007 Pangu Universe

Long before Chaos was born, there was a world called Hongmeng that existed before time and space were named. No one knew what the Hong Meng World looked like and no one had ever felt the Hong Meng World, but no one knew if it really existed or not. Sometimes it exists, sometimes it doesn't exist at all. However, Hong Meng World was destroyed for unknown reasons. At that time, after several hundred thousand Yuan Hui, Chaos had formed and conceived some energy and given birth to the avatar of the fragments of the Three Thousand Paths Great Northern Dao Law after its collapse. of Hong Meng World And the incarnation of the three thousand main road fragments was called the Chaos Demon God. Chaos Demon Gods were born with the ability to control the laws of the great paths in which they transfigured themselves.

And one of them was the Great God Pan Gu, who was born as the embodiment of the Law of Power by possessing the Law of Power. He had realized his dao path ever since he hatched from the Chaos Egg, that is, to destroy Chaos and open up the world, this was the only way he could prove his dao. He also thought Chaos was too boring. Pan Gu separated Yin and Yang in the chaos with the ax in his hand, Yin turned into the world. Yang turned into the sky, however, with this slash of the ax, the Chaos Demon God was aware of Pan Gu's movements. Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods rushed towards Pan Gu to stop him. Chaos was the home of the Chaos Demon Gods. Moreover, it was their path to enlightenment. There was no way that any other Chaos Demon Gods would be willing to watch Pang Gu destroy his future and home.

Pan Gu used one hand to support the sky and one foot to ground the earth, preventing the two things from pulling together and reuniting. Another hand held an ax to defend and attack the Chaos Demon God that was invading. With his incomparable strength, the Chaos Demon God almost completely died in his hand, with only two palms escaping. This was a small number compared to the number of people who had died under his axe. After a long and tiring battle in the chaos that did not count on time, Pan Gu finally exhausted his strength, completely separating Yin and Yang. Pan Gu fell onto the Yin that was transforming into the world and he became everything in the ancient world. Because his original body was a manifestation of the path from the impersonal main road and existed neutrally for everything to be in order. When Pan Gu left, he entered his final and neutral state of being everything. His breath became wind and clouds, his left eye became the sun, his right eye became the moon, his arms and legs became mountains, tendons became roads, muscles became fertile ground, teeth and bones. minerals and gems, sweat became rain and ponds, sound became lightning, hair became forestry plants, hair and beard became stars and the Pangu universe, mites became fish and animals. various

The dirtiest part of his body, like his navel, turned into a dirty blood sea, which contained the dirty blood of Pan Gu and thousands of Chaos Demon Gods. After a long time, the blood sea gave birth to Ming He of the Immortal Blood Sea. And it is said that Mount Puzhou, the first mountain of the ancient world, is the backbone of Pangu. In addition, Pan Gu's blood essence also gave birth to an ancestral witch whose physical strength was unrivaled in the world. But the Chaos Demon Gods, even after their deaths, would still leave trouble in the ancient world that Pan Gu had created. The resentment and dissatisfaction of the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods turned into intelligenceless, trouble-making beasts instinctively wanting to destroy everything in Pan Gu. And the resentment of many great gods gave birth to the 'God Emperor Rebellion'. The Rebel God Emperor was a center of hatred and absorbed a huge amount of negative emotions and became a Golden Immortal from birth, which was far more heaven-defying than Heaven and Earth Spirit Tian Ling. Back in the Opening Era, not long ago, hundreds of thousands of Yuan Hui before the Golden Immortal was born, it was rare and rare to find, the Divine Emperor Rebel was the top strength in that era.

With the strength of the Golden Immortal who transcends the universe Beyond time and space from the truly eternal river of time. Past and present are everywhere. It can be said to be the dark age of life in the ancient world. But in the end, it was suppressed by the Heavenly Great God Haotian who transformed himself specifically to suppress the Emperor God Rebellion.

Hong Yun sighed softly, taking a sip of the elixir in the brown gourd vine after briefly describing the history in one breath.

"The story is like this. I'm a little surprised you didn't get this memory."

Tian Ling revealed a faint smile on his beautiful face. The young woman only replied with a soft word, "That's it. I don't know either…"

Zhen Yuanzi walked in front of the girl as soon as she finished speaking. His sharp eyes stared forward cautiously as Hong Yun had discarded his friendly and outgoing appearance.

"Come into my territory and walk valiantly."

The newcomer said in a calm tone. But what you hear in that tone is conceit. Arrogant and indifferent This voice was indistinguishable from male or female. The presence of the other party made Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi cautious, clearly indicating that it was not a person that Tian Ling could handle and provoke.


Zhen Yuanzi said in a soft whisper, meeting the newcomer's eyes. Because Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were concealing Tian Ling behind the woman, the newcomer's face could not be seen at all.

"Taoist friend Zhen Yuanzi. Fellow Taoist Hong Yun, we haven't seen each other for a long time, who is the person behind you?"

Hong Yun's face was half gloomy, "That's not what you need to know."

Feng Huang let out a moan in his throat. The man's body flashed away in the blink of an eye, which could not be detected by Tian Ling's ability. Zhen Yuanzi narrowed his eyes slightly, his palm slammed in front of Tian Ling, who was blocked by the young man's back.

"Oh, you are the spirit of heaven and earth? Has the foundation collapsed and become this weak? Really ridiculous."

Feng Huang was a handsome young man with extreme charm. He wears orange Taoist robes, his eyes are raised, he is proud and has a cleanliness-loving personality and is extremely narcissistic. He turned back to Zhen Yuanzi again after taking one look at Tian Ling's face and did not turn around to look at him a second time.

"Zhen Yuanzi, just now I thought of it as a greeting and didn't take issue. Be careful wherever you go, this is the territory of the Suzaku Clan."

Red, flame-covered wings appeared on Feng Huang's back. The young man flew into the sky, his orange robes fluttering, and he left in no hurry.

Tian Ling had not spoken since Feng Huang arrived, looking at the two people silently, "Who is that person?"

"Feng Huang, one of the two closest people to Yuan Feng, the world's first Suzaku. He is a narcissist and looks at people with his nostrils. I don't think he came here because he wanted to see you."

"Yes, he just came to make you feel inferior to him. That kind of man is that kind of person." Hong Yun nodded, agreeing with his friend's words.

A soft sigh came from Zhen Yuanzi. The young man raised his head to look at the sky and then looked back into Tian Ling's eyes again seriously, "Your combat experience is too little. A disaster is about to begin. Even we cannot say that we will not be caught in the crossfire. During this pilgrimage, you will have to go out and fight to gain experience in fighting to survive."

"I understand."

Tian Ling nodded in agreement. Here, talking with her current strength, she could be said to not even be as good as a dog. Hong Yun wanted to stop him but kept his mouth shut because the heavenly path was unpredictable. No one knew what Tian Ling would experience in the future. It would be better to have experience. If he was about to take action to save the girl's life.

Hong Yun was such a good old man that the newly born Tian Ling was considered a little child in his eyes.

"Oh, now there's a suitable partner of yours." Zhen Yuanzi raised his head from counting his fingers and smiled softly at Tian Ling. come into his hands

Three figures flashed away from the ancient world and reappeared in the boundless vastness of the universe. Tian Ling blinked his eyes away from the darkness. When he looked again, he found that he was floating in space, blinded. But in the blink of an eye again, his vision returned to normal and breathing was not difficult at all. It's strange that humans should fear what they don't know. And the universe was something that Tian Ling did not know, but the girl did not feel frightened at all. She could feel her heart pumping blood throughout her body. Looking to the right was a vast, boundless world with no real end in sight. Even she herself was considered an insignificant dust in this world, just a small ant among other dead ants, unable to cause water waves.


It's me?

The light brown eyes dimmed, a fierce look and arrogance evident. Tian Ling looked at this vast world indifferently.

She right now doesn't have a voice that can make the whole world accept her. But one day, her voice will cause the whole world to fall beneath her feet!

"Tian Ling, do you see that planet over there? The beast that had devoured so much negative energy that it could enter the Qi Refining Realm was now consuming the negative energy. Leaving it there would be bad."

Zhen Yuanzi's voice pulled Tian Ling out of his strange state. She turned her head and looked in the direction of Zhen Yuanzi's finger, finding that it was a small planet clustered in the vast Pan Gu Universe. Focusing her eyes, she saw that it was a black beast that could not be differentiated as a… What species is preying on little native animals, instilling negative emotions in them and continually consuming them? Compared to other beasts, this one was very intelligent.

"Do you want me to take care of it?"

"You guessed correctly. In addition to practicing your skills, you also received divine merit. The advantages outweighed the disadvantages."

"I will go."

Tian Ling quickly floated towards the planet. In her fast flight, the girl staggered slightly in the air, which was embarrassing, but considering that she had never flown in space, her embarrassment subsided a lot.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled, receiving Heaven's Merit was a good thing for Tian Ling, besides being able to use Heaven's Merit to improve his strength. Heaven's merit also protected her, so that whoever killed her would have their luck reduced. They had to think very carefully if they dealt with the young woman.

"Is it really necessary to do this? You know, this beast should show signs of opening up its intelligence. Its cunning is very different from the honesty of ordinary beasts." Hong Yun looked at the red horn-like figure that was hopping around using the floating meteorite. Surrounding the planet is support for the body.

"It's necessary, because not everyone in the world is honest in battle…"

Zhen Yuanzi didn't seem to care much, but actually in his fingers, an infinite timeline reflected the past. The present and future are at your fingertips. Infinite possibilities existed there, without Tian Ling knowing, her feet sunk into different tracks of

time and space. Hong Yun blinked slightly and shrugged lightly. The good old man in the world smiled helplessly and his c

lose friend could only let it go without the slightest thought of dissuading him.