Chapter 74 - 1 week ended.

Okay then, hopefully this chapter is good.

I don't know what the fuck am I doing but I'll the horny flow.

Anyway, the Garzorpbazorp arc is underway. Once that's done.


Rick and Morty

Sanchez(ex-Smith) Household


7 days in Rick and Morty's time axis had passed since Morty had arrived in Dimension C-131 and left the prime Rick universe.

6:30 Am

Morty awoke to the soft glow of morning light filtering through his bedroom window, casting a warm hue over the room. He blinked, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, and as his vision cleared, he noticed the serene faces surrounding him.

On his right, Jessica's auburn hair spilled across the pillow. Her delicate features were relaxed, a slight smile playing on her lips even in slumber. Next to her, Summer was curled up, hugging a plush toy, her breathing steady and calm. On his other side, Beth had a protective arm draped over him, her face peaceful and content.

Morty couldn't help but smile. The sight of his family and his new girlfriend together, all sharing this tranquil moment, filled him with a warmth he rarely felt in the chaotic nonsense of his usual life. He carefully propped himself up on one elbow, taking a moment to kiss each of their cheeks tenderly. Jessica stirred slightly, her smile widening, but no one woke up.

He slipped out of bed as quietly as possible, tiptoeing across the room to avoid disturbing the serene tableau. His mind buzzed with the idea of doing something special for them, and he decided that a homemade breakfast was the perfect start.

As Morty descended the stairs, he marveled at the rare tranquility that enveloped the house. Usually, mornings at the Sanchez household were a cacophony of voices and hurried footsteps. Today, however, there was only the joy of a peaceful breakfast.

He made his way to the kitchen and started rummaging through the cabinets, gathering ingredients for pancakes, eggs, and bacon. The familiar clinks and clatters of cooking filled the air, a comforting symphony of domestic life.

Halfway through flipping the first pancake, the back door creaked open. Morty turned to see Rick shuffling in, looking more disheveled than usual. His lab coat was stained with who-knows-what, and his hair was a wild mess. The faint scent of alien booze lingered around him.

"Hey, Morty," Rick greeted with a smirk, his voice rough from the previous night's escapades.

"What's *Buuurp* cookin', kid?"

"Morning, Rick." Morty replied, flipping the pancake with a practiced hand.

"Just making breakfast for everyone. Thought it'd be nice, you know?" Rick nodded appreciating his skills in cooking.

"Well, ain't that something. Guess I should be here more often if it means waking up to a home-cooked meal." Morty chuckled, shaking his head.

"Maybe just be around more often, Rick. You know, for the family."

Rick grunted, a noncommittal sound, and plopped himself onto a stool at the kitchen. He watched as Morty worked, the young boy moving with surprising efficiency.

"You've gotten pretty good at this, Morty," Rick commented, nodding appreciatively.

"Guess you don't need ol' Rick around all the time, huh?" Morty paused, looking up from the frying pan.

"It's not about needing you, Rick. It's about wanting you around. We're family, and that means something." Rick's expression softened for a moment, a rare glimpse of vulnerability.

"Yeah, well, don't get all *Buurp* mushy on me, kid. Just make *Buuurp* sure those pancakes don't burn."

With that, the moment passed, and Rick was back to his usual self, cracking jokes and making sarcastic remarks. But Morty knew there was more to his grandfather than met the eye. Beneath the gruff exterior, Rick cared in his own way.

As Morty finished plating the breakfast, he heard the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. Beth, Summer, and Jessica appeared, still groggy but drawn by the enticing aroma. They took their seats around the table, their faces lighting up at the sight of the spread before them.

"Wow, Morty, this looks amazing," Jessica said, giving him a warm smile.

Beth and Summer echoed her sentiments, and for a few precious moments, the Smith,no, the Sanchez family—and their newest member—shared a meal in peace. The world outside might be chaotic and unpredictable, but here, around the breakfast table, they found a moment of simple, unadulterated happiness. And for Morty, that was enough.

Rick eyed the table, his gaze finally landing on Jessica. He squinted, his brain processing through the haze of his memory.

"Wait a minute," he said, pointing a finger at Jessica.

"Aren't you that girl Morty's been pining over since, like, forever?" Jessica blushed, glancing at Morty, who was turning a shade of red himself.

"Uh, yeah, I guess that's me." Rick's face lit up with an uncharacteristic grin.

"Well, I'll be damned. Morty, you finally did it! You landed her!" He slapped Morty on the back so hard that Morty nearly dropped his fork.

"Rick!" Morty protested, his face burning.

"Can you, like, tone it down a bit?" But Rick was undeterred. He stood up, raising his glass of orange juice.

"A toast! To Morty, the Casanova of the Sanchez family!" He downed the juice in one gulp and then smirked at Morty.

"And to celebrate, Morty, after school today, you and I are going on an adventure. Just the two of us like the usual." Morty's eyes widened in a mix of excitement and apprehension.

He still had business to run but decided to let Cortana handle it for the time being and arrange a meeting when he had time to discuss the rest of the marketing and other things to consider.

Morty can use time travel or use a split body but he decided against it and let Cortana handle it since she has a lot of free time and is great at her job.

"An adventure? After school?" Rick nodded, his expression serious.

"Yeah, Morty. It's been a while since we had a good old-fashioned space trip. Time to get back out there, see some new worlds, maybe blow up a few things. You know, the usual." Summer rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

"Of course. Can't have one peaceful day without some intergalactic nonsense." Beth looked at Rick with a mixture of amusement and concern.

"Just make sure you bring him back in one piece, Rick." Rick waved a dismissive hand.

"Relax, Beth. I've got *Buurp* it under control. Morty's in good hands." Jessica squeezed Morty's hand under the table, giving him a supportive smile.

"Sounds exciting, Morty. Just be careful, okay?" Morty nodded, trying to suppress the butterflies in his stomach.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Jessica."

The rest of breakfast passed in a blur of laughter and conversation, a rare moment of unity for the Smith family. As Morty finished the last of his pancakes, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the adventure that awaited him.

As the last of the breakfast dishes were cleared, Summer stretched and let out a contented sigh.

"That was great, Morty. Thanks for making breakfast." Morty smiled, still basking in the warmth of the morning's camaraderie.

"No problem, Summer." Summer turned to Jessica and Beth with a mischievous glint in her eye. Morty had to guess that she planned to discuss how to spice things in bed.

"You know, we should all shower and get ready for the day. How about we do it together? It'll be fun, and we can keep chatting."

Beth chuckled, shaking her head at her daughter's suggestion.

"Why not? It's great to continue our girl time so long Jessica doesn't mind." Jessica nodded, a playful smile spreading across her face.

"Sure, I don't mind and it sounds like fun."

As the three women headed upstairs, Morty couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at missing out on the bonding moment. But his thoughts were interrupted by Rick, who clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, Morty," Rick said, guiding him towards the garage.

"We need to have a little chat."

Morty followed Rick into the garage, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Rick closed the door behind them and turned to face his grandson, his usual nonchalance replaced by an uncharacteristic seriousness.

"Alright, Morty," Rick began, leaning against his workbench.

"I've seen a lot of things in my time, and I gotta say, you've surprised me more than once. But this whole situation with Jessica is fine but your mom, and your sister? That's a new one, even for me."

Morty's heart raced, but he managed to nod.

"Yeah, Rick, it's... complicated." Rick snorted.

"Complicated doesn't even begin to cover it. But here's the thing, Morty. I've been around the multiverse enough to know that normal is overrated. And if this makes you happy and it works for you, then who am I to judge?" Morty's eyes widened in surprise.

"You... you approve?" Rick nodded, his expression softening slightly.

"Look, Morty. I've seen Beth and Jerry's relationship up close, and it's a train wreck. Your mom deserves better than that schmuck. And if you and your sister are in this together, it means you're looking out for each other. That's more than I can say for a lot of families out there." Morty felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Thanks, Rick. I didn't know what to expect, but I'm glad you're okay with it." Rick shrugged.

"Hey, as long as you're happy and not screwing up the fabric of reality too badly, I'm good. Just remember, Morty, life's short, and it's even shorter when you're bouncing around different dimensions. Make the most of it." Morty nodded, feeling a newfound sense of confidence.

"I will, Rick. I promise." Rick's serious demeanor melted back into his usual smirk.

"Good. Get ready for later, don't make me wait."

After their heart-to-heart in the garage, Rick and Morty emerged back into the Sanchez household. Rick plopped himself onto the couch in the living room, flipping through channels on the interdimensional television while Morty headed upstairs to his room.

As Morty stepped into his room, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. The familiar surroundings offered a moment of respite from the chaos of their adventures. He quickly stripped off his pajamas and stepped into the shower, relishing the warmth of the water cascading over him.

After his shower, Morty dried off and rummaged through his closet for something to wear. He settled on a pair of black jagger pants and a soft yellow undershirt, topped off with an unzipped hoodie jacket. He smirked as he slipped on a pair of fake glasses, channeling his inner cool.

Once dressed, Morty headed back downstairs to join Rick in the living room. Rick glanced up from the TV as Morty entered, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Nice outfit, Morty," Rick commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Feeling a bit stylish today, huh?" Morty shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"Just trying something different, you know?"

As Morty lounged on the couch with Rick, he couldn't help but feel a pang of anticipation for the day's events. The soft hum of the television filled the room as he waited for Jessica, Beth, and Summer to finish getting ready.

As Morty and Rick lounged in the living room, Morty couldn't help but notice the time ticking by. He knew that Jessica, Beth, and Summer had been in the shower for a while now, and he was starting to get antsy.

Just as he was about to suggest checking on them, the three women emerged from the stairs, their hair still damp from the shower. Jessica's eyes lit up when she saw Morty, a smile spreading across her face.

"Hey, Morty," she said, crossing the room to stand in front of him.

"Thanks for waiting." Morty smiled back, feeling a rush of warmth at the sight of her.

"No problem, Jessica. You look great." Jessica blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thanks. And thanks again, Summer, for letting me borrow your clothes. I really appreciate it." Summer waved off the thanks with a grin.

"No problem, Jessica. Anytime." Beth chimed in, giving Morty a knowing look.

"You two make quite the pair, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess we do." Morty nodded as a smile spread across his face.

As the morning sun began its ascent, casting a warm glow over the Sanchez residence, Morty went to the driveway, a grin plastered across his face. He took out his dark as his eyes gleamed with excitement as he admired the sleek lines of his prized possession, the Koenigsegg Gemera, parked proudly in the driveway.

Rick, leaning against the doorway with a characteristic smirk, watched Morty's reaction. It was the first time he'd laid eyes on the impressive machine, and even he couldn't help but be impressed.

"Well, well, Morty. Looks like you've outdone yourself this time." Rick remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Summer, Beth, and Jessica, who had seen the car before, exchanged knowing glances. For Morty, though, the thrill of showing it off never diminished. With a flourish, he unlocked the car and gestured for Jessica and Summer to join him.

Excited chatter filled the air as Morty, Jessica, and Summer climbed into the luxurious interior of the Gemera. The engine roared to life with a powerful hum, sending vibrations through the sleek frame of the car.

Beth, already dressed for work, leaned down to give her son a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Have a great day, Morty. Drive safely," she said, her voice tinged with maternal concern. Morty flashed her a confident smile, the same one he inherited from his grandfather.

"Don't worry, Mom. We'll be fine," he reassured her, before revving the engine and pulling out of the driveway.

As Morty, Jessica, and Summer set off towards school, Beth climbed into her own car, heading in the opposite direction towards her job.