Chapter 90 - Life is Strange 5

I'm a bit rushing this arc…I think? I'll make Morty come back later in a later arc but for now, it's ending soon.

No life is a strange smut yet.

Anyway, the next arc is Either Pokémon hunting or Johnny Test where the twins use female Johnny to experiment on Sex.


As they continued their search, Morty's device began emitting a stronger signal, leading them deeper into the junkyard. They finally arrived at an old, decrepit barn on the outskirts of Arcadia Bay. The place had an eerie feeling, and Chloe, Max, and Morty exchanged tense glances.

"This has to be it," Chloe whispered, her voice a mix of hope and fear.

They cautiously approached the barn, Morty in the lead with his scanner. The device indicated that there was something significant inside. Morty pushed open the heavy wooden door, and they stepped into the dimly lit interior. As they explored, they noticed a hidden trapdoor beneath a pile of old hay bales.

"Look at this," Max said, pointing out the trapdoor.

"There must be something down there."

Morty nodded, and together they managed to pry it open, revealing a set of stairs leading down into the darkness. They descended cautiously, finding themselves in a cold, concrete basement. The space was filled with disturbing photography equipment, chemicals, and various other paraphernalia.

"What the hell is this room!?" Chloe said, her voice trembling with anger and fear. She started to feel overwhelmed with dread thinking something might have happened to Rachel. Her thoughts were interrupted when Morty patted her hand getting her attention.

"Don't lose hope. We are still not done." Morty words calming her down never felt this way before to anyone beside Rachel who had been there when she felt abandoned by everyone.

"...Thank you. Let's continue and see who's the bastard responsible for this." Chloe gritted her teeth in anger while Morty nodded.

"We will but don't get blinded by anger and emotions or you'll make a mistake you'll regret." Morty said and Chloe nodded, calming her nerves.

As they continued to search the room, they found a series of photographs and evidence pointing to Nathan Prescott and Mark Jefferson's involvement in some truly heinous activities. Max gasped as she recognized some of the girls in the photographs.

"Oh my God," she whispered.

"This is horrible." Then, in a far corner of the room, they found Rachel Amber. She was tied to a chair, unconscious but alive. Chloe ran to her, tears streaming down her face as she frantically untied her friend.

"Rachel! Rachel, wake up!" Chloe cried, gently shaking Rachel to rouse her from her drugged state.

Rachel slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the harsh light. She looked dazed and disoriented but relieved to see Chloe.

"Chloe...?" Chloe hugged her tightly, sobbing with relief.

"You're safe now, Rachel. We found you."

Max and Morty stood nearby, feeling a mix of relief and determination. They had the evidence they needed to expose Nathan and Jefferson and save Rachel from further harm.

Morty quickly used his device to gather digital copies of the photographs and documents, ensuring they had everything necessary to bring the culprits to justice.

"Rachel, we're going to get you out of here," Max said softly, her hand on Rachel's shoulder. Rachel nodded weakly, still groggy from the drugs.

"Thank you... thank you so much."

As they carefully helped Rachel out of the dark room and up the stairs, Chloe kept a protective arm around her friend.

As they neared the exit, the sound of footsteps echoed through the barn. They froze, their hearts pounding. Mark Jefferson, with a cold, calculated expression, stepped into view, holding a gun aimed directly at them.

"Well, well," Jefferson sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

"You really think you can just waltz in here and ruin everything I've built?" Chloe instinctively shielded Rachel, her eyes narrowing in anger.

"You sick bastard! We're taking Rachel and exposing you for what you are." Max saw her teacher and felt unnerved by this confirmation.

"I can't believe it! It's true. You're the one responsible for all of this!" Jefferson was unfazed by this.

"Oh max, when I was aiming to turn you to my model. You had to pick your nose somewhere you shouldn't." Jefferson's grip on the gun tightened, his eyes darkening.

"Well, I can't let you escape. You have no idea what you're meddling with." Morty stepped forward, his mind racing for a solution.

"Jefferson, put the gun down. You can't win this. Don't think simply having a gun will save you from exposing this evidence." Jefferson laughed, a chilling sound in the silent barn.

"Evidence? Who do you think you are, some kind of hero? You're just a kid playing with things you don't understand." Morty kept his gaze steady, buying time.

"Maybe, but I'm not alone. And we're not backing down."

Max, sensing the tension escalating, subtly moved her hand toward her pocket, ready to use her powers if necessary. Chloe's eyes darted around, looking for any advantage they could use. Jefferson's eyes flicked to Rachel, then back to Morty and the others.

"You've already caused too much trouble. I should've dealt with you all from the beginning."

As Jefferson raised his gun, Morty's quick thinking kicked in. He subtly reached for his device, which he had kept at the ready. With a swift motion, he activated it, projecting a blinding flash of light that filled the barn.

Jefferson stumbled back, disoriented, giving Max the moment she needed. She focused, her eyes narrowing as she rewound time just a few crucial seconds, giving Morty another chance to act without Jefferson noticing his initial move.

This time, Morty moved even quicker. As Jefferson aimed his gun, Morty activated a small energy shield, deflecting the bullet harmlessly into the wall. Max and Chloe took advantage of Jefferson's shock, rushing him from both sides.

Max managed to knock the gun from Jefferson's hand, while Chloe tackled him to the ground, her fury and determination lending her strength. Rachel, though weak, mustered enough energy to stand and support her friends.

Morty quickly disarmed Jefferson's other hand, securing him with the advanced restraints from his device. Jefferson struggled, but the restraints held firm, glowing with a faint blue light.

Chloe stood over Jefferson, her breath coming in heavy bursts.

"You're done, Jefferson. It's over."

Max, still catching her breath, looked at Morty with gratitude.

"That was incredible, Morty. Thank you." Rachel, leaning on Chloe for support, managed a weak smile.

"You saved me... all of you." Morty nodded, his expression serious.

"We're a team. Now let's get out of here and make sure this evidence gets into the right hands."

With Jefferson subdued and Rachel safe, they made their way out of the barn, the weight of their accomplishment settling in. They had uncovered a dark secret and saved a friend, but they knew the battle for justice wasn't over yet.

They called the police and As the police arrived at the barn, accompanied by an ambulance, the trio wasted no time in handing over all the evidence they had gathered against Mark Jefferson. Morty, Max, and Chloe watched with a sense of satisfaction as the authorities took Jefferson into custody, his reign of terror finally coming to an end.

Chloe's truck was parked nearby, and as the ambulance prepared to take Rachel to the hospital, the trio made a decision to follow in Chloe's truck. Max knew that her class would be canceled now that Jefferson was apprehended, and she couldn't bear the thought of leaving Chloe and Rachel alone at this moment.

Together, they climbed into the truck, the atmosphere tense but hopeful. Max sat in the passenger seat, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. Morty sat beside her, his expression a mixture of relief and determination, while Chloe gripped the steering wheel tightly, her focus solely on getting Rachel to safety.

The drive to the hospital was quiet, each member of the trio lost in their own thoughts. Max couldn't shake the images of the dark room from her mind, but she found solace in the knowledge that they had succeeded in bringing Jefferson to justice. Morty glanced at Max, his eyes filled with a silent understanding, while Chloe's grip on the wheel tightened with determination.

As they arrived at the hospital, the ambulance pulled into the emergency bay, and Rachel was quickly taken inside for treatment. Max, Morty, and Chloe followed closely behind, their hearts heavy with worry but also filled with hope for Rachel's recovery.

Inside the hospital, they waited anxiously for news of Rachel's condition. Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity, but finally, a doctor emerged from the operating room with a reassuring smile.

"Rachel is stable," the doctor announced, relief flooding through the trio.

"She's going to be okay." Chloe felt tears pricking at her eyes as she hugged Morty and Max tightly. Chloe's gratitude overflowed as she turned to Morty, her eyes filled with sincerity.

"Morty, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. What can I do to repay you?" Morty chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Well, a kiss from the two of you would be enough."

Chloe's playful smile faltered for a moment, but then she surprised everyone by leaning in and planting a quick kiss on Morty's cheek. Morty blinked in surprise, his cheeks turning slightly red due to arousal, while Max looked on in astonishment. But Chloe wasn't finished yet. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she turned to Max.

"Your turn, Max. Let's see if you can top that."

Max hesitated, her heart racing at the unexpected turn of events. But something in Chloe's challenge stirred a sense of daring within her, and before she could second-guess herself, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Morty's cheek as well.

The moment seemed to stretch on forever, a brief but electrifying connection between them. Morty's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't pull away, allowing the moment to linger.

As they pulled back, there was a moment of stunned silence, broken only by the sound of their breathing. Max's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the strange thrill that coursed through her. Chloe grinned triumphantly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"See, Morty? I told you Max would do it." They tried to play it cool but a hint of blush was exposed. Morty couldn't help but chuckle at the flustered reactions from Chloe and Max.

"Hey, I was just expecting a kiss on the cheek, but I'm not complaining," he said with a playful grin.

Chloe tried to play it cool, but her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

"Yeah, well, I thought I'd surprise you," she replied, her tone a mix of bravado and sheepishness. Max, still feeling a rush of adrenaline from the unexpected kiss, struggled to find her words.

"I-I, um... yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to... uh..."

Morty smiled warmly at them, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Hey, it's all good. I enjoyed it, regardless." He reached out and gave each of them a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"You two are awesome." Chloe and Max exchanged a glance, their embarrassment fading as they smiled back at Morty. He looked between Chloe and Max, a sense of solidarity washing over him.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

Chloe glanced over at Rachel, who was still resting in the hospital bed, and then back at Morty and Max.

"I'm going to stay with Rachel." she said firmly.

"She's been through a lot, and she needs me right now." Max nodded in agreement, placing a reassuring hand on Chloe's shoulder.

"I'll stay with Chloe," she added, her voice filled with determination.

"We'll be here for Rachel, no matter what."

Morty smiled at their unwavering loyalty to their friend. He looked between Chloe and Max, a sense of determination in his eyes.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two to take care of Rachel. She needs you more than ever right now." As Morty turned to leave, Chloe called out after him.

"Hey, Morty! What are you going to do now?" Morty paused, turning back to face them with a thoughtful expression.

"I'll grab lunch with someone. But don't worry, I'll be in touch." He pulled out his phone and quickly exchanged numbers with Chloe and Max before giving them a final wave and heading out of the hospital.