Chapter 91 - Life is strange 6~♥️

I know it isn't the girl you want to have smut But I feel like with Morty's charm and the girl's personality kind of make sense.

Though, I also want to make another smut with a girl that doesn't make less sense than this but still more understanding than having the one you guys want to have one.

I won't spoil but it isn't max or Chloe or even Rachel.

Anyways enjoy.


Morty made his way to the parking lot and took out his sleek Koenigsegg Gemera, the sun reflecting off its polished surface. As he settled into the driver's seat, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Victoria.

[ Morty: Hey Victoria, I'm free now. How about we meet up for lunch? ]

A few moments later, his phone buzzed with Victoria's reply.

[ Victoria: Sounds perfect. Let's meet at the Blue Creek Steakhouse. It's just off Main Street. ]

Morty grinned and set the GPS for the restaurant. As he drove, the radio crackled to life, broadcasting the latest news.

" breaking news, renowned photographer and teacher Mark Jefferson has been arrested on charges of kidnapping and other heinous crimes. The involvement of Nathan Prescott has also been confirmed. Both suspects are now in police custody, thanks to the brave actions of a student from Blackwell Academy..."

Morty listened intently, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. They had done it. Jefferson and Nathan were finally going to pay for their crimes. He turned up the volume slightly, letting the news anchor's voice fill the car as he drove through the streets of Arcadia Bay.

Arriving at the Blue Creek Steakhouse, Morty parked and made his way inside. The restaurant was cozy, with rustic decor and the enticing aroma of grilled steaks wafting through the air. He spotted Victoria sitting at a corner table, looking as stylish as ever.

"Hey, Victoria." Morty greeted as he approached the table. Victoria looked up, a smile spreading across her face.

"Hey, Morty. Glad you could make it." They settled into their seats and ordered their meals. As they waited for their food, Morty couldn't help but feel the weight of recent events lift slightly, replaced by a sense of normalcy he hadn't felt in a while.

"So, how have things been for you?" Victoria asked, her eyes curious. Morty shrugged, a wry smile on his lips.

"Busy, to say the least." Victoria nodded, her expression serious.

"I heard about Jefferson. It's all over the news. It's hard to believe someone like him was capable of such things." She mentioned things about her life including Jefferson that she admired but shaken by the news of his arrest. Morty leaned in slightly, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Well, Victoria, how do you feel about Jefferson's arrest overall?" Victoria sighed, looking down at her menu for a moment before meeting Morty's gaze.

"Honestly, it's a lot to process. Jefferson was someone I looked up to. He was this brilliant photographer, and I wanted to be just like him. But now... knowing what he did, it's like my whole perspective on him has shattered." Morty nodded, understanding the conflict she was feeling.

"Yeah, I get that. It's hard when someone you admire turns out to be a monster. But you shouldn't let that taint your passion for photography. You have your own talent, Victoria." She smiled softly, appreciating his words.

"Thanks, Morty. I just can't help but feel angry and betrayed. He used his position to manipulate and hurt people. It's disgusting."

"It is." Morty agreed. Soon their order arrived, and the aroma of the perfectly cooked steaks filled the air. Morty and Victoria began to eat, the initial tension easing as they settled into a comfortable rhythm. Between bites, Victoria looked at Morty, her eyes reflecting a mixture of vulnerability and determination.

"You know, Morty." She began, her voice uncharacteristically soft.

"I haven't always been the nicest person. In fact, I've been kind of a mean girl at Blackwell. I put up this tough front, but the truth is... I'm really insecure."

Morty paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. He put it down and looked at her seriously. He was able to make her vulnerable and trust him despite their short interaction. Morty has max seduction and luck.

"Why do you feel insecure, Victoria?" Victoria sighed, pushing her food around her plate.

"I guess it's because I've always felt like I had to prove myself. My parents expect so much from me, and the pressure is intense. So, I started acting out, trying to control what I could, and that meant being... well, mean. It's just so hard to admit that I'm not perfect." Morty nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

"I get it. It's tough when you feel like you have to live up to someone else's expectations. But you don't have to be that person, Victoria. You don't have to be mean to protect yourself." Victoria looked at him, a flicker of hope in her eyes.

"But how do I change? How do I stop being this person I've become?" Morty smiled warmly.

"Start by being honest with yourself. Admit that you're scared and that it's okay to be vulnerable. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Focus on building real friendships with people who care about you for who you are, not who you pretend to be." Victoria seemed to mull over his words, her expression thoughtful.

"I don't know if I can do that. What if people don't like the real me?" Morty reached out and placed a reassuring hand on hers.

"The right people will. And those are the ones who matter. It's not going to be easy, but it's worth it. You deserve to have friends who care about you for you." Victoria gave him a small, genuine smile.

"You're pretty wise and I guess you got that from your ventures, Morty. Maybe I can give it a try. Starting with you ." Morty chuckled.

"I'd like that. And remember, you're not alone. I got your back." Their conversation continued, becoming lighter as they shared stories and laughter. The connection between them grew stronger, and Victoria felt a sense of relief she hadn't felt in a long time.

For the first time, she allowed herself to be vulnerable and found that it wasn't as terrifying as she had imagined. As they finished their meal and prepared to leave, Victoria turned to Morty with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Morty. For listening and for your advice. I think I needed to hear that more than I realized." Morty smiled back, feeling a sense of satisfaction in having helped her.

"Anytime, Victoria. We're friends now, right? And friends look out for each other." Victoria nodded, her smile widening.

"Yeah, we are." As they stepped outside the restaurant, Victoria glanced at Morty, a curious glint in her eyes.

"Hey, Morty, would it be okay if I came with you to where you're staying? I don't have any classes today, and I thought it might be nice to hang out a bit more." Morty nodded, sensing there might be more to her request but willing to go along with it.

"Sure, why not? I'd like that." They walked toward his car, and as they rounded the corner, Victoria's jaw dropped.

"Is that your car?" she asked, her voice tinged with shock and admiration as she took in the sleek, polished lines of the Koenigsegg Gemera. Morty chuckled, pretending to be humble.

"Yeah, it is. Just a little something I picked up." Victoria ran her fingers lightly over the car's hood, clearly impressed.

"A little something? This is like a dream car. Are you rich or something?" Morty shrugged, acting elusive.

"You could say I've had some good luck and made a few smart decisions. But I try not to let it define me." Victoria looked at him, a mixture of admiration and curiosity in her eyes.

"You're full of surprises, Morty." He opened the passenger door for her, and she slid into the luxurious seat, still looking around in awe.

Morty got in on the driver's side and started the engine, the car purring to life. As they drove through the streets of Arcadia Bay, Victoria couldn't help but keep glancing at him, her mind clearly racing with thoughts.

"So, where are you staying?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

"I rented an apartment near Blackwell," Morty replied.

"It's pretty quiet, which is nice. Helps me focus on what I need to do." Victoria nodded, her eyes thoughtful.

"You know, I think I could learn a lot from you, Morty. You seem to have things figured out in a way that most people don't." Morty smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I've had a lot of experiences that have shaped me. But I'm still figuring things out, just like everyone else."

They arrived at his apartment building, and Morty led her inside. It was a modest yet comfortable place, with all the essentials and a few personal touches that made it feel like home. Victoria looked around, taking in the space.

"This is nice," she said, settling onto the couch.

"It's cozy." Morty sat down across from her, feeling the atmosphere shift slightly. He could sense that Victoria had more on her mind.

"So, what's really going on, Victoria? Why did you want to come over?" She looked at him, biting her lip before speaking.

"I guess I just wanted to get to know you better. You're different from anyone I've ever met, and I find that... intriguing. Plus, after everything that's happened, I feel like I need to be around people I can trust." Morty nodded, understanding.

"I get that. It's been a tough time for everyone, and it's important to find people you can rely on." Victoria leaned forward slightly, her eyes meeting his.

"You know, Morty, I've been thinking a lot about what you said earlier. About being honest with myself and trying to make real connections. I want to do that. And I think starting with you might be a good idea." Morty smiled, appreciating her honesty.

"I'd like that, Victoria. We can figure things out together." She smiled back, a sense of relief washing over her.

"Thanks, Morty. I feel like I can really be myself around you…." Victoria looked at him for a moment when she stood up and went before pressing her lips against his. Morty expected this and let her be.

As they kissed passionately, Morty's hands wandered down to Victoria's hips. She moaned into the kiss, encouraging him to explore further. He slid his hands up her sides until he reached her back, pulling her closer to him as their tongues danced together. Victoria broke the kiss for a moment and looked into Morty's eyes.

"I want you."

She whispered huskily before leaning in again for another deep kiss. This time, Morty could feel her hand sneak under his shirt and begin tracing circles on his bare skin above the waistband of his pants. His heart raced as he realized how much this girl wanted him too! Without breaking contact with each other's lips or losing any momentum from their intense make-out session so far.

As they sat down on the couch together, Morty couldn't help but admire how beautiful Victoria looked at that moment.

Her lips were swollen from their passionate kissing, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement. She was wearing a tight top that showed off her curves perfectly, and he could see the outline of her bra through it.

Victoria broke the silence first by undoing Morty's pants and pulling them down to his ankles. He gasped as she revealed his hard cock, which was already straining against his underwear.

'What the hell, it's so big!! It's laughable compared to Nathan!' Victoria's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the size of Morty's cock for the first time. She had never seen anything so big before! It was almost too much to handle, but she couldn't deny how turned on it made her feel. Victoria was still a virgin but had some sexual encounters before.

Without hesitation or asking permission first because let's face it - who needs permission when you're this turned on?

She wrapped her hand around him and began stroking slowly up and down while looking into his eyes intently and with a shaky breath, Victoria leaned forward and wrapped her lips around Morty's head, sucking gently at first before taking more of him into her mouth.

'Holy shit, it stretches my mouth! It's getting hard to breathe…but why can't I stop?' Victoria's mind was numbing looking at Morty's reaction and made her want to suck him dry.

She bobbed up and down on his shaft while using one hand to stroke him slowly from base to tip. Her other hand found its way between their bodies, rubbing against his crotch through his underwear until he could feel every touch against his sensitive skin.

Morty groaned loudly as Victoria began taking more of him into her mouth each time she went down on him. He reached out for her hair, running his fingers through it gently as he watched this beautiful girl pleasure him.

His head fell back onto the couch cushion as he closed his eyes tightly while enjoying every second of Victoria's skilled ministrations…