Chapter 131 - Inside Job 1

I have nothing to say besides stone me! Comment! And give suggestions!

Still contemplating which to go first after this.

More Rick and Morty episode

Stellar Blade

Big Hero Six

Johnny Test


Rick and Morty Multiverse

3 weeks and 5 day upon arrival (Normal time Axis)

4 PM, Friday.

After a few days, Morty settled back into his routine, or at least what passed for normal in his life. He spent time with his girlfriends, stayed in touch with Brittany, and continued expanding his influence. His daughters had seamlessly integrated into the company he had bought and built, working to shape the world according to his plans.

Their infiltration of various sectors was swift, subtly shifting things in Morty's favor. For him, this wasn't about heroics or saving humanity. In fact, he had let his previous world fall into ruin without hesitation.

Morty's ambitions stemmed more from boredom and a desire to craft a better future—not out of altruism, but as a personal challenge.

"I guess I'm not so different from the old Morty after all," he mused, as he turned his attention to the Primatrix, the advanced device embedded into his spine.

Unlike the original Omnitrix, the Primatrix was Morty's own invention—an evolution of the technology, far more powerful and deeply connected to his very being.

Sitting in his private lab, Morty leaned forward in his chair, feeling the slight hum of the Primatrix as it synchronized with his nervous system.

Thin wires extended from the device at the base of his neck, trailing down his spine like veins of energy. The interface was holographic, floating in front of him, casting a faint blue light as various data streams flickered across the screen.

He deftly swiped his hand through the holograms, adjusting parameters, checking for any inefficiencies in the transformation matrix. His eyes narrowed as he focused on a particular glitch that had been nagging at him—the device's response time was slower when switching between his more complex forms.

"That won't do." he muttered to himself, opening up a virtual blueprint of the Primatrix. Morty manipulated the display, zooming in on the specific sequence that controlled the morphing process.

The energy core seemed stable, but there was a misalignment in the data transference between the Primatrix and his nervous system. The delay was minuscule, but to Morty, perfection was the only acceptable outcome.

Using a small tool, he began to adjust the delicate circuits embedded under his skin, grimacing slightly as he felt a sharp jolt of energy surge through his body.

The Primatrix was deeply connected to his spinal cord, and working on it required precision and focus. One wrong move, and he could disable not only the device but himself.

As he made the final tweak, Morty felt the system recalibrate, and the lag vanished. He flexed his fingers, feeling the familiar pulse of the Primatrix as it hummed back to life. Testing it further, Morty initiated a quick transformation—his body shifting into a towering, crystalline form. The process was seamless, faster, and smoother than before.

"Better," he muttered, pleased with the result. Morty reverted to his human form, the Primatrix settling back into its dormant state along his spine.

He sighed in satisfaction, running a hand over the base of his neck where the device was embedded. For now, the upgrades were complete, but his mind was already racing with ideas for future enhancements. Morty stood up and stretched, feeling the familiar weight of the Primatrix pulling slightly against his spine.

Morty felt satisfied and decided on what he should do next. As Morty finished his adjustments, the door to his workshop slid open with a soft hiss.

Cortona entered, balancing a tray of snacks in one hand while tapping on her tablet with the other, her eyes quickly scanning data. She was efficient as always, managing multiple tasks without breaking a sweat, making sure Morty didn't forget to take care of himself.

"Still tinkering with that thing?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she approached.

"You've been down here for hours."

Morty glanced up, giving a quick nod.

"Just some fine-tuning. The transformations were lagging a bit between forms, but it's better now." He motioned toward the Primatrix embedded in his spine, its faint glow pulsing slightly under his skin.

Cortona set the tray down on a nearby table, her gaze briefly resting on the device.

"You're pushing that thing hard. Any side effects?" There was a casual tone to her question, but Morty caught the subtle concern in her voice. The Primatrix was cutting-edge, but its deep connection to his nervous system always posed risks.

Morty shrugged, grabbing a snack from the tray.

"Nothing I can't handle. I feel every tiny glitch, which is why I'm so picky about it." He bit into the snack, his eyes following Cortona as she scrolled through the holographic screens he had left open.

She tapped a few buttons, reviewing his work.

"Looks like you improved the morphing speed by about 15%. Impressive," she remarked, but shot him a pointed look.

"Still, don't push it. You're bored, I get it, but you're no use to anyone if you fry your nervous system."

Morty smirked, unfazed.

"I'll be fine, Cortona. If I can let an entire universe collapse without flinching, I think I can handle some device maintenance."

Cortona rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.

"Right, the universe-crushing genius. Just don't say I didn't warn you when you start twitching uncontrollably."

She moved toward him, her expression softening as she set the tablet aside. Instead of leaving, Cortona placed herself comfortably on Morty's lap, looping her arms loosely around his neck. Morty raised an eyebrow but didn't object, leaning back slightly in his chair as she settled in.

"So," she said, her voice quieter now,

"What's next? The Primatrix is working smoothly, and your daughters are making good progress with your plans. You have any big ideas lined up? Maybe something a little less, you know, world-ending this time?"

Morty looked down at her, his hands resting on her waist.

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe tweak the Primatrix more, or expand its capabilities. I could jump to another universe and start something new there." He paused, his gaze drifting to the dimly lit lab.

"Or maybe it's time to change the way this world works. Tear down the old systems, build something better."

Cortona tilted her head, her fingers tracing lightly over the back of his neck.

"Better for humanity, or better for you?"

A grin crept across Morty's face.

"Is there a difference?"

She sighed, shaking her head, but her eyes glimmered with amusement.

"You're impossible."

Morty's smile widened.

"And yet, here you are, sitting on my lap."

Cortona chuckled softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess I can't help it. But seriously, just take it easy, okay? You might be invincible in some ways, but even you need to recharge."

He leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Fine, I'll try to take a break. Maybe."

Cortona stayed where she was, content for now. The quiet hum of the Primatrix and the soft light of the lab filled the space around them.

The quiet hum of the lab was interrupted by the soft beep of the door as it slid open again. Sil and Eve, dressed in their sharp space military uniforms, strode into the workshop.

The two sisters, both of whom were among Morty's closest companions, carried themselves with the confident grace of commanders overseeing an intricate operation.

Their uniforms, adorned with sleek insignias, highlighted their leadership roles.

Cortona shifted slightly on Morty's lap but stayed comfortable, her arm still draped casually around his neck.

She watched as the two women approached, noting their usual blend of professionalism and something softer, an unspoken affection for Morty.

"Morty," Sil began, her voice steady, though her eyes lingered a little longer on him than strictly necessary,

"We've just received updates on the latest phases of the operation. Everything is proceeding according to plan." She handed him a datapad, her fingers brushing his as she did.

Eve, her stance confident, crossed her arms and gave Morty a playful look.

"Our daughters and granddaughters are integrating perfectly. The infiltration's going smoother than we expected. Sleeper agents are in place, while others are handling different aspects of the company—from marketing to research and development. No issues so far."

Morty scanned the datapad, glancing over the reports. His children were successfully weaving themselves into the fabric of society, taking positions in various sectors, ensuring his influence spread unnoticed. But for him, this wasn't about raw control—it was a way to see how far they could push things, to give his children a reason to explore the world and expand their horizons.

As he reviewed the data, Sil moved closer, resting a hand lightly on his shoulder, her fingers tracing along the seam of his shirt.

"They're excelling, Morty," she said softly, her voice dropping a little.

"Our daughters are adapting to their roles faster than we could have hoped. It's almost like they were born for this."

Eve, not to be left out, leaned against the desk beside him, giving him a teasing smile.

"They are our children, after all. It's in their blood." She gave Cortona a glance, then added with a smirk,

"But you know, Morty, we wouldn't mind hearing more praise from you directly. You've been too focused on your gadgets lately."

Morty leaned back in his chair, his eyes flicking between the two sisters, a knowing grin forming on his lips.

"Is that right? You want me to start showering you with compliments now?"

Sil moved behind him, her fingers gently massaging his shoulders as she leaned down.

"It wouldn't hurt," she whispered close to his ear, her breath warm against his skin.

"After all, we've been doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you lately."

Eve leaned in as well, resting a hand on his chest, her tone playful.

"Yeah, Morty. We're doing all this for you. The least you could do is show a little appreciation."

Cortona, still perched on his lap, chuckled softly, watching the exchange with amusement.

"Looks like you're outnumbered," she teased, shifting slightly to make room for Sil's hand as it slid around Morty's chest.

Morty smirked, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Alright, alright," he said, leaning back into Sil's touch,

"I appreciate everything you've done. The infiltration, the strategy, making sure the plan runs smoothly—it's all been flawless." He looked up at Sil with a playful glint in his eyes.

"And of course, I couldn't have done any of it without you."

Sil's lips curled into a smile as she pressed a kiss to the side of his neck.

"That's more like it."

Eve, not to be outdone, trailed a finger down Morty's chest, drawing a lazy pattern as she leaned in closer.

"See? Was that so hard? Now, let's talk about how you're going to reward us for all this hard work."

Morty laughed softly, a low sound that made the room feel warmer.

"Reward, huh? What did you have in mind?"

Sil's arms wrapped more tightly around his shoulders, her voice sultry as she murmured,

"Oh, I'm sure we can think of something… creative."

Eve grinned, eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Yeah, something that doesn't involve more datapads or missions." She shot Cortona a knowing look.

"You're with us on this, right?"

Cortona leaned back, her hand sliding through Morty's hair.

"Oh, absolutely. You've been too cooped up down here, Morty. Maybe it's time for you to take a break—and spend a little more time with us."

Morty glanced between the three of them, an amused yet satisfied expression on his face.

"Alright, I get the hint," he said, his voice low but teasing.

"You've been patient. Let's see what kind of 'reward' you all have in mind."

Sil and Eve exchanged a pleased look, their smiles full of promise. Sil slipped around to sit beside Eve, both of them leaning in closer to Morty, the playful tension between them thickening as they shared in the moment.

"Good," Sil whispered, her lips just inches from his.

"You'll see soon enough."

Eve chuckled softly, her hand still resting on Morty's chest.

"Let's just say you'll enjoy it as much as we will."

As the mood in the room shifted, the reports, datapads, and mission updates faded into the background. Soon, the room was dimly lit, the soft glow of neon lights filtering in through the window.

Morty, Sil, Eve, and Cortona lay together under the silk sheets of the large bed, their bodies intertwined, the quiet aftermath of their intimate time lingering in the air. Morty sat up slowly, sliding out from beneath the covers without waking the others.

He stretched his arms and ran a hand through his messy hair before standing up, completely bare under the low light.

He walked over to the corner of the room, where a sleek metal flask sat on a nearby table—a homage to his grandfather, Rick.

Morty grabbed it, unscrewed the cap, and took a slow swig, letting the burn of the alcohol roll down his throat.

His mind wandered as he leaned back against the wall, pondering the next step.

Sil, Eve, and Cortona slept peacefully, their faces serene after the hours they had spent together. But Morty's thoughts were already elsewhere.

'Summer's busy with her part-time job,' he mused, thinking about his sister and how Rick had been messing with her again. Morty shook his head with a wry smile.

'Let her handle that mess.'

He waved his hand lazily, summoning a holographic console in the middle of the room. The screen flickered to life, listing various options for his next adventure. Morty swiped through them absently, his usual excitement dulled. Nothing really grabbed his interest until he paused at **Inside Job**.

Morty tapped the selection, and the familiar image of Reagan Ridley appeared on the screen, bringing a slight smile to his lips.

'Man, that show... Reagan's such a genius, but she's got so many problems,' he thought, recalling how Reagan constantly struggled with her father and the pressure of managing a secret government organization. It reminded him a lot of his own past, dealing with Rick's madness.

'Reagan needs a break,' he thought.

'She could use someone in her corner.' Another swig from the flask, and Morty began seriously considering it.

'What if…' He pondered the possibility of inserting himself into Reagan's world. Morty's smirk deepened.

'Maybe I should give Reagan Ridley a boyfriend.'

He glanced back at the bed, watching Sil, Eve, and Cortona sleep. His mind kept drifting back to Reagan, though. The more he thought about it, the more the idea intrigued him.

'Eh, why wait?' he shrugged to himself.

'I'm bored anyway.'

Without another thought, Morty stood up straight, pulling a small device from the drawer nearby. It was sleek and metallic, something he had designed for situations exactly like this.

He tapped a few buttons, configuring it to pinpoint the right dimension, the one where Inside Job played out in real-time.

'Reagan Ridley, here I come,' he thought, feeling a sudden surge of excitement. The portal blinked open in front of him, glowing with a gold hue. Morty gave the sleeping trio one last glance, grinning to himself.

'This should be fun,' he thought before stepping through the portal without hesitation, vanishing into Reagan Ridley's world in an instant.