Chapter 130: Web of Shadows

The rain hammered down on Neon City, each drop a whispered secret on the slick streets. Max Hartwell watched from his office window, the neon lights reflecting off the wet pavement like broken dreams. His mind raced with the new intel they'd extracted from The Architect's safe house. The Architect. The name echoed in his thoughts like a ghost from the past, elusive and deadly.

A soft knock at the door pulled him from his reverie. Violet stepped in, her eyes sharp and calculating, a stark contrast to the softness of her features. She moved with a feline grace, her every step measured, purposeful.

"We need to talk," she said, her voice low and urgent.

Max turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "What is it?"

"We decrypted the files. The Architect's plans are worse than we thought. He's not just after control; he's after complete domination. He's targeting the city's power grid, planning to shut it down and plunge us into chaos."