006 Three Thousand Gods and the Divine Rebellion

Tian Ling had a smile on her face and gently shook her head when she saw the two men looking worried about her safety.

"I'm fine."

Hong Yun furrowed his brows and circled around the girl several times, making sure that there were no hidden wounds. Zhen Yuanzi grabbed his close friend's arm and rebuked him with his eyes as he lightly nodded apologetically to Tian Ling.

"Are you sure it's nothing? We heard the sound of fighting from the entrance to Western Kunlun District."

Hong Yun suppressed his expression and asked with a serious expression. When Tian Ling nodded again in confirmation, he let out a slight breath. A soft voice muttered, "Good."

Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi looked up at the Western Palace at the same time, causing Tian Ling to slightly raise his eyebrows. Turning his eyes, he saw a flawless beauty emerge from a beautifully carved wooden door, containing the rules and formation of a guard formation with slow, graceful steps. This young woman was incredibly beautiful, at least in terms of beauty she might be inferior to Nu Hua, but she was extremely beautiful, especially in terms of appearance, better than Tian Ling. Only the female immortal's temperament was inferior to that of Tian Ling and Nuwa.

Although no one said this woman's name, Tian Ling knew it instinctively. This woman was probably known as the 'Western Queen', especially when she came out of the door of the Western Queen's Dao Sect with the Taoist child guarding the door, opening the wooden door respectfully.

"That is the Western Queen. She is a female immortal who has been cultivating in Western Kunlun for a long time and has very strong cultivation power. She will soon catch up to me and Hong Yun."

Zhen Yuanzi turned around and addressed the red-robed woman like his friend with an indifferent expression. He clearly wasn't too impressed with this young woman. Hearing Zhen Yuanzi next to him speak, Hong Yun nodded and continued

"In terms of cultivation power, she might not be as good as Hou Tu from the Witch Clan. But she had inherited wealth in her possession. I don't know if that's true, but it must be true because she doesn't seem to have much fear of the other Innate Gods."

"I heard that Fengqi Mountain has innate god brothers with enormous cultivation powers. Especially Fu Xi, that man had come out to the wilderness tens of Yuan Hui before. But I have never met his sister."

Hong Yun sighed softly after finishing speaking. As a good old man, he naturally wanted to make friends with other people. Even though he had met Fu Xi before, that man was often erratic and often disappeared into the clouds, causing the two of them to not be close.

"I can see it..."

Tian Ling said softly. However, who are Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi? No matter how light it was, with the proximity of the three of them as well as the realms of the two gods, it was impossible for Tian Ling's words to escape their ears. Hong Yun opened his eyes slightly. he asked quickly. "Where did you see it?"

The woman was slightly taken aback by the other person's hasty attitude and revealed a soft smile. "Just now, the sound of the battle at the East and West Kunlun Linking Zone was heard. Fu Xi's younger sister was the one who was attacked when he went to see her fellow Taoists.

Zhen Yuanzi grabbed his friend and lightly frowned, "Strange, Fu Xi is the best at Ba Gua. He should have known that his sister would be attacked and should not have stayed away.

Hong Yun, who was excited to see Fu Xi's secret sister, was calmed down by Zhen Yuanzi's moaning. He thought for a bit and found that this was indeed the case. Fu Xi was an innate god with an upper human body and a snake lower body. Even though his appearance was considered to be one of the innate gods close to the demon race, he did not. Who knows what part of the Great God Pan Gu's reincarnation he is? However, Fu Xi's reputation for being an expert in bagua Calculating the secrets of heaven, it was strange to allow his own nameless sister to be attacked

Tian Ling raised her eyebrows with another thoughtful expression. However, she was not close to Fu Xi and had only had a brief conversation with the other party, unable to interpret the other party's thoughts, so she sighed softly and said, "I heard him. Said that little sister never left Fengqi Mountain, maybe he was secretly nearby when little sister was attacked so that she could experience a life that was not as simple as it was at Fengqi Mountain.

Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi locked eyes and nodded. In their minds, it was really as likely as the girl said

At the corner of Tian Ling's eyes, and the feeling of being stared at, she couldn't help but turn her neck to find the source of the feeling. Staring at her was a young man with a snake's underbody. When Tian Ling stared back at him, he smiled and nodded, poking his sister's arm beside him, indicating to the Snake Man that Tian Ling was here as well. Nu Wa turned her eyes back to look at the Heavenly Spirit Girl with a wide smile. The two Fengqi Mountain brothers still couldn't walk up to greet Tian Ling because they were close friends with Fu Xi and Tian Ling himself. know

"There you are, brothers from Fengqi Mountain."

Tian Ling turned towards Hong Yun and tilted his head slightly in that direction. Hong Yun followed the girl's movements and saw the two gods beneath the snakes talking with a Daoist friend from the west. His eyes lit up, but he didn't rush to greet him immediately, instead waiting quietly as the group The gods dispersed and then went to greet them.

The three gods chose to stand and watch the selection of the Daoist children for a bit and then left. Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi had originally traveled throughout the wilderness on pilgrimage, and this was considered a temporary stopover, while Tian Ling's exact purpose was to come and meet the Western Queen to eliminate A strange feeling in her heart, receiving the Hongmeng Heavenly Temple Ruler was a fate she had not calculated.

"Hong Yun and I will continue our journey across the wilderness, what about you? If you don't have any business, would you mind going on a pilgrimage with me?" Zhen Yuanzi turned his head back to the little man while his eyes followed his close male friend who had gone to talk with the brothers from Fengqi Mountain. Quietly

Tian Ling slightly raised his head to look at the brown-robed man with a smile on his face. Even though Zhen Yuanzi was a tight-lipped man and seemed to be indifferent to others, who was not Hong Yun, but actually he was even more refined than Hong Yun. "If you didn't bother me, I would probably be stuck with the two Taoist friends."

"You can just call me Zhen Yuanzi, you don't need a Daoist friend." Zhen Yuanzi nodded and gave the woman a light smile.

"Then call me Tian Ling."

"Okay, Tian Ling…"

"That's right, Zhen Yuanzi."

The two people looked at each other with faint smiles appearing on their faces before turning their gazes to the red-robed person who had walked back with the Fengqi Mountain Brothers.

Hong Yun said. "Look, Zhen Yuanzi, this is fellow Taoist Fu Xi's younger sister!"

"Hello fellow Taoist, I am Nuwa from Mount Fengqi." The beautiful woman said in a soft voice with a alert smile.

"I am Zhen Yuanzi of Wan Shuo Mountain." Zhen Yuanzi gave a slight nod to the young woman and then turned to nod to greet Fu Xi.

Hong Yun leaned closer to Tian Ling and asked in a low voice with curiosity, "What were the two of you talking about just now?"

"I will go on a pilgrimage with you."

"Really good! It would be really boring for me to have friends on a long journey. Staying with Zhen Yuanzi all the time would be really boring."

"What do you mean?"

Zhen Yuanzi flicked his eyes and asked through gritted teeth. Hong Yun smiled brightly and turned around to talk to Fu Xi, who had come to Tian Ling's side since he didn't know when. Hong Yun froze slightly and did not intervene in their conversation.

"You must be careful in the wilderness. There are dangers everywhere."

He said softly, his eyes meeting the girl's. Tian Ling nodded lightly in agreement.

Hong Yun turned to the red-robed woman and spoke in the silence of the heavenly spirits and half-snake gods. "Let's go, fellow Taoist Tianling."


Tian Ling nodded to the red-robed young man and turned to bow lightly to the half-snake god beside him, receiving the same reply.

Four hundred thousand kilometers away, Puzhou Mountain, which was named the ancestor of the world's first mountain, was formed from the backbone of the great god Pangu. A delicate red figure landed slowly on the large stone in the hand of the red-robed woman, the Hongmeng Heavenly Temple Ruler that radiated golden light. A small amount of golden merit slowly fell from the boundless sky, falling onto the girl's body, splitting into three parts. Two parts were given to Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi. while another, larger amount was given to Tian Ling.

"Merit from heaven!"

Hong Yun exclaimed. Zhen Yuanzi looked at the merit in his palm with slight surprise. he said softly

"Originally, Hong Yun and I have traveled hundreds of thousands of years, aside from rescuing large groups of little beasts from destruction. Our other journeys have never received any heavenly merit."

"Probably because of the Heavenly Temple Ruler that allowed me to receive merit from heaven by walking throughout the wilderness."

Tian Ling slowly stepped down from the rock towards the two men.

"It's like that…"

Hong Yun looked at the Heaven and Earth Treasure in the young woman's hand and immediately lost interest. He had no intention of snatching the item from Tian Ling as it was already sealed and something that had already been assigned to the girl. If he snatched it away, besides this treasure having the chance to fly away into chaos, he would also be tainted with karma and have to pay it back to the young woman as well, besides killing Tian Ling. The cause and effect of both of them would then disappear, but as a Heavenly Soul that had escaped destruction since the Chaos Era, was it really that easy to kill Tian Ling? If one had a bit of brain power, one would be able to recognize that this Heaven and Earth Spirit was not an easy person.

Super not worth it

Tian Ling looked beyond Hong Yun's back. The girl's feet fluttered out quickly, flicking the Heavenly Temple Ruler in her hand in a diagonal line, splitting the animal's body into two. Even without activating the power of the treasure in her hand, Hongmeng's Heavenly Temple Ruler was still stained. With enormous amounts of merit and virtue

"There seems to be an especially large number of beasts these days."

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Tian Ling's face and lightly replied to the woman's curiosity, "That's because the negative energy has become stronger these days."

"Getting stronger?"

"Yes, because disaster is coming soon. The negative energy of the three tribes spread throughout the ancient world, and the animals in the wilderness were in trouble. The frustration of animals in our world also radiates a lot of negative energy. These beasts absorbed that power. Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands and millions of unlucky beasts and immortals who have suffered because of the three tribes. Of course, they all become enormous pools of energy when combined in large numbers."

"It is like that. These beasts are very different from the original beasts of the ancient world. What are they made of?"

Tian Ling asked curiously as these beasts were unable to maintain their own form, although some were able to, but they were strange and disgusting, very different from the original beasts of the ancient world.

Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi secretly glanced at each

other slightly and lightly nodded at each other. Hong Yun, the good old man, opened his mouth and said:

"These beasts originate from the Three Thousand Gods and are also the scattered remnants of the Divine Emperor Rebellion…"

"Three thousand gods? What is the Divine Emperor Rebellion?"