Chapter 131: Shadows in the Neon Night

The city sprawled below Max Hartwell, a tangled web of lights and shadows. From his vantage point atop the abandoned skyscraper, he watched Neon City pulse with life, oblivious to the undercurrents of chaos brewing beneath its surface. The Architect had gone to ground, but Max knew the battle was far from over. The night was young, and the darkness held many secrets.

The wind howled, carrying with it the scent of rain and decay. Max's thoughts drifted to Violet and Jessica. They were back at the office, poring over the latest intel. The Architect's plan had been thwarted, but his network remained, a hydra with many heads. Max knew their next move had to be calculated, precise. One misstep, and it could all unravel.

His phone buzzed, breaking the silence. He glanced at the screen and saw Violet's name. "What's the news?" he asked, his voice cutting through the wind.