Chapter 132 - Inside Job 2

Sorry for the late update, I was trying to find what to do next. Writer block is a Bitch.

Also new ideas for story keep distracting me like Android 21 Futa x multiverse. Where she takes Boa Hancock, Robin, Fubuki, Tatsumaki etc.

If you guys want, then please write it cause I want to read it.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Toodaloo bitches.

Btw, here is the new cover.


Reagan Ridley. She was a brilliant but socially awkward scientist and engineer working for "Cognito, Inc.," the company responsible for managing and executing global conspiracies.

As the daughter of one of the company's top former employees, she's trying to rise to power while dealing with family issues, eccentric coworkers, and her own insecurities.

Reagan's character is known for her intelligence, ambition, and often chaotic personal life, but she's also relatable because of her struggle to find balance between her career and personal growth.

'I'll show them that I can have a boyfriend!' Reagan Ridley thought, her jaw clenched in determination. Her team had bet against her, mocking her social awkwardness and betting she'd never get a guy to fawn over her.

Despite knowing her last relationship was ages ago, Reagan's bruised ego refused to back down. She couldn't stand being underestimated, even though her self-esteem and social skills were in the gutter.

After too many hours of overthinking, Reagan finally settled on using a dating app. She set up the meeting, and now, she was rushing across town, her nerves frayed from the hours she'd spent overanalyzing every possible outfit.

Eventually, she chose a clean, smart look—a white polo shirt tucked into high-waisted Korean trousers, paired with a brown overcoat to tie it all together. Professional, yet casual. Approachable, yet sharp. The entire process had been agonizing, but she refused to show up looking anything less than perfect.

As she neared the meeting spot, her stomach tightened with a mix of anxiety and stubborn resolve.

'I can do this,' she thought, wiping her palms against her pants.

'I'll prove them all wrong.'

Finally, she spotted her date waiting in the distance. He stood casually at the café entrance, his posture relaxed but confident. Reagan hurried over, breathless, and apologized quickly.

"Sorry I'm late!" she blurted out, her voice slightly higher than she intended. She tried to gather herself, not wanting to seem too frazzled.

But before she could fully collect her thoughts, she heard his voice—smooth and enticing.

"No worries. I've only just arrived."

Reagan blinked, turning toward the source of that voice. Her heart skipped a beat. Standing there was a handsome young man with brown hair that fell slightly over his eyes, a lean but fit physique that immediately caught her attention.

He wore a brown overcoat, eerily similar to hers, but under his coat was a black turtleneck paired with sleek trousers. His look was effortlessly sharp.

For a moment, Reagan's mind went blank. Her cheeks flushed pink, her heart racing as she realized she was staring.

'He's... he's gorgeous.'

She forced herself to speak.

"You—uh, you're my date?" Reagan stammered, suddenly feeling like a fumbling teenager.

'Come on, Ridley, pull it together!'

The young man smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with an easy charm.

"That's right. Morty, at your service," he said, offering a playful bow.

Reagan's face heated up even more, completely caught off guard by his charisma.

'How did I land a guy like this on a dating app?' she wondered, her mind scrambling.

Morty gave her a once-over, his grin widening.

"Nice coat. We're practically matching." He winked, which only made Reagan's heart race faster.

Reagan laughed nervously, tugging at her own overcoat.

"Y-yeah, I guess we have the same taste." She could feel her pulse pounding in her ears.

'Why am I so nervous?'

But even as her insecurities threatened to bubble up, Reagan felt a strange spark of confidence. For once, she wasn't going to let her awkwardness sabotage this. She could do this. She would prove everyone wrong.

And maybe—just maybe—she'd enjoy it too.

Morty's eyes flicked to Reagan's trembling hands and the nervous way she tugged at her overcoat. He recognized that look—he'd been in her shoes plenty of times. Social anxiety was something he knew all too well, especially when meeting new people. With a soft smile, he decided to ease the tension.

"Hey, don't worry about being late," Morty said, his tone gentle.

"I've had way more awkward first dates than this. I mean, at least we're not stuck in the middle of a cosmic warzone, right?" He chuckled, trying to break the ice.

Reagan blinked, momentarily caught off guard.

'Did he just say cosmic warzone?' she thought, but before she could question it, she found herself chuckling at the absurdity. The joke landed better than she expected.

Morty noticed her reaction and relaxed, feeling like he was on the right track.

"Yeah, believe it or not, I've had some weird dating experiences. Like one time, I was on prom night and everyone suddenly turned into mutants." He shrugged casually.

"You know, typical first date stuff."

Reagan's nerves started to melt away as she listened to him. His self-deprecating humor and laid-back demeanor made it hard not to feel more comfortable.

'Okay, this guy is actually pretty funny,' she admitted to herself.

"A Mutant on a first date?" Reagan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That sounds… ridiculous."

Morty grinned.

"Yeah, ridiculous is kinda my thing." He leaned in slightly, his voice softening.

"But seriously, I get it. First dates are awkward, and I can tell you're nervous. Honestly, I've been there too. Like, a lot. I mean, look at me—I'm not exactly the smoothest guy around."

Reagan smiled, the tension in her shoulders easing. She appreciated his honesty.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all,' she thought, feeling a bit more confident. She took a deep breath and finally let herself relax, her nerves settling into something manageable.

"Thanks for that," she said, her voice a little steadier.

"I guess I'm just not great at this… dating thing."

"Who is, really?" Morty replied with a grin.

"It's like trying to land a spaceship on a moving asteroid. But hey, we're here, right? Might as well have fun with it."

Reagan nodded, feeling a spark of hope.

'He's right. I don't have to be perfect. Maybe I can just enjoy this.'

For the first time that night, she felt a genuine smile spread across her face, her usual awkwardness giving way to curiosity about the charming, slightly odd guy sitting across from her.

As the conversation began to flow more naturally, Morty grinned and stood up.

"So, how about we officially start this date?" he asked, giving her a playful wink. Reagan, feeling more comfortable now, nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, let's do it," she replied, her nerves settling into curiosity about what Morty had planned.

He gestured for her to follow as they stepped outside. The moment they reached the curb, Reagan's eyes widened in shock. Parked in front of them was a sleek, futuristic Koenigsegg Gemera, its glossy black paint reflecting the city lights. The hypercar looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, and Reagan's jaw practically hit the ground.

"Wait, THIS is your car?" Reagan asked, blinking in disbelief.

Morty chuckled.

"Yeah, I figured I'd bring something fun. Thought it might make a good first impression."

"Good first impression?" Reagan repeated, her mind spinning.

'This car alone is worth millions!' She felt herself slipping back into awkwardness.

"I-I mean, wow, this is… insane! You sure this isn't, like, rented or something?"

Morty shook his head, opening the passenger door for her.

"Nope, all mine. C'mon, hop in."

Still reeling from the surprise, Reagan slid into the plush leather seat, feeling like she had just stepped into a different world. Morty got in on the driver's side and started the engine with a low, powerful rumble. The sound of it sent a small thrill through Reagan's chest.

As they pulled away from the curb, Reagan tried to collect her thoughts.

"So… where are we off to?" she asked, still glancing around the luxurious interior of the car.

Morty smirked, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Oh, you'll see," he said cryptically. Then, he reached over to the dashboard and pressed a button that immediately caught Reagan's attention.

"What's that?" she started to ask, but the moment his finger made contact with the button, the car began to shift.

Panels moved, gears clicked, and the sleek hypercar started to transform. In a matter of seconds, the Gemera wasn't just a car anymore—it was a fully armed space cruiser.

Reagan gasped as the roof retracted, revealing a cockpit-like windshield that stretched out above them, showing the night sky.

"W-what the—how did you—" Reagan stammered, completely floored.

Morty turned to her with a smug grin.

"Well, I didn't want to brag earlier, but I'm kind of a tech genius. Just like you."

Reagan's mind raced, trying to wrap her head around what she was seeing.

'A transforming car that's now a space cruiser? Who is this guy?'

"Wait, are you serious right now?!" she asked, her voice high-pitched with excitement and disbelief.

Morty laughed as the car lifted off the ground, smoothly transitioning into the air.

"Oh yeah, I mean, I wasn't kidding when I said I've had some weird dates. I figured, why not go all out for this one?"

Reagan was speechless. She had been expecting a normal date—awkward, sure, but normal. Instead, she was now sitting in what appeared to be a spaceship, soaring above the city.

"I… I don't know what to say," she muttered, staring out the window as the stars seemed to draw closer.

"You don't have to say anything," Morty said with a wink. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride. This date's only getting started."

As they soared higher above the city, Reagan's heart pounded in her chest. It was exhilarating, but also overwhelming. She glanced nervously out the window, seeing the cars and people below shrink as they flew up into the sky.

"Uh… Morty," she began, biting her lip,

"Doesn't anyone notice a flying car just taking off? I mean, people can see this, right?"

Morty grinned and tapped on another button.

"Nah, don't worry about that. I built this car with a little invention of mine. It's got a built-in neuralyzer—anyone who sees us just gets a nice little memory wipe. They won't even remember this happened."

Reagan's eyes widened.

"Wait, you *made* a neuralyzer? Like, the thing that wipes people's memories?"

Morty nodded casually, like it was no big deal.

"Yup. Pretty useful, huh? It's not exactly hard once you figure out how memory manipulation works."

Reagan stared at him, stunned.

'How does he know about this stuff?' she thought. Working at Cognito Inc., she was well aware of secret technologies and world conspiracies—the shadow governments, the dark overlords, the lizard people—but those were things that only her company was supposed to be dealing with.

The fact that Morty not only knew about them but had his own inventions related to them shook her.

"Wait, how do you know about all this?" Reagan asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You shouldn't… you shouldn't know about neuralyzers or any of this." She narrowed her eyes, her mind racing.

"This stuff is supposed to be top secret. I work at Cognito Inc. We're the ones who hide this stuff from the world."

Morty looked over at her, his expression unfazed.

"Oh, Cognito Inc., huh? Yeah, I know about you guys. Part of that whole shadow conspiracy complex, right? You handle all the stuff the public isn't supposed to know about."

Reagan blinked rapidly.

'He knows about Cognito Inc. too?' Her heart raced.

"How—how do you know all of this?"

Morty shrugged, like it was no big deal.

"I've been around. Seen a lot of different realities, timelines, and universes. This kind of conspiracy stuff is pretty basic across the board. Every version of Earth has some shadow organization pulling the strings behind the scenes. Yours just happens to be Cognito Inc."

Reagan's mouth fell open.

"Wait… you've seen other universes?"

"Yep. I'm a multidimensional traveler," Morty replied nonchalantly.

"This isn't even my original Earth. I've been hopping between realities for a while now. Honestly, your world is pretty tame compared to some of the other ones I've been to."

Reagan sat back in her seat, trying to process everything. She had spent her entire career at Cognito Inc., dealing with top-secret conspiracies and hidden truths, but here was this guy, Morty, casually telling her that he'd been to *other dimensions* where all of this was just normal.

"So… you're telling me that there are other universes where Cognito Inc. or some version of it exists? And you've seen them?"

"Pretty much," Morty said with a grin.

"Your world's version of Cognito is actually one of the better ones. At least you guys aren't trying to actively destroy everything. You're just… keeping it all hidden, right?"

Reagan nodded, still in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's basically it. We hide the conspiracies, cover up the truth, make sure the world doesn't know about all the crazy stuff that's really happening."

Morty chuckled.

"Sounds about right. But I've been around long enough to know that these conspiracies? Most of the time, they're just run by people trying to control things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things."

Reagan shook her head, still trying to wrap her mind around it.

"This is… this is insane. I've spent my entire life uncovering and hiding these truths, and you're sitting here telling me that there's more out there than I ever even imagined."

Morty smirked.

"Yep. Welcome to the multiverse."

Reagan couldn't help but laugh, the absurdity of it all sinking in.

"And I thought my job was complicated. Now I'm on a date with a guy who's been to other dimensions and knows more about the universe than Cognito does."

Morty leaned back, his hands casually on the controls of the cruiser.

"Hey, you've got a pretty cool job, though. Hiding conspiracies? That's not something just anyone can do."

Reagan smiled, finally starting to relax.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," Morty said with a wink, as they sped higher into the stars, leaving the world's secrets far behind them.