer.

"oh by the way, Why is Jessica here in the first place?" Summer, ever the curious one, piped up. Jessica glanced at Morty, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks worries that they might mistake that she was there to simply sleep with Morty.

"Oh, Jessica and I are working on a history report project together." Morty made sure to clear some misunderstanding between them since he treats his woman the way they respond. Concept of affection is hard to understand by Sil and Eve beside sex and breeding

"That's nice," Beth said with a smile.

"It's great to see you two working together." Beth said.

"I was worried you would neglect your study. Remember even if you're a genius you still need to enjoy socializing with someone your age."

Beth said having forgotten that her son was already because the amount he spends in time diluted. Beth continued chatting, asking Jessica about her interests and hobbies. As the conversation flowed, Morty found himself relaxing in Jessica's presence.

Morty sat back in his chair, content after finishing his dinner with Beth and Summer. The meal had been delicious, as always, and it was great to spend time with his family. As they cleared the table together, Morty couldn't help but feel grateful for everything they had.

"Hey guys, why don't we watch a movie before calling it a night? It's been a long day." Beth glanced at the clock on the wall before speaking up. Summer perked up at the suggestion.

"Ooh! I love movie night! What should we watch?" She turned to Jessica with a mischievous grin.

"We could pick something random from your collection."

"Sounds like fun! Let's do that." Jessica nodded eagerly.

Summer pulled out her phone and opened an app where she kept track of all her favorite movies and TV shows. After scrolling through for a few moments, she found one that caught her eye – an indie film she had downloaded recently but hadn't gotten around to watching yet herself. Without thinking twice about it, she tapped on the title: 'A Night of Passion'.

As they settled into their seats on the couch with bowls of popcorn in hand and Summer curled up next to Morty, Jessica pressed play on her phone and leaned back against Morty's chest while he wrapped an arm around her shoulders comfortably.

As the movie started, everyone was immediately drawn into its captivating storyline. The characters were complex and relatable, and the cinematography was stunning. But as they watched on, something else began to happen – an unexpected arousal crept up on them all.

The film's erotic scenes were subtle yet powerful; they seemed to ignite a spark within each viewer that grew stronger with every passing moment. Beth found herself leaning into Morty's chest more heavily than before, her breathing becoming shallower as she felt her body responding to the images on screen. Summer shifted closer to Morty too, her hand finding its way onto his thigh underneath the blanket they shared without either of them realizing it at first.

Jessica couldn't help but feel the heat between her legs intensify as well. She glanced over at Morty, noticing how his breathing had become deeper and more labored. Without thinking twice about it, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a passionate kiss – one that quickly turned into something much more intense than either of them could have anticipated.

As their tongues danced together, Summer watched on with envious gaze before joining in on the action herself by straddling Morty's lap and grinding against him through their clothes. Beth wryly smiled at this sudden display of sexuality wanting to have anything since they just finished early but found herself unable to look away; instead, she reached down between Summer's legs without hesitation or permission.

Beth's fingers found Summer's wetness easily, and she began to stroke her daughter's clit gently at first before increasing the pressure as she watched Summer moan into Morty's mouth. Jessica broke the kiss with Morty long enough to lean over and capture Beth's lips in a fiery kiss of her own while continuing to grind against Morty beneath them all.

Their passion was contagious; it spread like wildfire through the room until there was nothing left but heat and desire consuming everyone present. The movie faded into obscurity as they lost themselves in each other – lost themselves completely in this moment of pure, unadulterated lust that had been ignited by an unlikely source: a random film chosen from Summer's collection on a whim.

As their bodies moved together in rhythm, sweat began to bead on their skin from the intensity of it all. Summer cried out loudly when she felt herself cum hard against Morty's cock through their clothes; Beth followed suit shortly after with a scream that echoed around the room as she came too. Jessica was close behind them both, her orgasm hitting her like a tidal wave as she clung desperately to Morty while riding him through his own release moments later.

When it was finally over, they collapsed onto the couch together – panting heavily and basking in the afterglow of the intense sexual experience. As they caught their breath and recovered from this unexpected turn of events, they couldn't help but laugh at how such an innocent decision picking a random movie had led them here: naked and satisfied on top of each other with no regrets whatsoever.

As the laughter died down, something else began to stir within them – a newfound desire that had been ignited by their shared experience. Without saying a word, they all stood up simultaneously and made their way towards Morty's bedroom. Once inside, they shed the last of their clothes and fell onto the bed together in a heated embrace.

Their passion knew no bounds as they explored each other's bodies with reckless abandon; lips met skin everywhere you looked – nipples were sucked on eagerly while fingers dug into soft flesh greedily searching for any sign of arousal or pleasure.

Summer straddled Morty once more while Beth knelt between her legs licking at her daughter's clit until she came again; Jessica lay beneath them both with one hand wrapped around Morty's cock stroking him slowly at first before speeding up when she felt him grow harder under her touch.

As the room filled with moans and gasps of pleasure, Morty couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and lust surrounding him. He moved his hips upwards, thrusting into Jessica's hand as she stroked him faster and faster. With a loud cry of release, he came hard inside her fist – covering her hand in his seed as he arched his back in ecstasy.

Beth watched on with pride at how far they had all come tonight; from watching a seemingly innocent movie together to exploring their deepest desires through passionate sex that left them spent but satisfied beyond measure.

As they lay there panting heavily afterward, she leaned over to kiss each one of them gently on the forehead before softly Whispering into their ears

"I love you". In the blink of an eye, Morty regained his senses and found himself lying naked in the bed below Summer, her soft curves pressed against him as they both panted heavily from their recent exertions. Beside them lay Beth and Jessica taking each side, still catching their breath but looking content and satisfied with how things had turned out tonight.

With a grin spreading across his face, Morty leaned closer and kissed Summer softly on the lips before gently pulling them all together onto his side so they could cuddle up together under the covers while everyone else drifted off into dreamland around them.